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Reporting the latest crimes committed against me to Kent Police

The initial response of OTS Solicitors to my submission to the Court that it was my solicitor was not good and I considered it wise to report the incident of the two blog comments posted here that were submitted by a person apparently representing the Law Firm to Kent Police, as follows:

Your letter to me dated 13 November 2017: Your Ref:CORRESPONDENCE/DJ (8) CSC Kent To ‘Shan Panigrahi’ 17 Nov 2017 at 13:07 Good afternoon,

This email address is not for public use and is an internal email system. If you have a crime to report please as advised contact 101 to discuss the matter and arrange seeing an officer or use the Kent Police website to complete an online crime report which will be allocated to an officer to make contact.

Please do not reply to this email.

Kind regards Danielle 58161

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 17 November 2017 13:03 To: CSC Kent Subject: Re: Your letter to me dated 13 November 2017: Your Ref:CORRESPONDENCE/DJ

Dear Kent Police

Thank you for a quick reply. I need Kent Police to arrest Mr David Jenkins immediately for sending me the attached letter FrDJenkins(AppealsOffice17Nov2017.docx in relation to previous correspondence with the High Court. Will there be a facility to insert those email attachments in your Kent Police website?

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Friday, 17 November 2017, 12:42, CSC Kent wrote:

Thank you for your reply. If you do not wish to speak to someone on the phone please visit the Kent Police website and use the online crime reporting feature which will allow you to type your information freely.

Kind regards Danielle 58161

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 17 November 2017 12:40 To: CSC Kent Subject: Re: Your letter to me dated 13 November 2017: Your Ref:CORRESPONDENCE/DJ

Dear Kent Police

This matter is not easy to describe over the phone as it involves the consideration of emails and letters to enable the detection of the crime of deliberately sabotaging justice, in other words perverting the course of justice.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Friday, 17 November 2017, 12:21, CSC Kent wrote:

Good morning,

I am not entirely sure what our involvement with this is. However, should you wish to report harassment please contact 101 or use the online crime reporting procedure on the Kent Police Website.

Kind regards Danielle 58161

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 17 November 2017 12:13 To: Hans Sok Appadu Cc: CSC Kent Subject: Re: Your letter to me dated 13 November 2017: Your Ref:CORRESPONDENCE/DJ

Dear Mr Appadu

I clearly asked OTS Solicitors to investigate the blog comment that was inserted apparently by your Consultant Mr NS Ahluwalia in my Blog that was soliciting me to contact OTS Solicitors with my Case. That was criminal harassment. You say that Mr Ahluwalia did not insert those Blog Comments. You should have made sure that I received that comment in writing from you so that I could report it to Kent Police who must investigate my report of my allegations that I have blogged here:

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Friday, 17 November 2017, 11:40, Hans Sok Appadu wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

I hope this finds you well.

Kindly note we are not the instructing solicitors in your matter and I would be grateful if you could refrain to point out that we have your instruction to the CoA.

Further to my phone conversation with you, I kindly advised you to contact the law society and your MP to help you in your complex matter.

All the best.

Best Wishes,

Hans Sok Appadu, LLB, LL.M | Trainee Solicitor Senior Immigration Caseworker

T. 02079369960 F. 02079369100 E. W. 107 – 111 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB

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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 17 November 2017 11:01 To: Jenkins David (Appeal Court) Cc: Subject: Your letter to me dated 13 November 2017: Your Ref:CORRESPONDENCE/DJ

To The Appeals Office HM Courts and Tribunals Service The Royal Courts of Justice Group High Court Appeals Office Room WG08 Royal Courts of Justice Strand London WC2A 2 LL

Dear Mr Jenkins

1. Thank you for your letter to me dated 13 November 2017 concerning Re: PANIGRAHI (APP) v KENT POLICE (RES) about the need for an Appellants Notice before the applied for Order can be issued by the Court.

2. My solicitors, OTS Solicitors, are aware of these requirements that should be fulfilled in due course once the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner has reported on its Case Ref C9145.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL

I then sent Professional Standards Department of Kent Police the following email:

Complaint on non-recording of a crime reported by email Shan Panigrahi To PSD Complaints Kent 17 Nov 2017 at 14:36 To Professional Standards Kent Police

Dear Sir

1. I reported a crime of a very technical nature, namely of the deliberate sabotaging of justice through perverting the course of justice communally, at your CSCKent email address today stating clearly that I required an arrest to be made of Mr David Jenkins immediately before further damage was suffered by me by the actions of this one person representing the criminal community engaged in my persecution. I said that this crime was not easy to report over the phone at 101 and because it was committed from London your Kent Police Website online crime reporting would not let me get past the first question of whether this crime was committed in Kent. The emails that I sent Kent Police were therefore appropriate means for reporting the crime legally.

2. Instead of dealing with the extensive nature of the evidence relating to the crime that was brought to Kent Police’s attention for investigation through the emails that I sent today and email attachment, your member of staff, Danielle 58161 wrote:

Good afternoon,

This email address is not for public use and is an internal email system. If you have a crime to report please as advised contact 101 to discuss the matter and arrange seeing an officer or use the Kent Police website to complete an online crime report which will be allocated to an officer to make contact.

Please do not reply to this email.

Kind regards Danielle 58161

3. As a result I have not received an incident number for this crime.

4. I therefore wish to complain to Professional Standards Kent Police that my report of this crime was not taken seriously by Kent Police. Please note that I was given the email address referred to by Kent Police itself for use in correspondence on legal matters that required this method of communication so Danielle 58161 was wrong to terminate that correspondence prematurely.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL

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The modus operandi of a typical UK criminal

This evening I received an email that threatened me. I am reproducing it and my reply which went successfully so that it was from a genuine email address. I am doing so so that the Police and Courts who are aware of my Blog can examine this latest crime and do the necessary thing to apprehend this criminal. There was no further communication from the criminal.

Shantanu Panigahi (2) Shan Panigrahi To Anonymous 27 Nov 2017 at 19:50

What is your name and let me know the emails that you refer to so that I will consider deleting them from my Blog. I do not know where you work.

I will not take down my entire Blog under any circumstances so feel free to take whatever action you feel in the courts or otherwise. I will defend myself against any such threats from uncivilised persecutors of the UK State.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Monday, 27 November 2017, 18:25, Anonymous wrote:

You fuckass parasite Panigrahi, For no valid reason other than to harass me you put my name and emails in your idiotic blog in several places without my knowledge, leaving aside my consent. If you do not delete your entire blog by 4 p.m. November 29, you will discover the meanings of ‘consequences’ and ‘persecution’. You recall where I work. This is your first and your final warning. I don’t pee out of my nose. Nor I think do you. Yet.

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1. Guess what? That does not constitute a crime.

Comment by Thomas Jones | November 28, 2017 | Reply

o Time will tell.

Comment by shantanup | November 28, 2017 | Reply

2. I’m with Thomas. There’s no crime there – just somebody who’s apparently unhappy with your reposting of his private correspondence to you. Doing that is an olde-school internet no-no. It may not be a go-to-jail sort of crime, but he could narc you out to WordPress and they might shut down your account and take all your content to boot.

Comment by devi8 | November 28, 2017 | Reply

o Whoever this person is (he has written anonymously: why?) he is reluctant to identify himself and he is reluctant to spell out precisely what he objects to in what I have published that relates to him so that I can respond to it by a careful reconsideration. Instead he wants me to delete my entire Blog that it took me 5 years to construct in an effort to develop knowledge for world conservation. He has threatened me with ‘consequences’ and seemingly further dire ‘persecution’. Did he mean that I might be hurt so badly by him that I will pee out of my nose? He calls me a parasite with what justification? His email constitutes the crime in my book of intimidatory harassment and threat to hurt if I do not abandon my passion of the journalism of Blogging.

When I challenged him to spell out if he will take legal action in the courts for whatever grievance he feels that I have subjected him to he keeps quiet. This shows that he or she was put up to terrorise me unfairly for everything that I have blogged has a good public interest reason for having done so. Over the years I have discovered the fundamental functioning of the British State that allows what are terrible offences to the individual going about his lawful business from going unpunished. That is how the Empire was built.

So I expect the British Police to trace this individual for questioning under the Crime Report that I have submitted to the City of London Police with Reference CRONLINE 145922. The Police asked me to refer this Crime Report to the Legal Ombudsman for a preliminary screening. This I have done but I am not convinced that this was a legally valid referral that the Police asked for. That will have to be decided in my Appeal to the Court of Appeal, see here:

WordPress has allowed me to develop this Blog that I wish to be available for worldwide consultation for hundreds of years as my contribution to humanity. I have had no comments made to me by WordPress that it has failed to live up to that objective so far. And I intend to continue blogging for as long as I live with the agreement of WordPress naturally through this website.

Comment by shantanup | November 28, 2017 | Reply

§ I’m still with Thomas and suspect, lacking the courage to pass it, you will censor this, but any way.

On November 28, 2017, you replied to me complaining “He calls me a parasite with what justification?”

Could the following e-mail you sent (him?) be this justification?

Shantanu Panigrahi wrote on 13 September 2017, 12:40pm CET: “I used the lump sum that I received in pension to pay off my financial debts to my wife for 18 YEARS OF LIVING AS A PARASITE ON HER” “Yours sincerely Dr Shantanu Panigrahi”

Remember that? Sounds like you yourself admitted to what he reminded you of and you then complained about! How many of you are there inside? Do you hear voices?

WORDPRESS invites all to ”Leave a Reply”. If you don’t want replies, don’t whine and cheese but switch this feature off or switch to a different provider, which I think you will soon need to. I’m almost sure WORDPRESS will soon cancel this blog for numerous breaches of its T&Cs, eg. citing e-mails without sender’s permission in the blog, making legal threats on the blog, so you will have to find a different provider any way. It happened to a friend of mine.

Have you backed it all up? Because when WORDPRESS pulls the plug, pooof, all gone, and it’ll be too late. That would be a shame. Two e-mails of complaint, they won’t invesgitate, and all your work disappears forever. Surprised it hasn’t happened yet.


Comment by devi8 | December 5, 2017

§ Devi8, This person implied that I was a parasite on the UK State, which is untrue as I have my job-associated pension which is not the State pension. It is true that for much of the time from 1998 to 2017 I was dependent on my wife who thinks I am mentally ill so undertook the role of a Carer. I paid back the money I owed her for her earlier sacrifice so I do not any longer consider myself to have beeen a parasite on her, let alone a parasite to the UK State as this person has insisted. To suggest so is persecution that you are furthering.

Unfortunately, you are continuing with your assertion and view that WordPress should close down this Blog. I am objecting to that strongly and this is a legal issue that WordPress will have to answer to a Court of law for for no such stipulations as you cite were made to me when I started this Blog and since then by WordPress. So there are legal issues involved here and the matter is subject to the decision of the Court of Appeal that is under way. I am therefore fighting any attempt by any party to close down this Blog in that Appeal as continuing persecution that you and that other UK criminal have been instrumental in arranging for no reason other than the fact that State-organised persecution has been investigated, identified and reported by me.

WordPress should bear that in mind because the amount of damages and compensation that I have claimed is £5 million, to be apportioned according to the roles of all the parties engaged in the persecution. If the Blog is closed down that amount of damages and compensation in the litigation will rise to at least double that.

Comment by shantanup | December 5, 2017

3. The fact that he pissed you off does not constitute a crime.

Comment by Thomas Jones | November 29, 2017 | Reply

o We will see when my Appeal comes through.

Comment by shantanup | November 29, 2017 | Reply

4. How much are you willing to bet it will come to nothing? You have given “We will see” time and time again, and when we DO see, it is ALWAYS that you don’t achieve a thing.

Comment by Thomas Jones | November 30, 2017 | Reply

o If this person has a grievance against me, and he has not spelt it out to me yet despite giving him all the opportunities to do so, 29 November 4 pm is past us and my Blog still stands and added to, so I must now face the consequences that he threatened me with: so what is going to happen to me now?

Comment by shantanup | November 30, 2017 | Reply

5. Nothing is going to happen to you. You’ve been trolled and taken the bait.

Comment by Thomas Jones | December 4, 2017 | Reply

o I am not sure that you are right because on 3 December I received two emails from a person first giving himself as: Nomen Nescio and then the same email giving himself as Anonymous

If it is the same person who sent the original email, he needs to confirm this. He has asked me to withdraw my complaint. I am not going to do that. The Police must investigate these emails and identify the source of the persecution.

Comment by shantanup | December 4, 2017 | Reply

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