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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Forumulation of a New Updated Strategy to deal with Coronavirus Pandemic

Forumulation of a New Updated Strategy to deal with Coronavirus Pandemic

To: MPs, World Health Organisation

Formulation of a New Updated Strategy to deal with Coronavirus pandemic

(Revised 14.40 hours (UK-Time) 3 April 2021

The past year of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic has not worked. Whilst vaccinations have led to people catching less of Covid-19, variant mutants have come up and there are severe questions as to the harmful effects of one prime vaccine AstraZaneca. The country of the United Kingdom has vaccinated on first dose basis 50 per cent of the population only and considerable expenditures have been incurred. The supply of vaccines is also being restricted from countries that are producing them. People who are naturally immuned to the coronavirus are being forced to take the vaccine on the say so of authorities that not doing so is selfish.

What is wrong with being selfish. We have to protect our own interests in a Democracy that does not allow any consideration of dissenting voices, much of which is based on religious imperatives.

It should be borne in mind that theism developed as a civilisation which discovered that the diversity of humanity in terms of beliefs and raison d’etres led to the development of democracy as a simultaneous process of government.

None of the political parties in government are expressing dissenting voices on the restriction of freedoms for a religious person to even go to church on Easter Friday with the Police being sent in to disperse the congregation. On top, the citizens are being severely restricted from going abroad on holidays and to see their families and friends with the complicated infection tests, vaccination certificates, and red zone countries for quarantining requirements. So, we are all confined to our houses.

This is all done through a dictatorial government that would not even allow a vigil being implemented on the murder of Sarah Everard. No amount of writing to MPs attains any goals.

So, what is the point of the existence of 38 Degrees as an institution that raises questions on government policies.

It seems to me from the response of 38 degrees to discuss my campaigning petitions over the past 2 years, that 38 Degrees itself is an arm of the State of the United Kingdom. This is why I received an email from 38 Degrees an hour ago that came into my Mobile Phone email only and it did not appear in my Computer email facility on Desk-Top. It was done so as to make it clear that I am Stateless with no human rights at all in the United Kingdom for my activism to punch the final nail in the coffin of the dictatorial Satan-evil authorities masquerading in the world as a liberal democracy.

Why is this important?

We need to be realistic on the Biological basis of the threats that humanity faces from infectious diseases to have a strategy of least-harm that we face in the long term future in the quest to ensure that our future generations inherit a safe and secure society with updated scientific knowledge of the threat to the survival of human society in the State that we live in.

How do you intend to submit this petition

I intend to submit this petition to the Court of Public Opinion.

Dear 38 Degrees

Coronavirus pandemic petition

In light of your concerns on my original petition I have redrafted it for your kind reconsideration for hosting by 38 Degrees.


We Found A Problem With your petition

We're concerned that the content of your petition might be inappropriate.

A site admin said...

38 Degrees is independent of all political parties, and upholds values of freedom, democracy, peace, human rights, community, equality, fairness and sustainability. We reserve the right to remove any campaigns or comments that do not share these principles.

We reserve the right to remove any petition which we judge to promote illegal acts, hatred, violence, discrimination or stereotypes based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, nationality or religion.

Campaigns may not explicitly promote political parties. We reserve the right to edit or remove a petition if we judge its main purpose is to promote or oppose a political party, or candidate. Campaigns should be relevant to everyone, whether or not they are members or supporters of a particular political party, which means 38 Degrees is not the place to settle political party in-fighting.

You can read our full terms and conditions here:

Edit your petition to correct this issue. We'll review any changes you make.

You can also get in touch to tell us more about the fight you're trying to win, and we may have a second look and re-enable your petition.

✓ Thank you for contacting us, we will review your petition soon.

14.44 hours (UK-Time) 3 April 2021

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