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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

ADMIN: Closing thread : The True Nature of Advaita

To Advaita List

Today I describe myself as a vishistaadvaitist from having a belief that harmonising with Nature as in Brahma-Nature produces the oneness that advaita non-duality considers to be the Ultimate Reality. The manifestation of the Creator within that conception results in Visishtaadvaita as a Vedanta. although there is no clear reason to believe that it involves a Personal God who I believe exists in the human psyche dormant for most part of our lives unless It decides to manifest itself once in a blue moon through interventions.

The Vishistaadvaita that I have studied allows one to reconcile all aspects of the mental struggle to attain oneness with Reality and this is performed nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly with no plans, missions, objectives, aspirations, hopes, anticipations, expectations and desires to the material sphere of existence.

When I first joined Advaita-List back around 2007, my experiences were somewhat immature in that I considered that Oneness could only be attained by direct communication with the Entity that governs the universe. Today I have proof that oneness can be over an extended period of time maintained without referral to any external Entity as it is all within the Self that is more accurately defined as the higher Self or a Consciousness that is subconscious in the actions that one takes freely and in a totally liberated manner such that one has attained liberation.

I would like to join Advaita-List again to discuss these issues and see where my conception of Vishistaadvaita differs from classical Vishistadvaita and Advaita more specifically.

My 2007 ideas were limited to Brahmanism as a way of trying to communicate with God as Brahman and was poured some degree of scorn on by members. I do hope I can convince them that it is all part of the human experience and human experiences should be shared and discussed with updated knowledge, as appropriate and necessary.

Thank you for your kind consideration to let me rejoin Advaita List.

Shantanu Panigrahi

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ADMIN: Closing thread : The True Nature of Advaita

Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water)13 years ago

PermalinkThis is a public note, in my capacity as moderator of this list, to all current participants on "The True Nature of Advaita" - please put an end to this thread immediately. The moderators (Jaldhar Vyas, Ravi Mayavaram and I) will intimate further notifications separately, if necessary.

To Dr. Panigrahi:

Please note that it is not very fruitful to take a highly combative stance with existing members of a mailing list from the day you join it. There is also no need to see a south Indian bias to things here. Just to give one example, Jaldhar Vyas, one of the moderators, who has already taken exception to some of your statements, is not a south Indian. There are many more members of the list, from around the entire world, who are silent, either out of compassion or out of non-interest in this thread and the way it is progressing.

The Advaita-L list is dedicated to discussions of the advaita vedAnta philosophical tradition. Naturally, a highly personalized and non-traditional approach like yours, based on numerology, is not going to be accepted. Please limit your posts to the list to discussions of Advaita philosophy and philosophers. Do remember that it is not necessary to fill everyone's email inbox with details of events in your daily life. We are all, in our own ways, trying to live our lives according to the teachings of our philosophy. If we started writing it all down in emails to this list, the result can only be chaos.

To everyone else: please resist the temptation to respond immediately to new posts in this thread. We can afford to be a little more forgiving of other people's faults, real and perceived.

A little Christmas spirit never hurt anyone (I didn't think I'd ever say this on this list! :-) )

Vidyasankar Sundaresan

Moderator, Advaita-L


[Advaita-l] The True Nature of Advaita

Srikrishna Ghadiyaram srikrishna_ghadiyaram at

Sun Dec 21 19:46:59 CST 2008

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Miles to go before you sleep; miles to go before you sleep.

I thought it was only the last Prophet who conversed with God.



--- On Sun, 12/21/08, Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanu_panigrahi at> wrote:

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanu_panigrahi at>

Subject: [Advaita-l] The True Nature of Advaita

To: advaita-l at

Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 1:19 PM



21 December 2008

Dear Sir

Advaita - the non-dual nature of human existence; the true Nature of Advaita

1. The practice of advaita is a the highest form of worship that was found by Hindus. There are various theories on what it is and to what extent it can be practised without the aid of mechanical tools. Dr Panigrahi searched for Advice and Guidance from God from around year 2000 after studying numerology which led to an agreement with God that 3, 6 and 9 were divine numbers and 2,4 and 8 were evil numbers to be avoided, with the Number 7 being Almighty Divine God Himself.

2. Detailed studies followed for years during which Dr Panigrahi submitted to the will of God by checking his actions on all important incidents by digital clock checking of his actions and thoughts: If he had a question he would take it to one of the digital clocks in the house when he did not know the time and if the clock numbers added up to a 3 (eg 1.11pm), or 6 (eg 3.21 am) or 9 (eg 14.22 hrs) it would mean Positive or do a certain act, and if they added to 1 (1.00 am), 2 (eg 1.10 am) or 4 (eg 18.22 hrs) 5 (eg 2.30 pm) or 8 (eg 3.41pm) it would mean Negative (do not do a particular act). It meant that the mind had been given totally to God to take over the reigns of the body and ensure that by the time he decided to go to a clock with a question God would have acted on him with perfect timing knowing he would be doing this and so ensure that when he reached the clock he would see the correct answer to the question. As he wrote in the 'Allurement of Reality' document available through his website, it was a mind blowing exercise at its peak but he was determined to go through it in a bid to find out the truth about Advaita.

3. Through Advaita clock checking Dr Panigrahi entered into discussions with God on all aspects of life on earth, including on the origin of the universe, global warming, Fusion and Fission Nuclear Energy, religions and on humanity to find out for example who were top historical human beings that had led good lives from His estimation. He had also been prompted into actions, as for example on the lodging of the court case at the Royal Courts of Justice London in Spring of 2007 concerning the Iraq adventure of the UK Government (every part of those document submitted was taken down by him as a dictation from God).

However he was also keen to maintain a distance from God so as to protect His Good Name for he saw that he was dealing with very evil human beings and was using tactics of warfare to clear his path forward. Dr Panigrahi therefore took independent decisions when he needed to search for answers of particular interest, namely on the documents he sent to the Supreme Court of India in New Delhi on a Public Interest Litigation case lodged against the Government of India for refusing to return his Indian citizenship.

4. With God's blessing every step of the way Dr Panigrahi created the Union of Petrol Station Workers which started off as a trades union but blossomed into the UnionofPetrolStationWorkers.Com Foundation for World Development with its


Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane


Near Gillingham

Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1634 379604



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[Advaita-l] The True Nature of Advaita

subramanya.uh subramanya.uh at

Mon Dec 22 00:31:43 CST 2008

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----- Original Message -----

From: "Shantanu Panigrahi" <shantanu_panigrahi at>

To: <advaita-l at>

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:49 AM

Subject: [Advaita-l] The True Nature of Advaita

> To

> Advaita-L


> 21 December 2008



> Dear Sir


> Advaita - the non-dual nature of human existence; the true Nature of

> Advaita


>Dr. shantanu Panigrahi

Dear Panigrahi,

Everything in your mail seems to be out of 'Adhyasa' or 'avidya' or

'ignorance' to me, according to Sri Shankara in 'adhyAsa bhAshya'. It

defies all logic and sensibility. I don't know what others will say on this.

Not in line with Advaita vedanta.

Subrahmanya UH


[Advaita-l] The True Nature of Advaita

Mon Dec 22 03:34:39 CST 2008

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Dear all
1. In view of the skeptical comments I have just received on what I have written I am sending my experiences of the past 12 days that I sent earlier to Mr Jaldhar H Vyas in sections as advised so that these get lodged.
Practice of Advaita between 10 December 2008-12 December 2008
10 December 2008
8.14 No to Is there anything?
Edited the Cultural Heritage Zone webpage set up yesterday on Advaita Ashram. And checked if there should be any alteration to what was now in 9.58 No.. Home Treatment Team came in to supervise the medication for they have changed my medication from Risperidone (anti-psychotic) to Citalopram (an anti-depression drug) and Olanzapine (an anti-psychotic drug) because of the high blood Prolactin levels caused apparently by Risperidone and they thought I was suffering from depression. I cooperated.
10.24 Negative.
12.00/12.18 were positives to registering in Advaita Vedanta website, and sending an email with a hyperlink to culturalheritagezone webpage to Mr Sunderesan.
12.29 Negative.
11 December 2008
1.34 No to agreeing to a meeting with Mike Bradley of General Federation of Trade Unions who has responded without questions but simply asked for dates in January for a meeting to discuss. 1.56 Write back. So wrote back a 4 paragraph email to Mr Mike Bradley. 2.34 Forwarded it to David Taylor to punch in and clear the path for application for I realised that there is an opportunity to achieve something here.
2.55 Send it to TGWU/Unite the Union also.
12 December 2008
9.48: Yes to apply for jobs again. Applied for this morning's Salestarget job drawing attention to the UnionofPetrolStationWorkers.Com Foundation in the Covering Note.
10.24 No to Is there something?
Nothing came back from any of the parties sent emails yesterday. Nothing from UnitetheUnion, TUC, David Taylor at the Certification Office, nor from Mr Mike Bradley of General Federation of Trade Unions. After browsing the net found Deepak Chopra's website and decided I should seek some authority to check my questions on Advaita.10.53: Yes to sending Mr Deepak Chopra an email. So did send it asking for advice on Advaita, and Truth Consciousness referring him to the culturalheritagezone website.
11.20 No to joining the Deepak Chopra Community Forum.
11.50 No to Is there anything, after viewing an interview of Deepak Chopra by Larry King, and then finding an email back from Mr David Taylor which he copied to Mr Bradley.
1.08!? Write back to Mr David Taylor? 1.19 No. 1.21 No to writing to Mr Bradley with could you apply on behalf of the UPSW for certification and listing. 1.27 No to Forward the email from Ms Pereira to the Employment Tribunal asking for what decision has been made? 1.29 Yes to send email to Mr Bradley that I can come up on any day in January for the meeting. Sent.
1.38! Forwarded the email to Bradley to Mr David Taylor with a reply 'Is it appropriate for you to be also in this Meeting?
1.51 No to Is there something, after realising that these emails were necessary if only for self protection after the bashing delivered. Meeting is needed before I do anything further.
2.34: on returning home from a walk, Phone Mike Bradley. Dialled and spoke to a Shaun> Mr Bradley was away at a Tribunal. Left a message.
2.43: Phone David Taylor> Dialled. He too was away. Left a message for him.
2.52: Phone Employment Tribunal: Dialled and asked for result of the Tribunal. The case is still with a part-time Judge Druce.
3.12 Phoned Disability Living Allowance. They said they have received confirmation from the hospital and I should get the money from next week.
3.21. Phoned Bally Pereira . Out of office message.
3.38 Negative. 3.35 No to preparing a Rule Book for the Union of Petrol Station Workers. 
Found a Community Forum Orissa Khatti in the Internet. 5.25 Yes to Register in it. Joined it and posted a reply to an existing Discussion Topic 'n which Profession You are and what do you think you can do for Utkal' drawing attention to the culturalheritagewebsite and its Language page as what I have done for Utkal.
6.46 Negative
7.02 Yes to putting a Link in Advaita Ashram page to the first page of Union of Petrol Station Workers, at the bottom of the page so the main message of the page is not clouded.
7.16 Negative. But then took a message to add a blog on the Blog page of Orissa Khatti. Copied and pasted the Advaita Ashram page on to Blog: 'Advaita - the non dual nature of human existence.
More to follow.
Yours sincerely 
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
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