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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Correspondence from Police and Crime Commissioner's Office - Reference OPCC/MS/COM/660/22 - ZT

Correspondence from Police and Crime Commissioner's Office - Reference OPCC/MS/COM/660/22 - ZT




PCC Correspondence Kent <>


Thu, 27 Jan at 17:30

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email to the Commissioner’s Office. I am one of the Commissioner’s Casework Officers and I have the delegated responsibility for responding to his correspondence.

The Commissioner’s office is a non-operational office which is separate to Kent Police, and we do not hold or have access to any police systems or information, therefore I am not in a position to assist with your query relating to operational matters. Any matters relating to Greenwich University would fall under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Service and not Kent Police. Kent Police is therefore not the correct organisation to approach regarding this matter. I would advise that you seek independent legal advice or contact your local citizens advice to raise your concerns.

Yours sincerely,

Zoe Turner

Casework Officer

Office of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner,

Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 9BZ

Office telephone: 01622 777512



Twitter: @PCCKent

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 21 January 2022 15:01

To: PCC Correspondence Kent <>

Subject: EXTERNAL - Fw: [The Climate Change Phenomenon] chaplainbaptist is now following your blog

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Contact the Police and Crime Commissioner

Office of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Kent Police Headquarters

Sutton Road



ME15 9BZ

Telephone: 01622 677 055

Press contact: 01622 604 343


Twitter: @PCCKent

Dear Sir

This company that hosted the Climate Change Phenomenon website and its predecessors and is part of an intermational conspirary organised by agents of the government of the United States of America to remove from the public domain my blogs on the criminality of the governmentd of the United Kingdom and the United States of America to with the coveriup perpetrated by Kent Police and the Indedpendent Office for Police Conduct reduce me to a state of destitution in the United Kingdom by suppressing my political and employment actions against vari0ous institutions starting with the University of Greenwich which stole my £55,000 severance payments from a summary redundancy that it perpetrated in 1998 with the Judiciaol authorities of the United Kingdom that accused me of having abuised tjhe process of Court for which I applied for asylum in India, but the Indian government rejected the approach.

This application to the Police and Crime Commissioner is administered to put the record straight that I am demanding £5 million from the UK Treasury for these 24 years of victimisation, persecution and harassment on me.

Do you as our Medway Police and Crime Commissioner have jurisdiction to consider this application for damages and compensation?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kemt ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

----- Forwarded message -----

From: The Climate Change Phenomenon <>

To: "" <>

Sent: Friday, 21 January 2022, 14:40:34 GMT

Subject: [The Climate Change Phenomenon] chaplainbaptist is now following your blog

chaplainbaptist is now following The Climate Change Phenomenon

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chaplainbaptist just started following you at They will receive an email every time you publish a post. Congratulations.

You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their blog as much as they liked yours!

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