Abysmal Failure on Direct Access Barristers (Clerksroomdirect) part
Shantanu Panigrahi (shanpanigrahi5000@outlook.com)
Fri 3/19/2021 9:17 AM
Bar Standards Board
289-293 High Holborn
DX: 240 LDE
Phone us: 020 7611 1444
Email us: contactus@barstandardsboard.org.uk
Dear Sir
I have not received an immediate answer, so I am taking the precaution of sending you the attached correspondence in view of the fluid nature of the civil and criminal proceedings inherent in this continued search for legal advice, legal representation and legal aid.
Please send me the appropriate Forms so that I can send the correspondence for your examination in the post.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
From: Shantanu Panigrahi
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 9:10 AM
To: sam.morgan@clerksroomdirect.com <sam.morgan@clerksroomdirect.com>
Subject: Abysmal Failure on Direct Access Barristers (Clerksroomdirect) part
Dear Sam
I have been reviewing the correspondence that we have had in the recent fortnight, and so disappointed I am with the proceedings, that I feel I ought to report your Institution to the Bar Standards Board immediately.
What do you have to say about this course of action in terms of whether Clerksroom Direct is willing to go into this avenue of arbitration? - I need an immediate answer.
Please note another change of email address that I am having to send this correspondence on.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Progress: CRD-2103-W1728YGQ
Sam Morgan <sam.morgan@clerksroomdirect.com>
Fri 3/19/2021 8:05 AM
Sorry it was my error,
I did reply back on Monday 15th March.
Sam Morgan
Mon 15/03/2021 11:34
Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Sam Morgan
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Thank you for your email.
Sadly, we are not able to assist.
This is outside of our expertise, you need someone who specialises in
this and can deal with many various issues and claims you might have.
You would almost certainly need a solicitor.
My best wishes go to you and your claim.
Warmest regards,
Please note: This email message is intended solely for the person to whom it is addressed. It is confidential and may also be protected by legal professional privilege. If you have received it in error, please notify me immediately and permanently delete this email and any attachments. Unless you are the intended receiver of this message YOU MUST NOT FORWARD, PRINT, DISCLOSE, COPY, USE OR RETAIN this message, any attachments or any part of it. It is the recipient's responsibility to take such steps as it deems appropriate to scan received messages and any attachments for viruses. No responsibility is accepted for viruses
Clerksroom Direct will recommend suitable barristers for your case however responsibility for choosing which barrister to instruct lies entirely with you. Instructing a barrister is no guarantee that you will win your case. The barrister will give you their independent opinion on your case (if instructed to do so) which might be different from yours. Clerksroom Direct staff are not legally qualified and cannot offer any legal advice. It is your responsibility to provide copies of all paperwork that the barrister will need to fulfil your instructions. You should aim to provide a hard copy (not original documents) of your case papers where possible. Documents sent to us electronically must be limited to a maximum of 5 separate attachments. If it is necessary for your barrister to print papers received electronically you will be charged printing costs. If you wish to have any paperwork returned to you in hard copy at the conclusion of your instructions you will be responsible for meeting the postage/packaging costs. The barrister is only instructed to deal with the work described in the Client Care Letter. Fees paid to Clerksroom Direct are non-refundable. Please note the Client Care Letter is an agreement between you and the barrister you instruct, not Clerksroom Direct.
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@outlook.com>
Sent: 19 March 2021 08:03
To: Staff - Clerksroom Direct <clerks@clerksroomdirect.com>
Subject: Progress: CRD-2103-W1728YGQ
Sam Morgan
Dear Sam
1. I faced such continuing difficulties from my Mobile Phone and Yahoo/Gmail Accounts linked to my Computer Email Accounts (the powers that be have been restricting me and regulating my email communications with society at large for some considerable time in months, especially in the two yahoo accounts that I have, namely, shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk and shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com) so that I finally decided this morning that enough is enough and needed to create this new Hotmail/outlook Account with Microsoft to get this emergency email to you.
2. Please adjust your records accordingly. I have attached the relevant correspondence for re-consideration: ToSamMorgan(Clerksroomdirect)15Mar2021.docx; TocLERKSROOMDIRECTDirectAccessBarristers12_13Mar2021.docx; TocLERKSROOMDirectAccessBarristers18Mar2021.docx; Toindeed(SupremeCourt)18Mar2021.docx; and ToFinancialOmbudsman18Mar2021.docx.
3. I checked into Clerksroom Direct Accont half an hour ago but could not find any updates from you, so would be grateful if you would limit our correspondence to email exchanges only from here on in.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Automatic Reply from BSB Contact Us
BSB Contact Us <contactus@barstandardsboard.org.uk>
Fri 3/19/2021 9:17 AM
Thank you for contacting the Bar Standards Board. We will consider your email and will contact you again shortly to let you know what steps we intend to take to address the issues you raise. If the matter is urgent, please contact us on 020 7611 1444. Our lines are open from 9:00am until 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.