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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Monnica Tahir and associated Harassment

Monnica Tahir and associated Harassment




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Mon, 4 Apr at 09:14

Dear Sir

I have been investigating the attached communication from West Yorkshire Police: WestYorkshitePoliceFinalisationletter.pdf in relation to the dubious proceedings started by the CCMCC: Dr S PanigrahiCourtOrderCCMCC.pdf on which the attached Court Orders were also issued: CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21June 2021 (District Judge Lightman).pd in relation to Central LondonCountyCourtOrderonE35YM660dated19January2021_receivedbyClaimantat9.27am22March2021.pdf.

The related N1 Claim Forms are also attached:

n1-engClaimFormKentPolice.pdf; n1-ClaimFormTheresaMay(PM)c.pdf; n1-engClaimWigmoreMedicalCentre(b).pdf.

I have now been issued with a Notice from Kent Police following interrogation on 15/16 September 2021 at the Police Station and following my arrest on 24 November 2021: NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutbail that is totally out of order and designed to obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice by Kent Police since 6 months has passed by and no further action has been taken on me as far as any offences are concerned by the Chief Constable of Kent Police'

Since a Police Force cannot investigate itself and West Yorkshire Police has the full background on the matter, I would suggest to you that the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police should provide me with an update on whether Kent Police has committed a chargeable crime of harassment as a Hate Crime for my religious beliefs and practices.

If this matter is not within the jurisdiction of West Yorkshire Police kindly forward it to the responsible authorities copied to me.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file

WestYorkshirePoliceFinalisation letter.pdf 172.3kB

Dr S PanigrahiCourtOrderCCMCC.pdf 139.7kB

CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21 June 2021 (District Judge Lightman).pdf 783.5kB

CentralLondonCountyCourtOrderonE35YM660dated19January2021_receivedbyClaimantfirstat9.27amon22March2021-1.pdf 54.7kB

n1-engClaimFormKentPolice.pdf 94.1kB

n1-engClaimFormTheresaMay(PM)c.pdf 98.4kB

n1-engClaimFormWigmoreMedicalCentre(b).pdf 95.3kB

NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB:

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