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My Response to the Court on Summons issued on me by Kent Police to hear its Notice of Intended Prose

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

The following correspondence took place today after two months of correspondence with Kent Police and the Medway Magistrates Court:

Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence (3) Shan Panigrahi To nckentmc CC CPU Driver Diversion Camera Prosecutions Kent 21 Feb 2017 at 16:10

To Sonia Farrow Team Leader North Kent Magistrates Court Internal Tel: 81491235 External Tel: 01634 830232 Goldfax: 0870 324 0037

Dear Ms Farrow

Thank you for your email in which you state the Court’s view that the MG4E Postal Requisition sent to me by Kent Police is a bit misleading in quoting how to apply to the court for a representation order so that I can have a solicitor at the hearing. On this ruling from the Court, the Case cannot proceed until fresh Postal Requisition documents are sent to me with the corrections and amendments as required by law.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 14:49, nckentmc wrote:

Dear Dr. Panigrahi

Further to my colleague’s reply and to your email below, I am writing to confirm that the court does not appoint solicitors. The wording on the MG4E Postal Requisition is a bit misleading on quoting how to apply to the court for a representation order so that you can have a solicitor at the hearing, as the court does not process the Legal Aid applications.

I can only offer the same advise which Sarah has already given you – which is to obtain Legal Representation yourself, by contacting a local Solicitor of your choice, who will take you through the correct process.

Hopefully this assists you.


Sonia Farrow Team Leader North Kent Magistrates Court Internal Tel: 81491235 External Tel: 01634 830232 Goldfax: 0870 324 0037

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________________________________________ From: nckentmc Sent: 21 February 2017 14:14 To: nckentmc Subject: FW: CPO Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence – CPO

________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 21 February 2017 10:26 To: nckentmc Subject: Re: CPO Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence Dear Ms Mason

The Postal Requisition documents that I received from Kent Police clearly states that it is for Medway Magistrates Court to make the Representation Order that I have applied for this morning so that I can have a solicitor at this hearing. Please attend to this requirement immediately.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 9:13, nckentmc wrote:

Good morning

The court wouldn’t appoint a solicitor for you. You will need to obtain legal representation yourself. If you contact a solicitor of your choice they will take you through the process.


Sarah Mason North & Central Kent Magistrates Court Team Leader Telephone: 01634 830232 – Internal 8149 1231 Fax: 0870 3240037


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________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 21 February 2017 08:46 To: Mason, Sarah Subject: Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence To Sarah Mason North & Central Kent Magistrates Court Team Leader Telephone: 01634 830232 – Internal 8149 1231 Fax: 0870 3240037

Dear Ms Mason

1. I need the Medway Magistrates Court to appoint a State barrister to represent my interests to the Magistrates at the Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours at Medway Magistrates Court, and all subsequent Hearings concerning this matter.

2. Please let me know the procedure for this legal representation.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL Tel: 01634 379604 Mobile: 07967789619

22 February 2017 Update:

The following correspondence took place since:

Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence (8)



22 Feb 2017 at 18:01

Dear Ms Farrow

1. I would draw your attention to my email of 10.56 am sent for the attention of Ms Mcneil of Medway Magistrates Court, in which I have sought the permission of the Medway Magistrates Court to appeal its decision to proceed with the Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours at the Court of Appeal which acknowledged receipt of my email.

2. Please provide me with your reasons not to give this permission to appeal in order that my Appeal papers can be appropriately drafted.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 22 February 2017, 17:37, “Farrow, Sonia” <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Further to your email below – I’ve been advised by my Legal Team that you can ask the court tomorrow for an adjournment for Legal Advise and the Bench (Magistrates) will consider if it merits this.

The Legal Adviser dealing with this tomorrow can explain this to you.


Sonia Farrow Team Leader North Kent Magistrates Court Internal Tel: 81491235 External Tel: 01634 830232 Goldfax: 0870 324 0037


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From: Fothergill, Catherine On Behalf Of nckentmc Sent: 22 February 2017 09:33 To: Farrow, Sonia Subject: FW: Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence


Catherine General Office/Legal Aid North Kent and Central Kent Magistrates Court 01634 830232 Ext no 81491224


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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 21 February 2017 19:44 To: CPU Driver Diversion Camera Prosecutions Kent Cc: nckentmc Subject: Re: Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence

Dear Madam

The correction that I demand to the Postal Requisition contents is that you incorporate my 15 January 2017 emailed document that I brought to your attention this morning and then reissue the Postal Requisition, or else the Hearing of 23 February 2017 14.00 hours would become prejudiced against my interests. Your lack of appreciation of the law in this regard should be noted by the Magistrates for the counter prosecution that I have applied for to the Court.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 16:49, CPU Driver Diversion Camera Prosecutions Kent <> wrote:

Dear Mr Panigrahi

I would advise that the MG4E Postal Requisition is a national document issued to lay out the charge made against an individual. It can be issued for a wide range of offences including the most serious.

The court should have advised you that representation orders are not always applicable. As your case relates to a minor traffic offence, you do not qualify for free representation.

As advised you should seek advice from a solicitor.

Yours sincerely

Janet Chipperfield

Prosecution Officer

Driver Diversion Team

Central Process Unit

Strategic Criminal Justice Department

Central Investigation Command

Kent Police

The Appeal Application email to the Court of Appeal was as follows:

Auto Reply (6)


22 Feb 2017 at 11:18

Please provide the Court of Appeal reference number or send your email onto the correct court

Miss A Billinge

Listing Office Staff Manager

Room E306

Civil Appeals Office

Royal Courts of Justice


London WC2A 2LL

Tel: 0207 947 7288

Fax: 0207 947 6621

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 22 February 2017 10:57 To: nckentmc Cc: Civil Appeals – Listing Subject: Re: Auto Reply

Dear Ms Mcneil

1. I have given my reasons to the Court and to the Prosecutor as to why the Case brought against me by Kent Police cannot proceed to a Hearing on the 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours, namely that the Postal Requisition contained misleading comments concerning a Representation Order (by the Courts own ruling) and a deliberate major omission (my 15 January 2017-dated email to Kent Police) that together go to severely prejudice the Hearing of the Summons against me, so that the Postal Requisition must be reissued by Kent Police before it can be considered by the Court.

2. I will not be attending the Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours on these grounds and nor will I be represented in Court.

3. The Magistrates therefore need to consider this submission immediately. Any decision of the Court to adjourn the Hearing to a new trial date will be appealed by me at the Court of Appeal on the technicality that the Summons papers were served on me unlawfully by Kent Police as described in paragraph 1. I am copying this email to the Court of Appeal so that it can advise me if this matter is within the remit of the Court to consider.

4. As regards to my private prosecution of Kent Police and associated legal institutions I am content to wait for the decision of the Independent Police Complaints Commission according to whom it could take up to 10 weeks for the Appeal to be allocated to an official for analysis. I will contact the Court again concerning if my complaint against Kent Police is upheld by the IPCC.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 22 February 2017, 9:50, nckentmc <> wrote:

Good Morning,

Having sought advise from our Legal Team.

Please be advised that if you require an adjournment of the case before this court pending the outcome of your complaint / appeal to the IPCC, you may apply to the court on the 23rd February 2017 to do so. Futhermore, the information you have provided to date is insufficient to commence a private prosecution and therefore it cannot be issued or considered in time for the hearing on the 23rd February. Again, you may wish to apply for an adjournment of the case on that date, if you wish to pursue your own prosecution.

Finally, please advised that a copy of this email will nevertheless be placed on file for the court’s information on the 23rd February.


Jane Mcneil

Ext 81491229

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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 17 February 2017 11:27 To: nckentmc Subject: Re: Auto Reply


Medway Magistrates

Dear Sir

1. Please find attached the details of my counter prosecution of Kent Police and associated legal institutions for the Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours which I will attend to execute the prosecution in light of the fact that there has been no analytical reply from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (just an acknowledgement of receipt of the Appeal) nor an appeal review from the Professional Standards Department of Kent Police who have failed to acknowledge the communication sent. I wish to repeat that my counter prosecution has a compensation Claim value of £5 million to be secured from the perpetrators of this criminal harassment.

2. Please acknowledge that this counter prosecution will be enabled by the Magistrates, and let me know if any witnesses will be called on my behalf if required on the basis of my previous communications with Kent Police.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Thursday, 16 February 2017, 10:26, nckentmc <> wrote:

Please accept this as acknowledgement of your contact. This email is monitored daily, please allow 10 working days before further contact. Please do not send duplicate emails or letters.

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The email to the Independent Police Complaints Commission copied to Professional Standards Department of Kent Police referred to the court for counter prosecution was as follows:

IPCC Reference: 2017/078871



16 Feb 2017 at 16:09


The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)

16 February 2017

IPCC Reference: 2017/078871

PSD Kent Police Reference: IX/00040/17

Dear Sir

1. Please refer to the 19 January 2017 dated letter from Professional Standards Department (PSD) of Kent Police concerning the matter of the processing of the Notice of Intended Prosecution for a driving incident by Kent Police that I complained about to you. The decision of PSD Kent Police is that this is a misuse of the complaints system and should not have been made. I wish to challenge this assertion. This letter from PSD Kent Police allows me 28 days starting the date after the letter is dated in which to make my Appeal to you. I am therefore writing to you to appeal today.

2. The grounds on which this Appeal is made by me is that the letter from PSD Kent Police does not record the complaint because it is covering up the issue of the complaint, namely the manner in which the Notice of Intended Prosecution was processed by Kent Police. It is disputed by me that the matter should have proceeded through the Magistrates Court but once that decision was taken by Kent Police the correct procedures should have been followed taking into account the defendants evidence.

3. Specifically, my allegation is that my evidence was not brought to the attention of the Magistrates in a timely manner in order to force a Hearing that is totally unnecessary. This is to say that Kent Police obtained the listing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours at Medway Magistrates Court under false pretences and it would never have been granted by the Court had all my evidence been submitted to the Court. Even after pointing this out to Kent Police no steps have been taken to withdraw the Court proceedings. This is because Kent Police’s sole intention has been to criminally harass me through the entirety of this Notice of Intended Prosecution proceedings.

4. As such, my complaint is not an abuse of the procedures for dealing with complaints.

5. I should be grateful if you would provide me with your assessment of this complaint under Appeal before 23 February 2017 in order that I may bring it to the attention of the Magistrates.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

My 15 January 2017 emailed document sent to Kent Police that is the bone of contention in this Case is as follows:

Notice of Intended Prosecution No: 49350897


15 Jan 2017 at 7:41


Kent Police

Driver Diversion Team

By email: Driver Diversion External Use Only Kent <

15 January 2017 Dear Sir

Notice of Intended Prosecution No: 49350897

1. I have not received any further information from you since I informed you on 12 January 2017, 15.33 hours by email in response to your email of 12 January 2017, 14:59 hours that I will pay for my Speed Awareness Course, or pay the penalty fine for speeding with the acceptance of the licence endorsement for penalty points if this option was no longer available), in August 2017 when I start receiving my Teacher’s pension. Was this not acceptable to Kent Police? Do you expect me to take out a loan from my wife or the Bank in order to pay you for the speeding offence that needs to be discharged in a civil way and not by way of a Magistrate because I admitted liability and it is my poverty situation that is the only matter under consideration?

2. In your email of 12 January 2017 you mentioned my mitigating circumstances that I have brought to your attention. I wish to clarify how this is related to the discharging of the speeding offence: I have provided evidence in my Blog ( of systematic conspiracy among legal participants to deny me access to justice that has rendered me to the state of poverty where I cannot even pay my financial dues. Kent Police has refused to do anything about this alleged conspiracy. In this regard, you should be aware that I still consider that the University of Greenwich owes me around £60,000 in employment redundancy pay from 1998 that the tribunal and courts have unjustly ignored which must be taken into account in the further processing of this matter.

3. As I have made you aware, I shall be overseas in India from 18 January 2017 to 12 February 2017 and it is therefore unfortunate that you were unable to resolve this matter before my departure. This is the reason that I am writing to you again today.

4. I would be grateful for a reply by email before I leave for India.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

26 February 2017 Update:

The following correspondence took place with the Court official concerned.

Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence (14)


25 Feb 2017 at 7:39

Dear Ms Farrow

1. Thank you for your email.

2. I do not wish to appeal to take this matter to the Crown Court on Appeal because that will waste even more of everyone’s time and resources.

3. Before sentence is passed however, I would like the court to take into account the following mitigating factors:

(a) I never applied for an adjournment of this Case as stated by the Legal Advisor; this judgement is therefore legally flawed.

(b) my application to the court for a counter prosecution of Kent Police on this matter still stands in view of the lack of reply from the Prosecutor to the following email that I sent her:


23 Feb at 5:42 PM

Dear Ms Chipperfield

The prosecution in effect alleges that I did not take the correct steps to discharge the speeding that occurred, since the speeding was a fact that has never been disputed by me. The only question arising was when I should make the payment for the speed awareness course or the penalty fine. This was clearly spelt out in my 15 January 2017 email where I made a proposal. Kent Police to pay up but you did not reply to this email until 19 January 2017 and took no account of the contents. Further the delay in your response was in full knowledge that that I would be out of the country by then and so would not be able to respond to any Postal Requisition documents that I received while I was away in India. As such this document is material evidence that should have been included in the Postal Requisition. The reason Kent Police did not included it is because its sole intention was to terrorise me with this pointless prosecution.

I would therefore urge you to apologise or reissue the Postal Requisition with the amendment that I require.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

4. Please let me know therefore if the counter prosecution will proceed at Medway Magistrates Court or not, so that I can bring this matter to a final closure.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Friday, 24 February 2017, 15:46, “Farrow, Sonia” <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Further to your emails below, I am writing to confirm that I have spoken to the Legal Adviser who dealt with your case yesterday and I’ve been advised to inform you of the following information.

The court considered your application to adjourn the hearing but took the view that there had been sufficient time to obtain legal representation and it is not the Courts role to instruct any legal representation on your behalf. The points made in your other emails were not relevant to this case and the Court disregarded these points. The Court was not provided with any other reasons as to why you were not attending Court yesterday afternoon to explain your position, therefore your application to adjourn was refused.

The case was proved in your absence and you were found guilty of the speeding offence – a Court Extract can be sent to you as soon as your case is fully resulted on our computer system. If you wish to appeal the conviction or sentence, or both, then you must do this by lodging your appeal with Medway Magistrates Court who will process the appeal and forward it to Maidstone Crown Court, where the appeals are heard.

If you are submitting the appeal form by email please use the email address, as this will send your email to the correct admin department.

You are advised to take legal advice about your next steps.


Sonia Farrow Team Leader North Kent Magistrates Court Internal Tel: 81491235 External Tel: 01634 830232 Goldfax: 0870 324 0037


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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 23 February 2017 18:23 To: Farrow, Sonia Subject: Re: Hearing of 23 February 2017, 14.00 hours concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence

Dear Ms Farrow

I have been waiting all day for the Legal Advisor to contact me but neither has he telephoned nor sent me an email. Please explain why.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Thursday, 23 February 2017, 9:11, “Farrow, Sonia” <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrhai

I have forwarded your email on to the Legal Adviser who is dealing with your case today as this needs to be clarified by our Legal Team.


Sonia Farrow Team Leader North Kent Magistrates Court Internal Tel: 81491235 External Tel: 01634 830232 Goldfax: 0870 324 0037


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28 February 2017 Update

I was fined a total of £340 which I paid over the telephone today. However I did lodge my Appeal on 25 February 2017 through Medway Magistrates Court for processing at Maidstone Crown Court. Separately I tried to communicate with Maidstone Crown Court with the Appeal Form but my email got bounced by the Administrator. I then forwarded the email with the Appeal Form to the Court of Appeal for processing.

The following correspondence took place:

Appeal to the Court of Appeal from a decision of a Magistrates Court and the Crown Court (7)


27 Feb 2017 at 15:18

Dear Ross,

1. This was, I believed, to be a civil matter of Debt Recovery that Kent Police forced into the criminal courts and therefore I considered it appropriate to submit my Appeal to Court of Appeal Civil Division.

2. Please see the attached email to which no reply has been received from Medway Magistrates Court and there has been no reply to the Appeal Form from Medway Magistrates Court or Maidstone Crown Court. Thus the same Appeal Form has been lodged with you by email for consideration. Please note that despite a request to be informed of any sentence that was administered, Medway Magistrates Court has this morning terminated my correspondence with them without providing any information on this important factor. There has been no comment on the permission to Appeal.

3. Accordingly, if you consider that this matter must go to the Court of Appeal Criminal Division, please forward my papers to that Division immediately or let me have its email address so that I may do this myself. I looked in the Internet for this email address and could not find any.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Monday, 27 February 2017, 8:23, Civil Appeals – Listing <> wrote:

Dr Panigrahi,

This is the Court of Appeal Civil Division. We do not deal with any criminal matters.


Ross Kitley

Listing Manager

Civil Appeals Office

Room E306

Royal Courts of Justice




T 020 7947 7168

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 25 February 2017 19:01 To: Civil Appeals – Listing Subject: Fw: Appeal to the Court of Appeal from a decision of a Magistrates Court and the Crown Court


Miss A Billinge

Listing Office Staff Manager

Room E306

Civil Appeals Office

Royal Courts of Justice


London WC2A 2LL

Tel: 0207 947 7288

Fax: 0207 947 6621

Dear Miss Billinge

1. I tried sending this email to Maidstone Crown Court twice today but it got returned undeliverable due to bouncing by Administrator. – I refer to your email to me of 22 February 2017, 11.18 am and my subsequent email to you of 22 February 2017 6.01 pm.

2. Please confirm the process for this Appeal as shown below.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Attached: crown Court appeal notice .doc

On Saturday, 25 February 2017, 16:54, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Maidstone Crown Court

The Law Courts

Barker Road


ME16 8EQ


Dear Sir/Madam

1. Please find attached my Appeal of a decision of Medway Magistrates Court that I have intimated to the Court that I am proceeding with at Maidstone Magistrates Court.

2. In your reply, please let me know whether the correct judicial channel of Appeal from a decision of Maidstone Crown Court is to the Court of Appeal where preliminary papers on this matter were lodged by me pending the decision of the lower courts to grant me permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal or their reasons as to why this permission is denied.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



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ToMedwayMagistratesCourt(Appeal)25Feb2017 .docx

Re: Appeal of Judgement of 23 February 2017 concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence by Dr Shantanu Panigr (2)



28 Feb 2017 at 16:08

Dear Sir

My Appeal has been upheld by the Court of Appeal, which means that the conviction and sentence have been quashed.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 16:00, nckentmc <> wrote:

Hello Dr Panigrahi,

Please see attached court extract, which includes the case number, as requested.

Kind regards

Kerry Vant

North & Central Kent Magistrates Court Administration Centre Tel 01634 830232 Internal: (8149)1230 Fax 08703240037


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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 25 February 2017 09:30 To: nckentmc Subject: Appeal of Judgement of 23 February 2017 concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi


Medway Magistrates Court

By email:

Subject: Appeal of the Judgement of 23 February 2017 concerning Summons received on Notice of Intended Prosecution for a speeding offence by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Dear Sir/Madam,

1. Please provide me with a copy of the latest Court Extract and the Medway Magistrates Court’s Case Number on this Case that I require for my Appeal.

2. Please send it by email if possible.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

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