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State-organised persecution by the UK State

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi



10 Feb 2018 at 17:44


The Independent Police Complaints Commission

Dear Sir

1. I am writing to complain against Kent Police for not investigating the following matter as a crime. Further Kent Police has not bothered to record the following matter as a crime, and has not even acknowledged receipt of the complaint.

2. Please deal with this complaint against Kent Police before April 2018 when I am due to visit Greece with my family that this complaint refers to so that my entry to that country and return back to the United Kingdom unhindered is guaranteed not withstanding these criminal activities.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

On Sunday, 4 February 2018, 13:21, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote: To



Registry of the General Court of the European Union

Rue du Fort Niedergrunewald

L-2925 Luxumbourg

Dear E Coulon

1. I received an anonymous email yesterday seemingly from an agent of the UK State that contained the following section:

From: Tribunal General de La Union Europea, CVRIA Luxembourg Date: 02/02/2018 By email: Dear Sir The Registrar of the General Court acknowledges receipt of your emails of 31/01/2018 and 01/02/2018. The Registrar regrets to inform you that these further communications are apparently malicious, abusive and threatening, and that a formal complaint about you has been made to the UK Kent Police. Any reply you send to this office will be forwarded, unread, to the UK Kent Police. E. Coulon Registrar Registry of the General Court of the European Union Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald, L-2925 Luxembourg

2. I am aghast at what is written and wish to have the issue clarified from you. For the record, I did not send you any email on 01/02/2018, let alone sending you anything ever that was malicious, abusive or threatening in any way. Further I did not receive any email from you on 2/02/2018.

3. It would appear that this attribution has been engineered by the UK State against me in the most criminal manner imaginable. Please therefore review the matter immediately.

4. I am copying this to Kent Police to have the cultprits brought to justice.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 (15)


12 Feb 2018 at 15:49

Dear Sir/Madam

Please convey the following attachment ToGCRegistryGeneral Court12Feb2018.docx) to the Case Progression Officer and request the Officer to contact me with a judgment as I am determined to go to Greece and need to feel that I can return to the United Kingdom unhindered.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 13:23, QB Issue & Enquiries <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email, which I have referred to our Case Progression Team, who will be contacting you in due course.

Kind regards,

Lola Ogunsiji Issue & Enquiries Queens Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL 02079477772

· E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

o Clearly state the Court's action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

o Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master <name> for the hearing on <date> & <time>.

o Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable).

o If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1).

o In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

If you're unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with.

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 06 February 2018 11:31 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Re: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773

Dear Ms Ogunsiji

1. Mrs Gladwyn Iko Pereira, Room E.403 High Courts of Justice, Republic of Botswana , is one of the agents of the UK State who have harassed me on behalf of the UK State, and is therefore a party to my Claim No HQ17X01773 at the Queens Bench Division of the High Court in London . In actual fact, no Facilitation Fee is required under UK Law for my Claim at your Court as the proceedings have been continuous since May 2017. Mrs Pereira is simply trying to obtain money out of me by deception knowing fully well that all my High Court Fees at the Queens Bench Division London are adequately covered under the 100 per cent Fee Remission that you granted to me for this Case.

2. Does that clarify the issue?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 10:49, QB Issue & Enquiries <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email, the content of which has been noted. I have checked the Court’s record and we are unsure as to what the £500 payment relates to. This request is being made by High Courts of Justice Republic of Botswana and not the High Court in London . They are not party to above claim. Have you got an existing claim in Botswana ? Is this a legitimate request? If yes, you will need to contact them directly to settle the amount in question. Please clarify.

Kind regards,

Lola Ogunsiji Issue & Enquiries Queens Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL 02079477772

· E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

o Clearly state the Court's action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

o Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master <name> for the hearing on <date> & <time>.

o Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable).

o If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1).

o In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

If you're unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with.

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 05 February 2018 12:20 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Fw: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773


The High Court

Dear Sir

1. I sent an email to Charles Calthrop at the email address indicated to make arrangements to pay the facilitation fee by cheque, but have not received confirmation.

2. Please let me know if I can send you a cheque made payable to HMCTS for the £500 that is required so that this hearing can be arranged as promised under the offer.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

On Monday, 5 February 2018, 3:37, Nomen Nescio <> wrote:

Mr Panigrahi,

re High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 and subsequent appeals

There is a roadblock, largely brought about by your own

errors and inappropriate communications, in your case.

To clear this roadblock, a facilitation fee is payable.

That fee is £500. VAT is not currently applicable.

It may be paid by Paypal to the following email address:

In return for this fee, the matter will be listed for

hearing within one week of receipt and all steps to

find a sympathetic judicial ear will be taken.

If you do not make the payment by February 15 2018,

you may consider the offer withdrawn.

You must appreciate the sensitivity of this matter.

No further correspondence will be entertained until

the fee is paid.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Gladwyn Iko Pereira

Room E.403

High Courts of Justice

Republic of Botswana

ToGCRegistryGeneralCourt12Feb2018 .docx :


Registry of the General Court of the European Union

Rue du Fort Niedergrunewald


12 Feb 2018 at 15:08

Dear E Coulon

1. With regard to my application to the General Court for a judgment on whether I am free to travel to Greece under freedom of movement of European Union citizens and return back into the United Kingdom unhindered, I have received the following email from the UK State that is full of errors.

2. Further I received a copy of the second defence document that the UK State had sent you which I severely object to - see attached FrAnonymous(FahmidaEColon)10Feb2018.docx.

3. Please note that if I do not receive an acknowledgment from you of this email within the next 24 hours, I will assume that my application to the General Court is not being given due consideration by the Court and will terminate my correspondence accordingly by blogging this email.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

On Sunday, 11 February 2018, 12:33, Anonymous <> wrote:


Believing you can wave some documents at the border is naive even reckless. It will take months maybe years to resolve the issue of whether or not your renunciation of UK citizen-ship in 2015 is binding or not. At first glance it does not meet any stringent requirements, but the major complication is that you have communicated it to an agent of a foreign state (the equivalent of an ambassador with plenipotentiary powers) Mathai accompanied with wild claims of persecution and acts of criminality against you, none of which has been

proven and further which you subsequently recanted thereby admitting you are unreliable and a fantasist or a liar.

Is it possible you would spend this period in a detention centre? I cannot say one way or the other but it would not be unprecedented.

You have published all of this and so denying it would be futile and merely add to your woes.

Even if we disregard the more recent application for asylum in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as claimed by one M.K. Bakhri but at least partly denied by you, it looks serious.

Even more recently there appears to be some connection with Botswana not inconsistent with applying for asylum there. Have you? Your denial re Pakistan appeared quite unconvincing.

All this information has been conveyed to law-enforcement and border control authorities. I know because I have seen some of it. There may be worse material I have not seen. The decision is yours but if you do decide to travel abroad notwithstanding all of this would it not be prudent for you to make contingency plans in case you are denied entry?

Only belatedly are you grasping that having vexed so many people in positions of authority and power, and your having narcissistically documented it to embarrass and humiliate them, has severe adverse potential consequences for you.

Carry on regardless is an amusing title of a movie but may not be sound advice. Why have you neither a lawyer nor a dog? You have a family so why not put the material before them and heed their counsel?

The first step should be to erase this blog. It could be locked later by judicial order making deletion impossible.



FrAnonymous(FahmidaECoulon)10Feb2018 .docx :



10 Feb 2018 at 0:49

Dear Mr Coulon,

My name is Fahmida and I am one of the many people being persecuted by this Shantany Panigrahi. He says I am 'an agent of the British state' but all I was doing was my job as a clerical worker for Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service. Now he is threatening us with being prosecuted by the Luxembourg (he calls it Luxumbourg) Court of the EU, your name is mentioned, as is also the email adddress of We don't know whether or not you can assist but it is not fair that we can continue to be harassed by this madman. Care in the Community is not suitable for extreme dementia cases.

Please can you do something to help, may be if you copied the correspondence to the policewoman at the above email.

Kind regards,

Fahmida Z


E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages.

In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

Clearly state the Court’s action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master for the hearing on & .

Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable).

If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1).

In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

If you’re unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with.

re: The Allurement of Reality


12 Feb 2018 at 19:59

From: Noman Nescio (Shan Panigrahi)

Subject: The Allurement of Reality

Date: February 10, 2018


Dave Richards

Greenberry Publishing

Dear Dave

Volume 4 will document the theft of my identity and the abduction of my dog. For these reasons, please ensure all future communications go to,

because is run by agents of the British state.

That email address can only receive email, not send it, so I will be communication to you from my Noman Nescio a.c.

How much money may I send you to ensure publication?

Yours truly

Shan Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL



13 Feb 018 at 4:51


A brave man like you, fighting against tyranny, should

receive public acclaim and financial support. In order

that we can facilitate the latter, please provide your

bank details (name, account number, sort code) on

your site or email these to, who

is our Secretary.


Kind regards,

Zin Lee LLB

Citizen vs State, Inc.

Tyranny (2)



13 Feb 2018 at 11:51

Dear Sir

1. In order for me to continue with my fight against UK State tyranny on me I have no choice but to go to Greece and wave the document at the immigration officials in Greece and back in the United Kingdom if I am denied entry to either Greece or back into the United Kingdom. Only this will determine the reality of what the UK State is planning for me. I am still not officially contacting the Indian government concerning this matter with regard to my application for asylum in October 2015 that I retracted so it should not be binding. Please advise if this is necessary.

2. My Bank Account details are Barclays Bank plc, Mr S Panigrahi & Mrs R.R Panigrahi, Account No 90098086.

Thank you for your financial assistance in advance.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018, 4:51, Anonymous <> wrote:


A brave man like you, fighting against tyranny, should receive public acclaim and financial support. In order that we can facilitate the latter, please provide your bank details (name, account number, sort code) on your site or email these to, who

is our Secretary.


Kind regards,

Zin Lee LLB

Citizen vs State, Inc.

ToQBIssue&Enquiries12Feb2018 .docx

IOPC reference 2018/099477


13 Feb 2018 at 14:13

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Thank you for contacting the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 10 February 2018 regarding your complaint against Kent Police. The case reference number is 2018/099477, which you should quote in all future correspondence.

We are completely independent of the police service and are responsible for making sure that the police complaints system in England and Wales works effectively and fairly. However, each police force is responsible for considering complaints made against that force and recording your complaint.

Our role at this stage is to forward your complaint to the relevant police force. If you are not happy with the police’s decision on recording your complaint, you may have the right to appeal to us.

I have passed the matter to the Professional Standards Department (PSD) of Kent Police for them to consider and the police will be contacting you soon.

If you have not heard from the relevant police force within 15 working days you may wish to contact them directly.

Kent Police

Professional Standards

Sutton Road



ME15 9BZ

Tel: 01622 690 690


If you have any further information you wish to pass on, please forward it directly to the PSD at the above address.

Please find attached some information regarding the formal complaints process.

If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Jonathan Manning

Customer Contact Advisor

Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) PO Box 473


M33 0BW

Tel: 0300 020 0096

Twitter: @iopc_help

The IOPC is committed to treating everyone who contacts us politely, promptly and equally. To help us monitor and improve our service, if your recent enquiry with our Customer Contact Centre (CCC) is now complete, we would like to hear your views about your experience.

Please click here to open the survey and provide your feedback - it will only take five minutes. Thank you in advance for your time.

Any information you provide will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act, and will not have any impact on any IOPC case that you might be involved with.

Os bydd arnoch angen yr arolwg hwn yn Gymraeg, cysylltwch â ni ar os gwelwch yn dda.

· 2 Attachments

Complaints FAQs .pdf

IOPC - A guide to the police complaints system .pdf

IOPC reference 2018/099477


13 Feb 2018 at 15:08


Kent Police

Professional Standards

Sutton Road



ME15 9BZ

Tel: 01622 690 690


Dear Sir

Please take the attached persecutory document that the UK State sent me through its agent into account in considering this complaint that has been lodged at the IOPC.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

FrAnonymous(DaveRichardsb)10Feb2018 .docx :

re: The Allurement of Reality


12 Feb 2018 at 19:59

From: Noman Nescio (Shan Panigrahi)

Subject: The Allurement of Reality

Date: February 10, 2018


Dave Richards

Greenberry Publishing

Dear Dave

Volume 4 will document the theft of my identity and the abduction of my dog. For these reasons, please ensure all future communications go to,

because is run by agents of the British state.

That email address can only receive email, not send it, so I will be communication to you from my Noman Nescio a.c.

How much money may I send you to ensure publication?

Yours truly

Shan Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Marty returns (2)


14 Feb 2018 at 11:29


The Legal Ombudsman

Dear Sir

Please confirm to this agent of the UK State that Ms Monneka Tahir is not my solicitor as you are considering a complaint of mine against her under Case: CMP-069454 ABC:00481372

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

On Wednesday, 14 February 2018, 1:08, Anonymous <> wrote:

Hi Shantu,

Thought I should tell you my assistant has completed her review, based only on your own admissions in your shitty website, of how much time and money of the "British state", including government-funded institutions, you have wasted to date with your vexatious, wicked, spiteful, baseless, untruthful, misleading, deceitful and idiotic complaints and attempts at legal actions.

Adjusting for the present day value of money, she came up with a figure of Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand Pounds, and on review I find this reasonable.

I wish I could see the face of your dear Missus when she realises that you are going to lose your house.

I hope that our recovery action will precipitate similar action against you by private individuals and institutions you have wronged.

Since you've been so helpful as to keep us informed about your travel arrangements, we could arrange service when you're enjoying Mediterranean sunshine. How fitting that will be. Since we'll also copy the person you claim is your solicitor, Ms. Tahir, the clock will start ticking on the day she received it. Lied that she's your solicitor? You will pay dearly for that, for the state is entitled to rely upon the assertion.

Your lies are going to be unravelled and figuratively wrapped tightly around the appropriate bit of your anatomy.

Only a matter of time now, Shantu.

With no respect whatsoever,


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