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Private Prosecution for State-organised Criminal Conspiracy to Persecute Dr Shantanu Panigrahi


21 January 2016 at 3:31 PM


Medway Magistrates

Maidstone Magistrates Court

through Mr Malcolm Dodds, Clerk to Kent Justices

For immediate action

Dear Sir/Madam

1. Further to my correspondence with Mr Malcolm Dodds during December 2015 concerning my application to issue coroporate private proceedings, please ensure that among the institutions and individuals on whom summons are required to be issued the Head of Atos Healthcare of PO Box 1006, Stockton-On-Tees, TS19 1UL, Tel 0300 3300 121 is included, for the following reason:

2. On receipt of its persecuting letter dated 3 November 2015 (Reference No YZ330724D), on 5 November 2005 I telephoned the company immediately to clarify that I was no longer seeking Disability Living Allowance because I found that I did not after all suffer from any kind of mental illness and had simply been persecuted by the Police and the National Health Service since 2004 to make me truly believe that there was something wrong with my mind. That persecution was orchestrated on me by an unknown State authority that the private prosecution needs to uncover. I had therefore never filled in a Personal Independence Payment Form to confirm to the Department of Work and Pensions that I suffered any kind of disablility for which I should be paid an allowance.

3. Despite this telephone call to Atos Health care, these persecutors have sent me a letter dated 19 January 2016 arranging an appointment for me to see a Health Professional at 9.00 am on 3 February 2016 to continue with its criminal activities against me on behalf of the State.

4. Please note in this regard that I have complained about the delay caused by Mr Malcolm Dodds in terms of his failure to initiate the issue of summons for this private prosecution so that he must be made answerable to the Justices to provide his reasons.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

No reply came. I texted Paul to have the last word on him because my probes on him had not confirmed anything:

Me: 17.01 I am sorry to learn that my Hindu way of living my life upsets you. But I still need my Reference matter to be sorted out please.

GST: 17.34. Tell me what else you want me to add in the reference that hasn’t already been added by yourself already. Like I said before you have already put everything relevant in it.

Me: I just want you to send whatever you feel is appropriate directly to Medway Council quoting the Minute Taking job that I applied for. If you can ask the Council to hurry up that would be even better because I need more money coming in badly. I gave you the email address to send it to.

GST: 18.01. I will need that e-mail address. I haven’t got it at the moment. Thanks.

Me: 18.10. The email address is

At 9.07 pm in the evening on God’s advice I posted the following two blogposts:

During 22 January 2016 there was nothing by email or text from any source.

On 23 January 2016 moring I drafted a letter replying to Atos for I did not see how leaving this alone could be sustainable but just before I was about to post it I checked and received a message that it should not be posted. I was so aghast that I had drafted such an apparently stupid letter that I started feeling that God had abandoned me to leave me to my own devices after this incident. So I started posting in Religious Forums as a human being only thinking that perhaps God had accomplished all that there was to be done. The document to Atos was however left on my computer after I wrote a comment on it as to why I had not posted it and aborted the issue.

On Saturday 23 January at 8.04 am I decided to enquire from Paul to see where my future was leading me to:

Me: 8.04 Did you get a rely from Medway Council Paul?

There was no reply. I however felt that I was in danger leaving the Atos letter unanswered since there had been no reply from Medway Magistrates. So I sent a simple letter as if written in total innocence as follows at the email address that I had located for Atos from its website:



24 January 2016 at 10:13 AM

Dear Sir

Please note the dates corrections in the following email.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Sunday, 24 January 2016, 9:55, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Atos Healthcare

PO Box 1006


TS19 1UL By Email:<>

24 January 2016

Dear Sir

1. I write with reference to your letter dated 19 January 2016 which has been sent to me seemingly to query whether I am still interested in applying for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and its replacement the Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

2. In my telephone call to your office on 5 November 2015 in response to your letter of 3 November 2015 I had given you my view that I was not entitled to receive any DLA any longer because I am well able to look after myself mentally and physically and therefore do not require a Carer. This is why I was and still am reluctant to complete an official form to apply for PIP and said to you that there is no need for me to attend any interviews with your Health Professional as for example the one arranged by you for 9.00 am 3 February 2016.

3. Please let me know whether this letters that you continue to send me are the result of a genuine administrative mistake in Atos Healthcare or whether the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) have requested you to send these to me. I am concerned for legal reasons that I must not claim any money from the DWP in the form of DLA or PIP under a false declaration of my health and disability status.

4. Please forward this email to the Department of Work and Pensions so that it stops my DLA payments immediately and alters its records concerning my verbal application made last year for PIP allowance.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

I still carried on as a human being with no reference to God and on a question asked of me in Religious Forums on my faith and worship had written to Chakra whe had asked: Can you just tell me about your faith and the deity you (perhaps) worship? With the following statement: I have experienced God who I determined from my studies to be Sri Krishna seated in me who has guided me through 17 years of trials on this Earth and I am still surviving to tell my story about my life in which He played a massive part, but I do not worship God. I am a satya-advaitist, who determines the truth in its finest detail and waits for my next moves in living my life conscious of the fact that God is watching and monitoring me but unconcerned about what he may make of what I do or say and without any reference let alone faith that I must determine what He wishes me to live according to as my dharma or the principles that should guide me. I make my own decisions to chart my own course in my life. This means that I am not religious living to any kind of prescribed dharma. If God thinks that I should be guided by Him through thoughts that He could plant in my mind for my next words and actions, I leave that matter for Him to decide and act on without any degree of concern as to whether those thoughts are my own or are from Him and with no attachment to Him as God. This is to say that the truth path is my only guide. The truth path takes me from one moment to the next assessing each moment as the Reality that I face and must contend with and respond to in which I must take the right action that would give me peace of mind to move forward in my life moment by moment.

To Clarita, I also clarified that I did not come from any angle to make my arguments for I have no attachments.

On 26 January morning three letters arrived together from the Legal Ombudsman assigning different case numbers for Hodge Jones and Allen, Fosters Law and ELS Legal and stating that the Ombudsman needed more information. As I pondered about what to do with this letter, an email reply came from Atos in reply to my email, as follows:

On Tuesday, 26 January 2016, 11:07, PIP-CustomerService <> wrote:

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email.

I will close your claim for Personal Independence Payment and cancel the appointment arranged for the 03/02/2016.

Please contact the DWP to stop your DLA payments.

The DWP are contactable on 0345 850 3322.

Kind Regards


PIP Customer Service Support Atos Healthcare

I decided to raise a direct question or attack on who had organized the persecution on me for investigation, with the issue of the Legal Ombudsman’s three letters and this email, suspecting and suggesting that the Queen herself had perpetrated this state-organised persecution. I sent the following email to the Legal Ombudsman:

Your letters dated 22 January 2016 concerning CMP-024216/CMP-028271/CMP-028273


26 January 2016 at 11:25 AM


The Legal Ombudsman

PO Box 6806


WV1 9 WJ

26 January 2016

Dear Sir

Your letters dated 22 January 2016 concerning CMP-024216/CMP-028271/CMP-028273

1. Thank you for your three letters (two of which appear identical) dated 22 January 2016 sent in the postal service stating that you were unable to deal with my complaint until I had provided the information that you have requested. I would prefer to deal with this question by email correspondence.

2. You appear to want to know who is the organiser of the state-organised persecution that I have suffered from. I believe in the absence of a reply from Medway Magistrates to my 21 January 2016, 3.31 pm email, that the Queen is directly the organiser of this butchery on me. Please assess my complaint accordingly.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

It was then that I realized that the letter that I had drafted and kept on File on my Home computer might have a had a purpose behind it, for Atos email did not clarify that the appointment had been cancelled already and wanted me to contact the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) by telephone to have the Disability Living Allowance stopped instead of forwarding my email to the DWP for this action. This would be storing trouble for me I decided and so constructed the following reply to the Atos email.



26 January 2016 at 11:58 AM

Dear Sir

1. I had drafted the following to you but did not post it because I thought I should wait for the Legal Ombudsman to complete his deliberations first:

1. I write with reference to your letter to me dated 19 January 2016 (Reference No YZ330724D) to inform you that I am unable to attend the appointment that you have made for me at 9.00 am, Wednesday 3 February 2016 to see your Health Professional.

2. The reason for this should be clear to you from the contents of my Blog,; where I have, over the years, complained against State persecution, most vividly through its National Health Service of which your letter is an example.

3. In particular I require your written response to the contents of the following blogpost:

4. Lack of any replies from the Courts in response to this blogpost is further evidence of the State-organised persecution that I have complained about. I now believe that this persecution has been orchestrated on me by the Queen.

5. I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.

2. Please give me the DWP's email address so that I can ask them to stop my Disability Living Allowance by email so that there is a record of the correspondence for my Blog.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

It was then that I felt better that God had a reason for getting me to draft the earlier letter to Atos that I had shelved unsure what it was for and what my future held for me and I looked for messages from God through the clock checking agains. There were none.

There were no immediate replies from Atos or the Legal Ombudsman. I sent the following email to Paul to see what he was up to:

Me: 13.48 Paul, you asked me for the email address of the Council which I gave and I am still waiting for news. Don’t you want to be friends with me any more?

There was no reply from Paul either. I decided to terminate my postings at Religious Forums for the time being not replying to a message from Carlita in a thread where we were discussing my objections to Buddhism.

On 28 January 2016, nothing came from anywhere by midday and I felt very uncomfortable about the Disability Living Allowance being paid to me and not being able to telephone them for it would have caused me to subject myself to interrogation and taken on a turn that would have got me into trouble. So after a lot of searching the Governement Website for Department of Works and Pensions, found a contact-point email system facility where I drafted a complaint after going through the subscribing that was necessary to get me to send my issue. A reply came back almost immediately as follows:

GOV.UK Re: Named contact about /disability-living-allowance-children/how-to-claim


GOV.UK <> -- Please type your reply above this line -- GOV.UK Hello again Nikki (GOV.UK) Jan 28, 12:34 Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi, Your complaint has been passed on to the team at the Department for Work and Pe


Today at 12:34 PM

-- Please type your reply above this line --


Hello again

Nikki (GOV.UK)

Jan 28, 12:34

Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi,

Your complaint has been passed on to the team at the Department for Work and Pensions. They will investigate and respond to you directly (unfortunately we can not give an estimate time on when you will receive a response).

In the meantime your original query with GOV.UK will now be closed.

Best wishes,

Nikki Miller User Support Specialist and Analytics Support Government Digital Service GOV.UK

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Jan 28, 12:30

[Requester] Dr Shantanu Panigrahi <>

[Details] 28 January 2015, 12.24 pm

Dear Sir/Madam

1. I am looking to see where I can lodge the following complaint by email, that is electronically, so that there is a record for legal purposes.

2. My complaint is against the Department of Department of Works and Pensions that deals with Disability Living Allowance and its replacement the Personal Independence Payment for continuing payments.

3. On 5 Nov 2015 at 10.45 am I spoke on the telephone to 'Shaun' at the Blackpool Benefits Centre to cancel my application for these payments to me and so did not fill in the Form for continuation of the benefits.

4. Despite this declaration I received a £10 Christmas Bonus and the payments on DLA appear to be continuing. I must stress to DWP that I am a perfectly healthy human being and making these payments to me is an insult to my human integrity.

5. Please acknowledge this email in writing immediately and note that if I do not receive compensation for the false diagnosis of my health condition I will be complain to my Member of Parliament to refer the matter to the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL

[Referrer] Unknown

[User agent] Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

[JavaScript Enabled] true

Your request (#1241860) with GOV.UK has been closed.

If you reported a software bug or error and you don't think it has been fixed, you can reopen this request by replying to this email.

This email is a service from GOV.UK.


This reply seemed to close the door on me and would have got them to still have the upper hand on when to do what with my complaint so was not sustainable. I therefore forwarded the email to Mr Rehman Chishti for consideration to submit to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, as follows:

Complaint for consideration to submit to the PHSO


Shan Panigrahi <> To Mr Rehman Chishti MP for Gillingham and Rainham Dear Mr Chishti Please note the following complaint that I need you to submit to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). Yours sincere


Today at 12:56 PM


Mr Rehman Chishti

MP for Gillingham and Rainham

Dear Mr Chishti

Please note the following complaint that I need you to submit to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO).

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Show original message

On Thursday, 28 January 2016, 12:34, GOV.UK <> wrote:

-- Please type your reply above this line --


Hello again (etc)

When nothing arrived by 4.00 pm, prompted by a message from God I sent the following email to Medway County Court:

MP's unreasonable failure to submit my complaints to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)



28 January 2016 at 4:18 PM


The Court Manager

Medway County Court

Dear Sir

1. Please refer to my emailed application of 22 October 2015, 8.09 am to Medway County Court, against my Member of Parliament Mr Rehman Chishti concerning communications in relation to Reference: EN-236203 of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for which Mr Chishti failed to give me any reason whatsoever for not forwarding my complaint. This unparliamentary conduct has now been repeated in relation to the following health matter that I am forwarding to the Court.

2. In earlier communications you indicated that this might be a matter for the High Court rather than the County Court. Please let me know if this remains your view so that I may forward this Case to the Royal Courts of Justice Queens Bench Division or the Administrative Court, as appropriate.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Hide original message

On Thursday, 28 January 2016, 12:56, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Mr Rehman Chishti

MP for Gillingham and Rainham

Dear Mr Chishti

Please note the following complaint that I need you to submit to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO).


Nothing came back on Friday or Saturday and I was feeling vulnerable again because it seemed that the State authorities were waiting to deliver something to me about my mental illness through my doctor. I had to act swiftly and finding last year’s Annual Mental Health Review letter from the Surgery wrote an email to the doctor. Later I received advice from God to post a hardcopy as the email could be ignored. It then occurred to me and I checked that it was right to activate the judicial review proceedings in the Admin court directly now to be on the safe side, as follows:

Continued Judicial Review Proceedings


30 January 2016 at 6:32 PM

Dear Sir/Madam

1. Further to the correspondence referred to in the following email, please note that when no acknowledgement was returned I signed a hard copy of this emailed letter and marking it 'urgent' posted it addressed to Dr Sudhir Patel through the Wigmore Medical Centre letter box at 6.15 pm this evening.

2. Please let me know what further documents are required by the court from me for the judicial review and whether the matter will need to go to a Hearing.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Saturday, 30 January 2016, 15:41, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Dr Sudhir Patel

Dr S Patel, Dr N Patel and Dr R Patel

Wigmore Medical Centre

114 Woodside


Kent ME8 0PW

Telephone: 01634 231752

NHS No: 628 477 1487

Hide original message

Practice Manager: Mrs Kelly Mills


30 January 2016

Dear Dr Patel

Re: Annual Mental Health Review 18 February 2015

1. I am writing to inform you that I have applied to the High Court (Royal Courts of Justice, Administrative Court) for a judicial review of the Annual Mental Health Review that your surgery conducted on me on 18 February 2015 11.50 am (following your 12 February 2015 letter on this subject) which did not discharge me from the compulsory NHS Treatment and medication as the treatment enforced on me despite all the evidence of a false diagnosis on my condition that was stated to me by Dr Irala of persistent delusional disorder. This application to the court was made by me through the Medway County Court on 28 January 2016 at 4.18 pm by email.

2. Please note that through my application to the Court I am seeking financial compensation for the false diagnosis and treatment against your surgery because it was you who had referred me to the NHS in 2004.

3. Please acknowledge receipt of this email and let me know if you are willing to consider an out-of-court financial settlement.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

The covering note to the Admin Court was phrased to cover the fact that Medway County Court had not replied to my email concerning Mr Rehman Chishti.

On Monday 1 Feb 2016 no emails of telephone calls came from Dr Patel’s Surgery but at around midday the following email arrived from the Admin Court:

RE: unidentified Judicial Review Proceedings * OFFICIAL *


1 February 2016 at 11:47 AM

Dear Sir,

In order for any case lodged by you in this Court to be identified, you would need to provide the relevant Court reference number.

Yours sincerely,

Ms C O'Neill

ACO Case Progression Officer | Administrative Court Office |Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London WC2A 2LL Telephone: 020 7947 6655- option 6

Please note that as I am part of the above email group, there is no need to send duplicate emails to me individually.


From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 30 January 2016 18:32 To: Administrative Court Office, Case Progression Subject: Continued Judicial Review Proceedings


This was an evil deceitful way of saying come to us we will give you a procees in which to have your case heard, in order to protect the Surgery from having to respond and so give the Surgery the whip hand to deal with my healthcare after the Court had dismissed my application. So I did nothing and waited for I knew that sooner or later the Surgery will have to contact me about my Annual Review for this year, fear of what the animals might do to me this time being the reason for my having initiated the letter of enquiry to Dr Patel in the first place. And sure enough on Tuesday morning a most pathetic deceitful reply came from the Surgery who did not have the guts to give a full reply. I had to expose that these two emails were related and organized as part of the state conspiracy organized from behind the scenes by manipulating the National Health Service and General Practice by sending back a reply copied to the Administrative Court as follows:

My Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment (3)



2 February 2016 at 10:13 AM


Ms Kelly Mills

1. Thank you for your email.

2. From the date of your last letter (dated 12 February 2015) on 'Re Annual Mental Health Review' I am assuming that another such a Review may be part of the NHS-enforced process that I will be subjected to through Dr Sudhir Patel around the same date this year. Please confirm immediately whether this is the Case so that I seek a judgement from the court to prevent this Review taking place until all the issues that I have raised relating to last years review have been resolved to my satisfaction.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Hide original message

On Tuesday, 2 February 2016, 9:37, Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

I can confirm that I am in receipt of your email and also the letter copy that you sent.

I will pass the details on the GP Partners for comment.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Mills

Practice Manager

Wigmore Medical Centre

114 Woodside





Wigmore: 01634 231752

Hempstead: 01634 235531

The contents of this email are not necessarily the policy or opinion or representative of any policy or opinion of the Agency or any person employed by it. This transmission is intended only for the named recipient(s) and is confidential in nature. If received in error, please return it to the sender and destroy any copies immediately.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 30 January 2016 15:41 To: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Subject: My Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment


No replies came from either the Surgery of the Administrative Court during the rest of the day and nothing else arrived by late evening.

On 3 February 2016 morning at 8.28 landline telephone rang. I did not pick it up. It was a woman from the Surgery asking me to phone her back. Then an email reply came, but it was followed by a telephone call to our daughter (Rupa’s Mobile phone) telling her about my email and trying to arrange a meeting at the Surgery with me and Rashmi or her. I told Rupa that No as she asked me. A letter also arrived from the Legal Ombudsman in the post. Then the following emails were exchanged:

My Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment (7)


3 February 2016 at 1:13 PM

Dear Ms Mills

I need my anti-depressant medicine today that Dr Patel messed about with since 1998 and refused to consider as my ailment caused by all the workplace harassment that I had suffered at the University of Greenwich and now from the State's Police, courts and the Legal Ombudsman. Who is going to sign this prescription?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Hide original message

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 12:59, Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Unfortunately Dr Patel cannot make today however she is available at 11.15 tomorrow at our Woodside surgery.

If this is not convenient please can you call 01634 231752 after 2pm today and we will arrange an alternative appointment.

Kind regards,

Kelly Mills

Practice Manager

Wigmore Medical Centre

114 Woodside





Wigmore: 01634 231752

Hempstead: 01634 235531

The contents of this email are not necessarily the policy or opinion or representative of any policy or opinion of the Agency or any person employed by it. This transmission is intended only for the named recipient(s) and is confidential in nature. If received in error, please return it to the sender and destroy any copies immediately.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 03 February 2016 12:16 To: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Subject: Re: My Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment

Dear Ms Mills

1. Thank you for your telephone message left on our landline answerphone, and your subsequent telephone call to our daughter on her Mobile phone this morning after you sent this email.

2. Yes, I think it will be an excellent idea for me to meet Dr Reema Patel, today if possible. Please let me know the precise time of the meeting by email now.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 9:37, Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

I have tried to contact you via telephone but was unable to get an answer.

Dr Reema Patel has asked if you would kindly make an appointment to see her along with your wife or daughter to discuss your email that was passed on to her.

If you can contact me at the surgery at your earliest convenience I can arrange this appointment for you.

Kind regards,

Kelly Mills

Practice Manager

Wigmore Medical Centre

114 Woodside




Wigmore: 01634 231752

Hempstead: 01634 235531

The contents of this email are not necessarily the policy or opinion or representative of any policy or opinion of the Agency or any person employed by it. This transmission is intended only for the named recipient(s) and is confidential in nature. If received in error, please return it to the sender and destroy any copies immediately.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

My reply to the Legal Ombudsman by email was the following:

Your letter dated 1 February 2016 concerning CMP-024216


3 February 2016 at 1:02 PM


The Legal Ombudsman

PO Box 6806



Dear Sir

1. Thank you for your letter concerning my complaint against Hodge Jones and Allen LLP (CMP-024216). I note that you are in need of further clarification of the Complaints Form that I submitted to you in this regard on 14 January 2016 at 1.05 pm.

2. Section 3 of my Complaint Form states that I require Hodge Jones and Allen for legal assistance on various work relating to proceedings made through the Medway County Court over many years. There are a range of applications that action is pending on at this Court and at the Administrative Court (Royal Courts of Justice) with regard to continued judicial review proceedings that the Court does not seem able to identify form its email records. Most important of these is a judgement that urgently requested (before 12 February 2016) on the health associated litigation against Dr Sudhir Patel, my former General Practitioner.

3. Please let me know if this information is now sufficient for you to proceed with your assessment of the Complaint.

4. I note that you will contact me separately about Fosters Law and ELS Legal to let me know your findings.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

No emails of telephone calls came during the rest of the day.

On 4 February, a devious email arrived from Linda Nicolaides which I initially attacked to set up an interaction. The full exchange was as follows:

MSc Dissertation Progression (5)



4 February 2016 at 10:58 AM

Dear Linda

1. I will let Rashmi know that by copy of this email. It will make her very happy that you have not forgotten us in your busy schedule of work for the University.

2. Of course, I have now found an updated version of the MSc Dissertation (see attached) that I was working on while I prepared for the Employment Tribunal process which was, as I understand it 'stayed' at the Employment Appeal Tribunal stage pending a decision at the Court of Appeal on what constitutes 'erring in law' as far as the Employment Tribunal was concerned and which is therefore still considering that question - could you check with the Vice Chancellor to update me on these matters?


Hide original message

On Thursday, 4 February 2016, 10:46, Linda Nicolaides <> wrote:

Dear Shan,

WE agreed at New Year that we would wait until Margarita and Chris come back from holiday so we could celebrate together.


From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 04 February 2016 10:12 To: Linda Nicolaides <> Subject: Re: MSc Dissertation Progression


You told us you would invite us to your house to celebrate your birthday and you never so much bothered to contact me/us: why was that?


On Thursday, 4 February 2016, 9:39, Linda Nicolaides <> wrote:

Dear Shan,

I have tried to contact Wye College, but it no longer functions as a college. The site is being developed for other uses.

I do not know how you should go forward to retrieve your MSc. Perhaps you could contact your ex-supervisor? This might be a more fruitful route for you?

I trust all is well with you.

Best wishes


University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.

University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.



· 1 Attachment

· No preview


Parralels and Differences in Dairy and Poultry Development Strategies and Issues relating to urbanisation in the Eastern India Region Dec 1999 version

No further replies came from Linda but the telephone rang which Rupa picked up and kept the person hanging on until she trapped me and I cut off the line. The telephone rang again and I told Rupa to let it go to the answerphone. It was the Surgery who left a message asking me to telephone the Surgery. I did not, for the Case has to be dealt with legally now. The bastards think that they dominate the people such are their powers to condemn people into the charge of mental illness if you do not tow the line. They harass you with telephone calls instead of replying to you as these can be used to make a case out to a Court for criminal misdemeanours thus forcing the consideration of legalities in a court of law. That is how a nation of morons is maintained.

The silence continued and I got worried on what might happen next. I had to finish my relationship with the Practice and so drafted an email that went to both the Surgery and the Police. The Police replied, as follows:

Your telephone calls to our house today (2)


4 February 2016 at 1:43 PM

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your email, if you need to report an incident please call 101 so we can take the full details. This Customer Services email account is not for reporting incidents.

Kind Regards,


Customer Services Co-ordinator

Kent Police Control Room

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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 04 February 2016 13:32 To:; CSC Kent Subject: Your telephone calls to our house today


Dr S Patel, Dr N Patel and Dr R Patel

Practice Manager: Mrs Kelly Mills

Wigmore Medical Centre

114 Woodside


KentME8 0PW

Dear Sir/Madam

I found your two telephone calls to me that I avoided taking in view of the lack of a written reply to my email to the Practice of 3 February 2016 1.13 pm as criminally harassing and of being in contempt of court with regard to the private prosecution at Maidstone Magistrates Court against you for which I a reporting you to the Police for appropriate investigation.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate.

When Rashmi came home she said that the Surgery had spoken to her and made an appointment to see them with me on Monday. I told her I would not be going. She also read the email that I had sent Linda and got bamboozled that I had suffered a relapse saying that they will get me again, I could not hide, in this country they get all of them, etc. They will section you, etc. I said to her calmly not to call herself my next of kin, or my wife, have nothing to do with me, that I had reported the doctors to the Police. It is about false diagnosis and treatment. I also told Rashmi not to discuss me with anyone or I will have to report her to the Police too.

This has to be fought tooth and nail for my reputation is at stake. I will wait to see what happens when Rashmi sees the doctors before deciding whether to contact the Police on the 101 number that they gave me, for I might have to report Rashmi also to the Police if things are done verbally without written notification of any decisions.

On the morning of 5 February 2016 decided on a strategy to follow the referral by the Police by telephoning its 111 number as a further exchange took place with Rashmi after dinner when I told her ‘if you interfere in my life, you will be in jail’. A Police officer by the name of Saye (58661) took down the following two prepared statements from me: ‘I am telephoning to report a crime against my GP Practice of Dr S. Patel, Dr N. Patel and Dr R. Patel Wigmore Medical Centre. In my view the Surgery is responsible for false diagnosis and treatment. And this is deliberate to prevent it having a large prescription bill for the rest of my life. I have told the Surgery repeatedly that I suffer from Depression and this is not sporadic, it is continuous with no signs that I will get over it. So they do not want me as their patient and make it impossible for me to cope with my depression. Apart from the depression I have normal behavior with my fellow human beings. I have suffered from Depression since 1998. Instead they want to give me Riseridone medication, I don’t know what for’.

The Police Officer said that it could not deal with such crimes as they are not medically trained and I should telephone the 111 Line of the NHS. I did that and a man called Julian asked me for my landline telephone number full name and address and doctors surgery reference before asking what the call was about. I said: I am phoning to report a crime against my GP Practice of Dr S.Patel, Dr N. Patel and Dr R Patel Wigmore Medical Centre. In my view the Surgery is responsible for false diagnosis and treatment deliberately. He asked me to hold on and spoke to a colleague before returning to the Line and said for this kind of issue there is a another address to contact and he gave me the full address details including the telephone number (of 01737 364459) and email addresses. I immediately drafted a email but found that it was returned undeliverable by both the email addresses. I am not sure why and this had to be investigated, so I forwarded the email to Rashmi copied to the Surgery as follows:

Complaint against Dr S.Patel, Dr N Patel, Dr R Patel: Wigmore Medical Centre (2)



5 February 2016 at 9:29 AM


Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi

cc Dr Reema Patel

Please note with regard to our telephone conversation last night and your meeting with Dr Reema Patel on Monday that this email was returned as undeliverable from both these email addresses.


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On Friday, 5 February 2016, 9:20, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:



South East Coast Ambulance Service


Bolsters Lane



By email:

Dear Sir/Madam

Complaint against Practice of Dr Sudhir Patel, Dr Niru Patel, Dr Reema Patel: Wigmore Medical Centre, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent

1. On referral by Ms Saye (Police No 58661) of Kent Police this morning and on her word that since the Police Force is not medically-trained it cannot deal with reports of such crimes, I telephoned the 111 NHS line and spoke to a Julian who took down the details of my complaint and confirmed to me that the telephone conversation was recorded. Julian then spoke to a colleague and returned to the telephone line to gave me your address details as the organisation to contact about this complaint. He did not know if there is already a person within NHS or associated with it dealing with this matter. Would you kindly confirm that the above information is correct, or let me know who is dealing with my complaint?

2. I need a new General Practitioner urgently to prescribe me with anti-depressant medication now as I find life intolerable without it. Please give me an alternate GP Practice to go to before 12.00 noon today.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

At 11.14 am a text message came from Rashmi as follows: ‘Are you going to see the doctor in our own on Monday? I think you should or things will get bad. I won’t come with you if that is what you want. Help in saving what we have’. I replied immediately (11.16 am) so that the 12.00 noon deadline remains valid for the bastards to contact me with ‘Check your email and stay out of my affairs’.

When nothing came by 12.00 noon from the Surgery I felt I needed to return to the Legal Ombudsman on the second part of its letter that I received yesterday in order to indirectly activate the private prosecution proceedings at Maidstone Magistrates Court, because it could have been hiding under the consideration that two of the three cases lodged at the Legal Ombudsman were still in the process of being processed so that there a private prosecution was not justified against the Legal Ombudsman. I sent the following email to cut off the excuse that the Magistrates were being hid under:

Legal Ombudsman Cases: ELS Legal LLP (CMP-028271) and Fosters Law: (CMP-028273)


5 February 2016 at 12:14 PM


The Legal Ombudsman

PO Box 6806


WV1 9 WJ

Dear Sir

Legal Ombudsman Cases: ELS Legal LLP (CMP-028271) and Fosters Law: (CMP-028273)

1. ELS Legal LLP have now had their full 8 weeks to provide me with the private prosecution advice that I needed so that I am now in a position to complete this particular Complaint Form. Fosters Law have however still not had their full 8 weeks to deal with my Employment Appeal Tribunal Case.

2. Please let me know the outcome of the complaint against Hodge Jones and Allen (CMP-024216) before I decide whether you are an appropriate complaint-consideration body who would take my complaints against Fosters Law and ELS Legal seriously before I consider whether it is worth my time and effort to proceed with these other two complaints. Forgive me for saying this but the reason for doubting your sincerity is that I am still without my anti-depressant medication on prescription from a General Practitioner.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

It was a killer blow. I then had to rescue my GP services so decided to go to the Surgery for the meeting after telephoning the Surgery and finding that the telephone services were closed for lunch. In the Surgery, I spoke to one of the Receptionist saying if I could see Dr Reema Patel. She was not in today. I asked to see any other doctor and was told that only a locum doctor would be available later in the afternoon and he was fully booked. I said I was desperate and could not go through a whole weekend without anti-depressants. She looked at my computer file and said that you were given a prescription on 26 June. I said that was for Risperidone, but I need the anti-depressants. She said for that she could not give me an emergency appointment to see the doctor and I would have to come in on Monday. I asked if Dr Reema Patel would be in on Monday, She said, She would be in their Hempstead surgery. I said I live here so I will take a fixed appointment to see the locum on Monday.She booked me an appointment for 3.30 pm and wrote the appointment on a card. I asked her Dr Reema Patel wanted to see me I do not know what about. Could you let her know I came? She said she could not send her an email but would enter this in her computerized diary. I asked when she would see this diary. She said on Monday after her appointments most likely. I asked about Dr Sudhir Patel and Dr Niru Patel and she said they are away and would not be back until 18 February. With that I left the Surgery, and went to the Pharmacy to pick up the rest of my Risperidoe tablets owed to me from my last prescription.

However, on reaching home my daughter told me that the Surgery had just telephoned and told her that my appointment is at 9.30 am in the morning not at 3.30 pm. I then decided that they were up to some mischief in wanting me there so that an excuse could be found to refer me back to the NHS psychiatrist to cover up the issue of the diagnosis of my condition and ignored the message deciding that I would not be going to the Surgery at all on Monday.

The telephone rang twice in the afternoon and the first time I let it go to the answerphone. No message was left. The second time my daughter picked up the phone and the other person hung up. These were the attempts by the State to further manipulate the legal proceedings. By 6.30 pm nothing further came so I decided that I had to cover over these developments by looking for another PALS email address that I looked for in the internet. The full name of this organization then came to light as Patient Advice and Liaison Service which handles complaints against NHS bodies and General Practitioners. I need to send this to have on record that the complaint against the Surgery was fully activated according to State procedures:

Complaint against Dr S.Patel, Dr N Patel, Dr R Patel: Wigmore Medical Centre


5 February 2016 at 6:14 PM

Dear Sir/Madam

Could you tell me whether the following email has been received by PALS because the email addresses I was given by NHS rejected the receipt of the complaint?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

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On Friday, 5 February 2016, 9:20, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:



South East Coast Ambulance Service


Bolsters Lane



By email:

Dear Sir/Madam

Complaint against Practice of Dr Sudhir Patel, Dr Niru Patel, Dr Reema Patel: Wigmore Medical Centre, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent

1. On referral by Ms Saye (Police No 58661) of Kent Police this morning and on her word that since the Police Force is not medically-trained it cannot deal with reports of such crimes, I telephoned the 111 NHS line and spoke to a Julian who took down the details of my complaint and confirmed to me that the telephone conversation was recorded. Julian then spoke to a colleague and returned to the telephone line to gave me your address details as the organisation to contact about this complaint. He did not know if there is already a person within NHS or associated with it dealing with this matter. Would you kindly confirm that the above information is correct, or let me know who is dealing with my complaint?

2. I need a new General Practitioner urgently to prescribe me with anti-depressant medication now as I find life intolerable without it. Please give me an alternate GP Practice to go to before 12.00 noon today.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

The contact details of this email address were: Contact PALS: Free phone: 0800 953 0363 Email: Post: If you have any queries about local health services, or you would like to make a complaint, you can write to us at:

Patient Experience Team Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust Thames House Teddington TW11 8HU

Nothing arrived by Sunday moring, which showed how the State had ganged even the doctors against me as well as PALS. The situation was not sustainable for a meeting would have taken place and I would have been terrorized afterwards by the Surgery. I wrote an email that I soon forwarded to the Mental Health Tribunal, as follows:


7 February 2016 at 8:30 AM


Mental Health Tribunal Telephone (England): 0300 123 2201

Dear Sir/Madam

1. I am hereby applying for a Review of the continuation of 'semi-detention' that has been enforced on me by the NHS as explained in the following email.

2. Please let me know how to proceed with my Appeal in the absence of a solicitor. I will need legal aid.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Pangrahi

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On Sunday, 7 February 2016, 7:56, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Ms Kelly Mills

Practice Manager

Wigmore Medical Centre

114 Woodside



Kent ME8 0PW

Tel: Wigmore: 01634 231752

By email:

7 February 2016

Dear Ms Mills

1. When I returned home from your Surgery on Friday 5 February 2016 at around 2.00 pm after discussing my medication with the receptionist, my daughter told me that you had telephoned and cancelled my appointment with Dr Olegi (the locum) that had been fixed during my visit for 3.30 pm on Monday 8 February 2016. My daughter said that you told her that my appointment was at 9.30 am in the morning with Dr Reema Patel instead. From my discussions with my wife I believed that the 9.30 am meeting that you are referring to was only meant for my wife (Rashmi) to attend.

2. I am writing to let you know that I will no longer be attending any meetings at your Surgery.

3. I am also hereby applying through you to the Mental Health Appeal Tribunal to reconsider my Case in light of the new evidence that has surfaced. I await an appropriate mental health specialist solicitor to be assigned to me for this matter by the NHS so that I can discuss my concerns with the solicitor on this protracted continuation of treatment on me after the Health Team workers had stopped paying me visits at my home in 2008/9 saying that there was no need for any more such psychiatric supervision on me.

4. Please forward me a list of these solicitors before 9.00 am on Monday 8 February 2016 by email.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 01634 379604

I thought it would be far better for me to go back to the Hospital under re-sectioning, as the bastards were planning, with a case already lodged at the Mental Health Tribunal so that the process is judicially monitored as being under protest. The details of the submission to the Mental Health Tribunal were as follows: I required discharge from Mental Health Treatment by the NHS because there has never been any justification whatsoever and treatment- enforcement is unforgivable deserving of a financial compensation payment to me. The entire bases of my enforced treatment has been submitted for reassessment by the Tribunal with regard to the following specific considerations:

(a) capture by the Police in Dover to be taken to a mental hospital (for incarceration for 3 months for observations under Sectioning) when I was on asylum travel to France in 2004 on the written invitation of the French Government with documentary evidence to prove this and without any written appealable documents served to me that I was required for questioning by the Mental Health authorities;

(b) capture from home to be taken to another mental hospital and incarcerated for a month in 2008 by the Police without any written appealable notification that I was similarly required by the Mental Health authorities for examination under Sectioning; and

(c) semi-detention at home from 2009 to 2016 with enforced medication without access to a solicitor-mediated Mental Health Appeal Tribunal.

It is therefore argued that the Sections served on me in the hospital on two occasions were unlawful.

During the following three weeks there was a terrific dogfight to stave off the State’s attempt to get me in for examination. I had to return to asylum application as follows ( being the email address of my younger sister Soumya in Bhubanseswar, Odisha, India to whom I wrote again asking if she would take the matter up with Mr Navin Pattnaik, the Chief Minister given the state of the Central Government of India’s position on this matter):

Application for an injunction to stop the National Health Service Assessing My Mental Health Status (5)


15 February 2016 at 9:25 AM


Shri. Ranjan Mathai

High Commissioner

High Commission of India,

India House,



WC2B 4NA Telephone Numbers: 020 7836 8484

020 7632 3035 (after Office hours) Fax Number: 020 7836 4331

Dear Sir

1. Please reconsider my application for asylum in India as a political detainee in the United Kingdom held at Her Majesty's the Queen's personal pleasure to be tortured through the State's NHS medication/ECT indefinitely without any access to the due process of the law.

2. I need to go to India immediately and have confirmed my family accommodation in A13/3 Kalindi Housing Estate, Kolkata.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

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On Monday, 15 February 2016, 8:37, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Queens Bench Division

Royal Courts of Justice

15 February 2016

Dear Sir/Madam

Please let me know the outcome of this application for an injunction.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

cc Mr Michael Dodds, Maidstone Magistrates Court on my private prosecution proceedings.

On Sunday, 14 February 2016, 7:45, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Queens Bench Division

Royal Courts of Justice



By Email:

For the Duty Judge in attendance on Sunday 14 February 2016

Dear Sir/Madam

1. Until Kent Police's Crime Report on Incident No 08-0943 against the National Health Service in its perpetration of criminality against me since 2004 is made available to me and has been judicially scrutinised (for factual accuracy and soundness of judgement) through a Judicial Review in the Administrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice, I do not agree to being subjected to further rounds of assessment and treatment by the National Health Service through its doctors either in the General Practice or in the Hospital environment on my mental health for it would amount to a continuation of the criminality perpetrated.

2. As such I am hereby seeking an immediate injunction from the Duty Judge today to stop any further NHS reviews of my mental health pending the outcome of this Judicial Review.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Another deceitful letter came from Mr Rehman Chishti to which I replied copied to Beckett Solicitors as follows:

State-organised persecution on Dr Shantanu Panigrahi: naming the culprit organiser as being Her Majesty the Queen



Feb 18 at 8:08 AM


Mr Rehman Chishti

Member of Parliament for Gillingham and Rainham

House of Commons

18 February 2016

Dear Mr Chishti

1. Thank you for your letter dated 12 February 2016 that seemed to have a franking post mark of 16 February 2016 possibly to indicate that it acknowledged my email to the Mental Health Tribunal sent at 11.46 am of 16 February 2016 that was copied to my solicitors Beckett Solicitors.

2. You say that you have written on my behalf to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), asking them to advise me on what action can be taken in consideration of the circumstances of my complaint and concerns. Would it not have been proper for you to first discuss the contents of my complaint with me first before the referral was made so that you considered completing the Official PHSO Form that I would complete and sign for your counter-signature before its submission to the PHSO?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Beckett Solicitors deleted the title from the email to put aside the suggestion that I had put forward so as to prevent the truth of the Queen’s involvement from being determined through the due process of the law. There was no reply from Mr Rehman Chishti. At this point the evidence was getting quite overwhelming that Queen and her entourage was the Big Brother that had systematically persecuted me through the Courts and Tribunals and the National Health Service to subject me to medical torture that would alter the constitution of my mind. I therefore posted the following blogpost on guidance from God:

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