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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi



Shantanu Panigrahi

Sat 3/20/2021 10:02 AM


Reading County Court

Dear Sir/Madam

1. I am urgently seeking District Judge Malcolm Dodds attention for a review of this matter, as attached: ToMalcolmDodds(ClerktoMagistratesMedwayMagistratesCourt)20May2020_20Mar2021.docx.

2.Can you help me please: I have been told yesterday by John (Security at Medway Magistrates Court) to telephone the Court on the next working day for the next available appointment to Hear the matter but need to be sure that Malcolm Dodds is kept informed of the proceedings.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Forwarded Message:

Reading County, Enquiries <>

To:Shan Panigrahi

Mon, 11 May 2020 at 11:35

Good morning

Thank you for your email. Please may you confirm the claim or case number for this matter; from the documentation provided it does not appear that the matter you refer to has been dealt with by this Court.

Kind regards

Civil Team

The County Court at Reading, Slough and High Wycombe

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"I am not authorised to bind my Department contractually, nor to make representations or other statements which may bind the Department in any way via electronic means."


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Shan Panigrahi <>

To:Dodds Malcolm

Sun, 10 May 2020 at 06:52

UPDATED: Saturday 20 March 2021, at 9.38 am


District Judge Malcolm Dodds

[Formerly Clerk to Justices Medway Magistrates Court, presiding over the private prosecution of then the Legal Ombudsman and now the Crown Prosecution Service in accordance the Arrest Summons of 28 February 2021 that I visited Medway Magistrate Court for an appointment with the Magistrate on 19 March 2021 at 1300 hours]

Dear Magistrate

1. I am a Vishista-adviatist in Hindu parlance wherein I seek the truth constantly in order to accommodate myself within the imminent and durable reality and the permanent reality for me which is death when all things end for me. I have been grossly misunderstood by the UK State in its classification that I am a mentally subnormal individual with Paranoid Schizophrenia. I however accept that this may only be a medico-psychiatric term for the symptoms of Vishista-advaita and am continuing to take my medications of antipsychotic risperidone, antidepressant sertraline and mood stabiliser depakote as prescribed by the Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Odesanya.

2. Please accept my apologies for the attached communication. I did question whether you had lied to me in saying that you did not know anything about my case of representing the 22-year persecution that I have suffered in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, most notably by Hindu Dharma Forums for blocking my sincere truths in this Forum, so it is an international conspiracy against my religious beliefs.

3. The CCMCC Judge District Judge Harvey's Order has still not been nullified as shown in the attached: ToCCMCC&autoreplies9May2020.docx. so that I am still owed £55,000 by the University of Greenwich as redundancy pay 22 years after my unjustified and Wrongful Dismissal. Similarly, a lesser amount is owed to me by Shell UK Ltd for violation of TUPE regulations that the Employment Tribunal has refused to countenance consideration of. This is also the Case with the ‘not-for-rehire’ decision of Sainsburys plc and the unjustified manner in which my probation period at Tonbridge Road Convenience Store Maidstone kept getting extended following the intervention of Ms Kimberly Brooks (Advocate) in her representation to Mr Yaw Gwekwe Aboagye. I am therefore hamstrung in conducting any litigations against the hundreds of State-persecutors who have harassed me as shown in this anonymous email that was sent from a fictitious account as if I had personally sent the email to Private Prosecution Service. My lilvehood has therefore been snatched away from me under the false premise that I am ‘Stateless’ so no employer is taking me on as an employee from the hundreds of job applications that I have submitted in the past 3 years through Recruitment Agencies and directly on Company websites at various avenues.

4. I was once Judged to have abused the process of Court at Medway County Court in 2000 which has been appealed, but have never been accused of frivolous, vexatious and immeritorious litigation, nor have I been charged with contempt of court, sedition, or criminal or forensic actions any kind during the past 23 years of naturalised residence in the United Kingdom with a full-established United Kingdom citizenship and a United Kingdom passport. So I do not know why my human rights are continued to being denied to me under the assumption that I am stateless, rather than Stateless in still receiving my Teacher’s pension and continuing with my political activities as the General Secretary of The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom –

5. These 1000 criminal anonymous emails that I have received especially since August 2017 were designed to scupper my private prosecution of Crown Prosecution Service that you should be fully aware of.

6. In light of this evidence, kindly issue Judgment and Orders of your Court in Medway Magistrates Court for the following redressing of justice for me:

(a) £15 million to be paid to me for damages and compensation by the UK State for 22 years of State-organised persecution on religious grounds into my NatWest Bank Account.

(b) Order to to restore my Blog

7. I have searched far and wide for legal representation in this matter as the following publication shows with 50+ Law Firms/solicitors/barristers attempted, but none could be persuaded to touch my Claims with a barge pole.

8. I am aware that you are required to pronounce judgement on this application before noon today because the postman has still not delivered a Judgement or Order for Directions on the processing of my Claim E35YM660 from Judge Parfitt sitting at the Central London County Court that for some reason followed the attached Order that I do not know why when I had been restricted by the Order to mount any kind of civil litigation; so private prosecution is the only avenue open to me for Your Honour’s consideration.

9. My telephone number is given below if you need to interview me before the Judgement and Order is entered by your esteemed self.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file



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I received an Order from a convened Court, that I feel is objectionable, as follows:


Order/Judgement from CCMCC (County Courts Money Claims Centre)

PO Box 627, Salford, M6 0BY, DX: 702634 Salford 5 T: 0300 123 1372;

Min-com for deaf and hard of hearing: 0300 123 1264 F:0161 743 4023 E:, 31 August 2018.

HM Courts & Tribunals Service


Our Ref:

Your Ref:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please be advised your Claim Form was referred to the Deputy District Judge Harvey who had the following directions:

In the matter of: Practice Direction 7EPD.2

And in the matter of: two N1 Claim Forms requested to be issued by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi of 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL ('the Claimant')


1 The Claimant has submitted to the court two N1 Claim Forms for issuing against Wigmore Medical Centre for £100,000 and against Mrs Theresa May, Prime Minister, for £3000 respectively.

2 The Claimant has also submitted an EX160 form to apply for help with court fees.

3. All forms submitted to the court are unsigned and the Claimant has refused to co-operate with the court office (HMCTS) in relation to their correspondence dated 6th August 2018.

4. Upon reference to a Deputy District Judge, it appears desirable that HMCTS take such security measures as it thinks fit under Practice Direction 7EPD.2 to control and manage any process requested by the Claimant.

Order of the Court's own motion without a hearing

It is ordered that:

1. The Claimant may not start any claim electronically via HMCTS website unless he complies with the requirements set out in the letter from HMCTS dated 6 August 2018 and he provides such personal information for identity purposes as is required by the Practice Direction, such information to comprise original documents such as a passport or driving license and utility bill or bank statement not older than 3 months showing the Claimant's address.

2. The Claimant is advised that the court will not enter into any email communications with the Claimant and any further communication must be by post only and relate to the requirements set out in paragraph 1 above.

3. Because this Order has been made without a hearing, the parties have the right to apply to have the Order set aside, varied or stayed. A party making such an application must send or deliver the application to the court (together with any appropriate fee) to arrive within seven days of service of this Order. If the application is one which requires a hearing, and

a) the party making the application is the Defendant; and

b) the Defendant is an individual,

then upon the filing of the application the claim will be transferred to the Defendant's home court. In all other cases requiring a hearing the claim will be transferred to the preferred court.


Yours faithfully,


CountyCourt Money Claims Centre

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