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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Consultation with Johns Law Partners and Nexa Law ends in disarray

On 25 March 2022's submission to the Queens Bench Judges Listing Office, when nothing came from the Court I replied to John (Solicitor) 'Dear John, I have completed the Pre-Action Protocol on Kent Police'.

John replied: Mr Hodge will speak to you soon if not already

I responded: All right. Hoe he does take my suffering seriously not lackadaisically.

John replied: If any issue call nexa law and ask for Jonathon Hodge.

And Soon afterwards Mobile Phone rang> It was Jonahthon Hodge. He wanted me to give an account what the issue is. I gave precisely what happened from 16 September 2021 invitation to give evidence at the Police Station and that initially I told Kent Police to charge me with any crime and refused to go. Then later I went with my wife as an appropriate adult and in the presence of a Duty Solicitor who advised me I said no comment to all 25 documents under investigation as harassment my me because I had already given my defence document in the form of a Statement. Nothing happened until 24 November 2021 when at my place of work the Police walked into the room and arrested me. I was taken to North Kent Police Station held for 5 hours in detention. I give full answers to all the questions that they posed to me for Stalking this time, and my finger prints and Biometrics were taken. Our desktop computer, my USB Memory Stick had seen seized from our house that morning and my Mobile Phone was also taken away. I was then released without bail and handed a document to that effect. Since then I have repeatedly asked for information because the Police said that the materials taken from us were needed for forensic examination but no information has been provided. I complained to Professional Standards at kent police and the independent office for police concuct but there has been no replies.

Jonathon hodge asked who sent the 27 emails and to whom. Who made the complaint to Kent Police abojt them. I replied that the police said the emails were sent to katrina Sale. I said that a year ago I joined the Conservative Party and she was part of the set-up. My membership was terminated. I sent her a couple of emails then.

Jonathon asked me for my email address and I gave the yahoo one. He said to send him the relevant documents on this matter. I said these are no longer available to me as the Police have the Desk top computer and USB Memory Stick containing them. I can send you the police release document. The call ended.

An email came from him and the following reply I what I sent;

Proposed civil claim against the Police2




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Jonathan Hodge

Fri, 25 Mar at 12:16

Dear Jonathon

We discussed the essential issue relating to Kent Police's violation of my human rights, and I am sending you the two documents that are relevant to the Claim for damages and compensation: NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf and RashmiCorrespondenceComplainttoKentPolice.docx.

Rashmi is my wife.

I would like the Civil litigation at Medway County Court.


Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kindgdom

Tel: 07967789619

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On Friday, 25 March 2022, 12:00:12 GMT, Jonathan Hodge <> wrote:

Dear Shantanu,

Thank you for your time on the telephone earlier. As discussed, I would be grateful if you would send me your documents to this email address. I will then look at those and propose a way forward/estimate costs.

Kind regards,


Jonathan Hodge LL.M.

Solicitor | Commercial Disputes


Office: 020 7504 7071 – Extension 2175

Mobile: 07791 955 977

Fax: 01691 779 307



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NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB:



Date: 24/11/2021

Notification of Release From Police Custody Without Bail

(Released – Under Investigation)

(PACE 1984 & CJ Act 2003 as amended by Police & Crime Act 2017)

Custody Record Number 46XC/4807/21

Custody Station: North Kent

Alleged Offence(s) Other -Not Listed -PNC Recordable – OIC PC 46 15002 Nichols


Name: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Date of Birth: 08/08/1957


Other contact details: Mobile Phone – 07967789619

You remain under police investigation and the caser will be kept under review.

In relation to the offence(s) for which you have been arrested, a review of your case has been conducted and it has been deemed that you shall be released from Police Custody without bail.

When the investigation is complete amd a decision has been reached, you will be contacted by Post to advise you of the outcome and any next steps.

. If the decision is to proceed with a prosecution then you will receive a postal requisition/charge with documentation outlining the offences and details of the Court, and a date that you are required to attend the Court. (An explanation of the ‘Postal Charging’ process is provided at the end of this notice)

. If the decision is made to proceed with a Non-court disposal option, such as a Simple Caution, Conditional Caution, Fixed Penalty Notice or Community Resolution, you will be informed of that decision and the next steps.

. If the decision is that No Further Action (NFA) is taken against you, then you will receive a notice informing you of that decision. (Any biometric material will be deleted or may be subject to an application to the Commi ssioner for the Retention and Use of Biometric Material for extended retention (qualifying offence only) or may be retained indefinitely due to previous conviction history)

. If any new evidence comes to light or an examination or analysis of existing evidence has been made which could not reasonably have been made before your release, you could be rearrested.

. It may also be necessary for you to undergo a further interview. If this is deemed necessary you may be arrested for that purpose or you may be invited to attend a voluntary interview if you agree to that course of action.

. While you remain under investigation, your biometric material (DNA and/or fingerprints) and your custody photograph will be held and searched against the national databases


Fw: Your complaint - Reference: IR/01874/212




Rashmi Panigrahi <>


Thu, 9 Dec at 14:35


----- Forwarded message -----

From: PSD Complaints Kent <>

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 14:47:50 GMT

Subject: Your complaint - Reference: IR/01874/21

Good Afternoon,

Please see the attached letter in relation to your complaint correspondence.

Kind regards,

Complaints Team

Professional Standards Department

* 16 Edinburgh Square, Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BZ

Kent Police two line colour

Working to keep Kent safe

This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to or Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to or

Panigrahi - Consent letter.pdf 488.7kB


Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Cc: Panigrahi Rashmi

Thu, 9 Dec at 14:45


Professional Standards Complaints

Kent Police

Dear Sir

I agree that my wife, Rashmi Panigrahi, has made a legitimate complaint against Kent Police and has the full authority to correspond with Kent Police and the Independent Office for Police Conduct on my behalf to progress matters forwards.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel 07967789619

Hide original message

----- Forwarded message -----

From: Rashmi Panigrahi <>

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, 9 December 2021, 14:35:09 GMT

Subject: Fw: Your complaint - Reference: IR/01874/21


----- Forwarded message -----

From: PSD Complaints Kent <>

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, 8 December 2021, 14:47:50 GMT

Subject: Your complaint - Reference: IR/01874/21

Good Afternoon,

Please see the attached letter in relation to your complaint correspondence.

Kind regards,

Complaints Team

Professional Standards Department

* 16 Edinburgh Square, Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BZ

Kent Police two line colour

Panigrahi - Consent letter.pdf 488.7kB:

Working to keep Kent safe

For the attention of the addressee only

Rashmi Panigrahi

Letter sent to:

Date: 08 December 2021

Ref: IR/01874/21

Dear Rashmi Panigrahi,

We are writing to you in respect of your correspondence with this department, the details of which have been recorded under the above reference number.

We would like to draw your attention to the following guidance from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in relation to who can complain:

“A person can be considered as having been authorised to act on behalf of another for the purposes of making a complaint if he or she has, and is able to produce, written consent from that other person”.

This means that, at present, we are unable to assess the complaint and make a decision as to whether it is a recordable complaint under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

Please provide written consent from Dr Shantanu Panigrahi for us to progress this matter. This consent cannot be typed, and will only be accepted via email if a scanned (or photographed) copy of the consent is included in the message.

Once this information has been received, your complaint will be assessed, and you will be sent a letter informing you how your complaint will be dealt with.

If you do not contact me within the next 28 days, starting the day after this letter is dated, we will assume that you do not wish to make a complaint. In that case it will be our intention to close the file and take no further action.

Yours sincerely,

Complaints Administration Team

Professional Standards Department

This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to or Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to or

Panigrahi - Consent letter



Fw: Complaint




Rashmi Panigrahi <>


Thu, 9 Dec at 14:34


----- Forwarded message -----

From: Rashmi Panigrahi <>

To: Enquiries Kent <>

Sent: Friday, 26 November 2021, 15:58:37 GMT

Subject: Complaint

Good afternoon,

I write this to make a formal complaint about the way my husband, Dr Shantanu Panigrahi, was treated by three PCs on Wednesday, 24th November. PC Nicholls was heading the team.

He was arrested by the team from Tesco Warehouse, Snodland, on day one of his Induction in his new job. He was held in custody for 5 hours and interviewed over two email that were sent from his account to someone named Ms Sale. He came home distressed, stripped of his dignity and me and my daughter had a day of hell. I came out of a running bath to open the door at 8.30am and spent 30 mins with the team, answering their queries. I was in my dressing gown and did not have a chance to dress as they knocked on my door with force. Email from trolls, sent from Shantanu's email address to random people to get him into trouble, email of distressing nature to us from the the trolls to intimidate and harass us, has been reported by us for years and years but no action has been taken but email from Ms Sale from the same trolls in his name has made you arrest him.

It should be noted that my husband is mentally ill and holding someone with paranoia and psychosis in a cell for 5 hours is extremely careless and may lead to him taking his own life when released.

You will hear from his GP soon but please refrain from visiting our house in the meantime. Please allow us to live. I will write again soon when our desktop which has been seized by you is returned.

This matter is serious and I am extremely furious that despite explaining about his mental health condition, his new job which could have been therapeutic, details about the activities by trolls, he was treated in such a degrading way and was humiliated in his workplace on the first day of his new job.

Frequent visits to our house by Kent Police has to stop. Please find the trolls, punish them and please leave my innocent husband and me alone. I used to see the Police as protectors but my views have changed.


Rashmi Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane


M: 07854984538

L: 01634 379604se


All afternoon nothing came from anywhere. At 17.04 I texted John (Solicitor) ;He is very lacksadaisical. I give up pursuing Kent Police.

There was no immediate reply nor a call or an email from anywhere.


A reply came from John (He is not really a Solicitor but a Manager/Organiser of unknown Surname and unknown address and unknown email address that he does not divulge): ‘Yes that is the typical style of English solicitors do not think they are overly enthusiastic as Indian solicitors’.


18.42 pm (UK-Time) 25 March 2022

Me to John: John are you the owner of your Firm of Lawyers? Can you find another Solicitor if you are the owner?

John to Me: Yes I am the sole director but we have several shareholders

Me to John: What is the name of your Firm?

John to Me: Johns law partners But we work with nexa and setfords consultants too.

Me: to John: When can I expect a client care letter?

John to Me: Hodge has previous experience in defending wrongful arrest and detention. If I do refer I need to ensure the solicitor have experience in the line.

Me to John: My need is not just wrongful arrest detention it is also religious persecution through hate crome of protecting criminals.

John to Me: Human rights??

Me to John: Obstruction of justice.

John to Me: Let me think. By the way why you are s0 much worried about the investigation as usually it may take sometime and any interview will be under the presence of duty solicitor

Me to John: I am not worried in the least now because I want my day in court as soon as possible. They have not got a leg to stand on after the manner in which they framed allegation of me harassing Katrina Sale and then later stalking. It was a trumped up allegation to give me some kind of prison sentence by linking up with Judges or Magistrates. The State wanted to defame me.


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