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Tue, 8 Feb at 18:18


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Prime Minister: Withdraw your lie




Tom Kuehnel - 38 Degrees <>



Tue, 8 Feb at 17:48

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Shantanu, last night the leader of the Opposition Keir Starmer was subjected to a threatening hate mob who surrounded him and hurled abuse. They screamed “traitor”, “Jimmy Savile” and accused him of “protecting paedophiles”. [1] All less than a week after Boris Johnson hurled a far-right conspiracy theory - and lie - about Savile to Starmer in Parliament. [2]

The Prime Minister of this country repeated a dangerous conspiracy theory in our Parliament, at the heart of our democracy. A week later, his opponent was intimidated by an angry mob and the police had to protect him. As one MP said: it’s disgraceful, profoundly un-British and “simply not the way we do politics in this country”. [3]

We have a choice today - to ignore it or to stand against it. MPs from all parties are calling on Boris Johnson to apologise and withdraw his remarks - including a dozen senior Conservative MPs. [4] Together, we can show that we, the British public, won’t stand for it either.

An open letter from hundreds of thousands of us could send that message today. Will you add your name to the letter demanding Boris Johnson apologise and withdraw his lie at the earliest opportunity? Clicking the orange button below will add your name to the open letter with one click. We’ll send a message to Boris Johnson for every 500 names added.



Here’s the full text of the open letter:

To: The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson

You repeated far-right lies which legitimised the beliefs of a hate mob. Yesterday, we saw what that hatred looked like on the streets - with your opponents threatened and intimidated.

We, the British people, demand better from our Prime Minister. Apologise and withdraw your comments immediately.


Thousands of members of the British public



Thanks for all you do,

Tom, Jonathan, Ellie, Matt, Kate and the 38 Degrees team


[1] BBC News: Keir Starmer: No 10 has no intention of apologising after protesters surround Labour leader

The Times: Keir Starmer bundled into police car after protesters shout Savile slurs

[2] The Huffington Post: Furious Keir Starmer Hits Back At Boris Johnson's False Savile Smear

[3] The Guardian: MPs blame Boris Johnson’s ‘poison’ after protesters mob Keir Starmer

[4] Evening Standard: Tories demand apology from Johnson over Savile smear after Starmer suffers abuse

38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.

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If you don't already do so, will you consider setting up a regular donation of a fiver, tenner or whatever you can spare? Click here to donate securely:


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Registered Company No. 6642193 in England and Wales

Registered office: First Floor, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE

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