Information Received - Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22
from: OTP InformationDesk <>
to: "" <>
date: 12 May 2022, 15:25
subject: Information Received - Review Letter - OTP-CR-76/22
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Madame, Monsieur,
Veuillez trouver en pièce jointe une communication du bureau du procureur de la cour pénale internationale.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached a communication from the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
Office of the Prosecutor - International Criminal Court
Bureau du Procureur - Cour pénale internationale
This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is the property of the International Criminal Court. It is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized by the owner of the information to read, print, retain copy, disseminate, distribute, or use this message or any part hereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies hereof.
Les informations contenues dans ce message peuvent être confidentielles ou soumises au secret professionnel et elles sont la propriété de la Cour pénale internationale. Ce message n’est destiné qu’à la personne à laquelle il est adressé. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire voulu, le propriétaire des informations ne vous autorise pas à lire, imprimer, copier, diffuser, distribuer ou utiliser ce message, pas même en partie. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez prévenir l’expéditeur immédiatement et effacer ce message et toutes les copies qui en auraient été faites.
Attachments area:
Cour Penale Internationale
International Criminal Court
La Bureau du Proceruer
The Onffice of the Prosecutor
Our Reference: OTP-CR-76/22
The Hague, Thursday, 12 May 2022
Dear Sir, Madam
On behalf of the Prosecutor, I thank you for your communication received on 13/01/2022, as well as any subsequent related information.
As you may know, the International Criminal Court (“the ICC” or “the Court”) is governed by the Rome Statute, which entrusts the Court with a very specific and carefully defined jurisdiction and mandate. A fundamental feature of the Rome Statute is that the Court may only exercise jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. These crimes are carefully defined in the Rome Statute (Articles 6 to 8) and further elaborated in the Elements of Crimes, adopted by the assembly of States Parties.
Based on the information currently available, the conduct described in your communication does not appear to fall within these stringent definitions. Accordingly, as the allegations appear to fall outside the jurisdiction of the Court, the Prosecutor has confirmed that there is not a basis at this time to proceed with further analysis. The information you have submitted will be maintained in our archives, and the decision not to proceed may be reconsidered if new facts or evidence provide a reasonable basis to believe that a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court has been committed.
I hope you will appreciate that with the defined jurisdiction of the Court, many serious allegations will be beyond the reach of this institution to address. I note in this regard that the ICC is designed to complement,
not replace national jurisdictions. Thus, if you wish to pursue this matter further, you may consider raising it with appropriate national or international authorities.
I am grateful for your interest in the ICC. If you would like to learn more about the work of the ICC, I
invite you to visit our website at
Yours sincerely,
Shantanu Panigrahi
Mark P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 •
Notre référence: OTP-CR-76/22
La Haye, jeudi 12 mai
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 •
Cour Penale Internationale
International Criminal Court
La Bureau du Proceruer
The Onffice of the Prosecutor
Notre référence: OTP-CR-76/22
La Haye, jeudi 12 mai 2022
Madame, Monsieur,
Au nom du Procureur, je vous remercie de votre communication, reçue le 13/01/2022, ainsi que de tout autre renseignement connexe envoyé subséquemment.
Comme vous le savez peut-être, la Cour pénale internationale (ci-après nommée la ”CPI” ou la ”Cour”) est régie par le Statut de Rome, lequel confère à la Cour une compétence et un mandat particuliers et bien définis. L’un des aspects fondamentaux du Statut de Rome est la stipulation que la Cour peut seulement avoir compétence sur les personnes accusées des crimes les plus graves qui touchent l’ensemble de la communauté internationale, notamment le génocide, les crimes contre l’humanité et les crimes de guerre. Ces crimes sont bien définis dans le Statut de Rome (articles 6 à 8) et sont expliqués en profondeur dans le document Éléments des crimes, lequel a été adopté par l’Assemblée des États Parties.
Selon les renseignements dont nous disposons actuellement, le comportement décrit dans votre
communication ne semble pas correspondre aux définitions strictes prévues. Par conséquent, comme les allégations ne semblent pas relever de la compétence de la Cour, le Procureur a confirmé qu’il n’existe actuellement aucune base justifiant une analyse plus poussée. Les renseignements que vous avez soumis seront versés dans nos archives, et la décision de ne pas poursuivre l’analyse pourra être revue si de nouveaux faits ou éléments de preuve fournissent une base raisonnable de croire que les allégations relèvent de la compétence de la Cour.
J’espère que vous comprenez que compte tenu de sa compétence, telle qu’elle est définie, la Cour ne pourra instruire bon nombre d’allégations graves. À ce sujet, je vous fais remarquer que la CPI a été conçue pour être le complément des juridictions nationales, et non pour les remplacer. Ainsi, si vous souhaitez poursuivre cette affaire, vous pourrez peut-être songer à la soumettre aux autorités nationales ou internationales compétentes.
Si vous désirez en apprendre davantage sur le travail de la CPI, vous pouvez consulter notre site Web, au Je vous remercie de l’intérêt porté à la CPI et vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, de recevoir mes salutations cordiales.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Mark P. Dillon
Chef de l’unité des informations et
des éléments de preuve
Bureau du Procureur
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 •
Comment: The 13/01/2022 email that is this email is referring to is the following one s:
Verify your contact information for
10:10 (5 hours ago)
Hello, ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet, requires that each domain name registrant be given the opportunity to correct any
OTP InformationDesk
Attachments14:27 (56 minutes ago)
Dear Madam / Sir, Thank you for your message. Please note that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has a very limited jurisdiction. The Court may only addres
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: OTP InformationDesk <>,
date: 13 Jan 2022, 15:14
subject: Re: Verify your contact information for
Dear Sir/Madam
I am living freely in the United Kingdom right now. I am working at the moment as a labourer in the Petrol Station, this with a PhD in Agricultural Development and Environmental Sciences and 35 scientific papers in international journals. That should tell you what I have been subjected to over the past 24 years of residence int he United Kingdom as a Crime against Humanity. Full details of my torture are narrated in my websites as given in the attached: SHANTANU PANIGRAHI CURRENT WEBSITES, which should be read with the attached update: To38Degrees(BYOBRoyalPrerogative_PresidnentJohnson13Jan2022.docx.
Accordingly, please let me know if the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction to consider this crime against humanity and act of aggression that incarcerated me in mental hospitals in 2004 and again in 2008 as well as taking me from my place of work to the Police Station cell on 24 November 2021 and confiscating our computer and Phone devices without Charge or arrest of search warrants -see NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf.
I am a layman and nearly 55:Law Firms that I approached to represent me to the Courts and other legal institutions were manipulated by the State not to cooperate with me.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 at 14:27, OTP InformationDesk <> wrote:
Dear Madam / Sir,
Thank you for your message. Please note that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has a very limited jurisdiction. The Court may only address the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression, as defined by Articles 6 to 8 bis of the Rome Statute that have occurred after 2002, and can only exercise jurisdiction in the countries that have ratified it.
For more information on the Court’s jurisdiction and the full text of the Rome Statute, please refer to page 2 of the attached document and our website as well as our address, We encourage you to carefully review this information.
If, after your careful review, you still believe the ICC is the correct place for your case and would like to submit a claim to the Court, then please follow the directions for how to do so on page 1 of the attached document. If you decide to submit information, kindly use only this email address:
Kind regards,
OTP Information Desk
International Criminal Court
Chère Madame / Cher Monsieur,
Merci pour votre message. Veuillez noter que la compétence de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) est très limitée. En effet, elle ne peut connaître que du crime de génocide, des crimes contre l'humanité, des crimes de guerre et le crime d’agression, ainsi que définis aux articles 6 à 8 bis du Statut de Rome, qui ont été commis après 2002. En outre, la Cour ne peut exercer sa compétence que pour les Etats qui ont ratifié le Statut de Rome.
Pour de plus amples informations au sujet de la compétence de la Cour et pour consulter le texte intégral du Statut de Rome, veuillez-vous référer à la page 2 du document ci-joint et au site internet de la Cour, Nous vous encourageons à lire attentivement ces informations.
Si, après un examen minutieux, vous pensez toujours que la CPI est l'endroit approprié pour votre affaire et que vous souhaitez soumettre une demande à la Cour, veuillez suivre les instructions à la page 1 du document ci-joint pour savoir comment le faire. Si vous décidez de soumettre des informations, veuillez utiliser uniquement cette adresse e-mail :
Bien cordialement,
Bureau des informations
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 13 January 2022 11:46
To: ICANN Contractual Compliance <>; OTP InformationDesk <>;
Subject: Fwd: Verify your contact information for
Dear Sirs
I paid all the Court Fees that I was required to in this matter, yet there is no Judicial decision.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 at 10:23
Subject: Re: Verify your contact information for
To: <>
As you are well aware from the email I sent you earlier this morning and which you are responding to deceitfully now following 8 months of investigation by ICANN, I will never log into the Wordpress site again for WordPress Chief Executive in the USA is the subject of an Extradition Warrant that I applied to the Police in the Une pited Kingdom for on the allegation of a conspiracy of racial discrimination and harassment on me perpetrated by concerted criminal behaviour.
It is for ICANN to investigate this matter unless as seems likely from your deceitful email here you are part of the conspiracy along with the International Criminal Court.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Tel 07967789619
On Thu, 13 Jan 2022, 10:10, <> wrote:
Image removed by sender.
ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet, requires that each domain name registrant be given the opportunity to correct any inaccurate contact data (WHOIS data) associated with a domain name registration. Our records for your domain are as follows:
Domain Name:
Registrant/Administrative/Technical Contact
Name: Shantanu Panigrahi
Organization: None
Address: 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore,
City: Kent
Postal Code: ME8 0SL
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: +44.7967789619
Registration Date: 2021-03-14 10:09:49
Expiration Date: 2022-03-14 10:09:49
To ensure that your actual contact information is correct, please log into your account and visit the Domain Management page. These instructions will provide you with further details on how to view your information and edit it if necessary.
If everything is correct, no further action is required on your part.
Please remember that under the terms of your registration agreement, the provision of false WHOIS information can be grounds for cancellation of your domain name registration.
If you have any questions or comments regarding ICANN's policy, please visit this link.
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This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is the property of the International Criminal Court. It is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized by the owner of the information to read, print, retain copy, disseminate, distribute, or use this message or any part hereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies hereof.
Les informations contenues dans ce message peuvent être confidentielles ou soumises au secret professionnel et elles sont la propriété de la Cour pénale internationale. Ce message n’est destiné qu’à la personne à laquelle il est adressé. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire voulu, le propriétaire des informations ne vous autorise pas à lire, imprimer, copier, diffuser, distribuer ou utiliser ce message, pas même en partie. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez prévenir l’expéditeur immédiatement et effacer ce message et toutes les copies qui en auraient été faites.
3 Attachments