MY Errors in Employment and with the rest of society over the past 24 years
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
People Relations UK,,
Human Resources (Sainsburys),
QB Judges Listing Office,
Enquiries Medway County Court,
Enquiries Central London County,,
Enquiries Kent Police,
Sun, 8 May at 11:37
Dear Sirs
I wish to this Sunday morning apologise unreservedly for the errors that I made during my employment at BP Lenham, Tesco Aylesford and Sainsburys Tonbridge Road Maidstone and first at the University of Greenwich that led to hearings and my dismissals from employment.
When I have been shunned by all the people and institutions of the State that I have had communications with legally and medically, it has dawned on me that that I have been suffering from various kinds of mental illnesses and these stemmed from delusions that I was destined to do some great works in my life as delusions of grandeur revolutionising the way society is run and governed by the State and its overseas relations.
My brother and my mother both suffered terrible mental disorders born of a belief in a Personal God who we were brought up to believe in as Hindus and my mother committed suicide as well as trying to take the life of our sister as a baby. I must now accept that I was genetically predisposed to mental illness as a combination of high intelligence that I do have but conflated with religious beliefs and ingrained practices that our Mahabharatta and Bhagavad Gita teaches us to do as karma in sanatan dharma, that is do the work of God to restore dharma on Earth, in other words to fight for one's rights in the battlefield of life for perceived injustices. The Courts have consistently rejected such Claims as Divine and as such I must now accept that I was in the wrong all the time during the past 24 years. There is no such thing as Divine with a capital D: one can only try to be divine-hearted as an individual human being with kindness and empathy to others.
I have therefore this morning stopped believing in a Personal God as having been the driving force of my what Hindus call dharmayudha although the term is interpreted in different ways to suit each person who calls himself or herself as a Hindu. I accept that it was my ego that was using God delusionally as justifying my actions in my adulthood.
The reason to write to you is purely and simply to apologise, and I also apologise to Her Majesty the Queen for the foolhardy derogatory remarks that I made during the states of paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusional disorders that I was rejecting out of hand in line with my religious beliefs.
As an atheist today I wish to turn over a new leaf for the rest of my life and accordingly hope that you will accept my apologies. I withdraw all the legal proceedings that I have recently put in place including the Injunction served on Kent Police for I must face the consequences of my actions.
I have no defence to offer than the environmental factors of upbringing with my high intelligence that secured me a PhD and distinction level Diploma in Agricultural Development when I was working in an unblemished scientific career at the University of Greenwich. I was too ambitious and broke rules and was discourteous to colleagues at the University for which the University rightly found me blameworthy of gross misconduct on reflection today.
There are no ulterior motives underlying this email but I hope we can all draw a line underneath my activities in the United Kingdom over the past 24 years now and move on with a fresh outlook given the economic difficulties that the country is facing with the cost of living crisis and other political and military developments that should engage all our minds.
I do wish to enter into the work force for the Psychiatrists have always said and my Carer agrees that work will be therapeutic for me. I am now a peace-loving person and wish to get on with everyone in the United Kingdom.
I am hoping that with this apology there would be hope for me yet to live a productive life in this world of ours.
Yours sincerely
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Automatic reply: MY Errors in Employment and with the rest of society over the past 24 years
Central London County, Enquiries <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sun, 8 May at 11:37
For your security, we have disabled links in this email. If you believe it is safe to use, mark this message as not spam.
From Wednesday, 23 March 2022 the Central London County Court Counter in the Thomas More Building will be closed for refurbishment.
New and existing appointments will be held in the Fees Office on the Ground Floor of the West Green Building (WG08).
We apologise for any disruption and inconvenience during these works
Please see the below link on update information for the Courts and Tribunals planning and preparation in relation to Coronavirus (COVID19)
We are experiencing a high volume of emails coming in to the court. Please do not send multiple requests, as we are currently unable to deal with them. Please limit your correspondence to urgent matters only or documents for hearings.
We are working hard in the court office to deal with relisting hearings and urgent matters. We ask for your patience at this time. Unless your matter is considered urgent, there may be a delay in dealing with it.
Some hearing are being conducted remotely as you will appreciate, court staff are working incredibly hard to contact all the parties for all the cases. Please be advised that you will receive the invite for the hearing either the evening before or on the morning of the hearing. If you have not heard from the court please ring 0300 123 5577.
Please be aware, the counter is open for face to face appointments, which should be booked by contacting the court by telephone on 0207 947 7502.
· Stay of Eviction (double appointment)
· Injunction (double appointment)
· 24-hour limitation on application
· Judicial intervention within 24 hours.
· Trial Bundle (if hearing is within 3 days)
· Cash payment on application (if cheque/postal order is unavailable)
· Swearing statutory declaration
· Swearing affidavits
· Search of bankruptcy register
· The received date will be the day the documents were dropped
Emailing Bundles – documents to the court
When you email the court, if you have received this auto response then the court has received your bundle, please do not send another email checking if the court has your email.
Legal advice:
It may help to explain that HM Court Service staff are not legally trained and must remain strictly neutral at all times. They cannot therefore examine documents and give an opinion on there contents or upon any aspect of a case. It is the responsibility of the parties to ensure that they file the correct documents in the correct format. Court staff cannot analyse a case and tell the parties the legal implications of decisions or other circumstances. It is for you to find out the options available to you and, where necessary, seek independent legal advice. It is for you to decide what options to take and to ensure you understand the implications of that option.
Up to date possession guidance is available using the links below:
Understanding the possession action process: A guide for private landlords in England and Wales - GOV.UK (
Understanding the possession action process: A guide for social landlords in England and Wales - GOV.UK (
Please ensure that your e-mail complies with the below guidance.
Any e-mail which fails to comply with the guidance will not be processed and will be returned to you.
If you are attaching a copy of an order from a hearing for the Court to process, please ensure that you are submitting it in Word format only.
All County Court Part 7 Money Claims are now processed and issued at the County Court Money Claim Centre (CCMCC) and money claims should be sent to their address at PO Box 527, Salford, M5 0BY or DX 702634 Salford 5.
You can contact CCMCC at the following accounts:
Customer E-Enquiries
Did you know? Some Court processes can be issued online through MCOL (Money Claim Online) and PCOL (Possession Claim Online) and can save you money compared to issuing through the Court.
Further information on Court forms and process can be obtained from the website GOV.UK
The use of email in the Civil and Family Courts
From the 7 December 2015 all enquiries to civil courts and family courts can be received by email.
What documents can be sent by email?
You can send all letters and documents relevant to the case including adoption cases. However, due to the sensitive nature of adoption work the court will only send emails to secure email accounts.
Please note that court bundles are not part of this process and we will not print them. Some Local Authorities are piloting the use of Cloud-based 'E-bundle' storage solutions that allow all parties involved in a case to view and download the evidence electronically. This is different to the receipt of bundles by email. The court can not accept documents that require the setting up of an account or a password.
What is a secure email account?
An email account is considered secure when security measures are in place to make sure the data in the email can’t be accessed by users without the relevant approval. Any account that ends in the following is considered secured: gsi, pnn, gsx, gcsx, gse, cjsm, and
What emails will HMCTS accept?
To make sure we operate this new service as efficiently and effectively as possible there are exemptions.
All Civil and Family process, applications and documents will be accepted by email as long as when the entire email is printed out it is not more than 50 pages. This should include the email, all attachments (including any documents embedded in another) and enough copies to serve on required parties (excluding Local Authorities, CAFCASS and CAFCASS CYMRU for Family cases only).
The total size of the email, including any attachments, must be less than 10mb.
Page 2
Please note that:
1. A page is one side, so 50 pages equals 25 pieces of paper printed on both sides.
2. Requests for the issue of Specified or Unspecified civil claims are excluded from this process. However, any subsequent process that leads from this following the issues of the claim will be accepted.
3. Do not use more than one email to take any step in a case which requires a document or documents to be filed.
Can processes that carry a fee be sent by email?
In both Civil and Family cases court processes that carry a fee can also be received by email and processed by court staff. However the same conditions as above must apply and in addition:
the party issuing the process must either quote a Fee Account number, or
the party who wants to pay has a valid credit or debit card. If you wish to pay using this method please say this on the email and include a contact number for the Court to contact you to take payment.
Please note Local Authorities are exempt from this provision.
What is Fee Account?
This is a Direct Debit function that is quick, safe and easy to use. It is available for solicitors and large organisations. Once you have set up an account all you need is to provide your fee account number within the body of the email. The fee will then be deducted from your account.
For more information and to apply for Fee Account please visit
How do I find a Courts email address?
You can find court email addresses at
Where can I get more information?
You can contact your local County Court for more information. You can find contact details on Court and Tribunal Finder,
Finally, we thank you for your patience at this extremely difficult time and we send our genuine best wishes to all the court users and stakeholders.
For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see:
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Current Working Arrangements
QB Judges Listing Office <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sun, 8 May at 11:37
Thank you for your email.
Please read the following and any relevant links below, if your email is answered by the information below or one of the relevant links below, you will not receive a further response.
Coronavirus Working Practices
In line with current Government Guidelines, staff are currently working both on site and remotely. Full details of what this means for the individual departments within the Queen's Bench Division are reviewed and updated constantly, they are published at the following link and can be found under the heading Royal Courts of Justice (RCJ). There are no public counters. The Fees Office counter is open by appointment only.
Telephones will be answered between 10am-4pm. The number to call is 020 3936 8957. If your query is not urgent, please email the office you wish to contact. A list of e-mails are at the bottom of this message. If you are seeking sealed orders, applications or hearing notices, where possible, please check the electronic case file (CE-File).
Filing of Documents/Visiting the Royal Courts of Justice
If you cannot file a document via the preferred methods of CE-File or email, you can post the documents to our department or leave them in a drop box just inside the main entrance. If you do visit the RCJ, you will not be able to speak with any staff other than security.
The current directive from the Lord Chief Justice are that hearings will now be listed in court. If a party or parties want to request a remote hearing, either by MS Teams or BT Meet Me. They must contact the Listing Office providing full reasons why a remote hearing is requested. This will them be forwarded to the assigned Judge for consideration. The Daily Cause List is published each day between 2-3pm.
Hearings by Cloud Video Platform (CVP) can be arranged if required for hearings in court only (hybrid cases).
Telephone hearings will be undertaken by BT Meet Me conference system, and a court associate will cover and record the hearing.
Legal Representatives Only
Pursuant Practice Direction 51O of the CPR, all documents must be filed via CE-File. Any documents received via post or email will be destroyed via confidential waste, only documents with cheques will be returned to you.
Exceptions to the above apply where the court requests alternative filing, advice by Counsel for an approval hearing or stated in another Practice Direction or Part of the CPR. If an order states filing by email, please attach a copy of the order and state the paragraph with this direction.
Any Party
In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – all emails to the court should include the following, failure to do so will result in the court not actioning or acknowledging your email.
Subject Header – Case number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing
Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”.
Please copy your message to the relevant parties where applicable.
Any document that carries a fee and does not state or include proof of payment or fee remission will not be actioned.
If you're unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with.
Team Contacts & Query Types
QB Masters Listing – Applications/Hearings before a Master
QB Asbestos – Asbestos Claims Only
QB Judges Listing Office – Applications/Hearings before a Judge
QB Enforcement Section – Stay of Executions, Writ, Charging Orders, Deed Polls
QB Issue & Enquiries – General Queries, New Claims, Copy Documents
QB Childrens Funds – All Claims started in the High Court where money has been paid into a Court Fund.
Fees Office - Help with fees applications
Foreign Process – Registration of Foreign Judgements
You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions at the Courts & Tribunals Finder.
Other useful links & Plain Text versions of those stated above
Coronavirus Working Practices
Daily Cause List
CE-File Information & Support
Courts & Tribunals Finder
This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. Monitoring / blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.
Automatic reply: MY Errors in Employment and with the rest of society over the past 24 years
HRAdv ERAdmin <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sun, 8 May at 11:36
Thanks for getting in touch. We’ve got your email and a member of the team will review it shortly.
We will aim to get back to you in the next 72 hours (Monday to Friday). In the meantime if you have any questions relating your query please feel free to speak to a Line Manager within your location.
For guidance or further information on policy relating to Appeals or Fair Treatments (grievances) please call 08000 153030 to speak to a member of the AskHR team.
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All companies listed above are subsidiaries of J Sainsbury plc (185647).
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