The following correspondence took place on the Case reported here:
Appealing a High Court Order (6) Shan Panigrahi To Jenkins David (Appeal Court) 13 Sep 2017 at 11:08 To Mr David Jenkins High Court Appeals
1. Thank you for your letter dated 11 September 2017 sent in the post concerning ‘Re:PANIGRAHI (APP) V KENT POLICE (RES).
2. The Appellants Notice was, as it turned out, submitted erroneously by email to the Civil Appeals Registry for the Court of Appeal to consider, as shown below. This was diverted to High Courts Appeals, and I expected therefore that it would have reached your office on 9 September 2017. This is why I requested an update. Please let me know if I need to submit an official Appellant’s Notice Form to confirm the contents of this Notice.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Saturday, 9 September 2017, 9:11, Civil Appeals – Registry wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email, I can confirm that a Master’s Order cannot be appealed to the Court of Appeal (Civil Division). I would advise contacting David Jenkins in the High Court Appeals Office on Monday morning on 0207 947 7354.
He will be able to provide you with the guidance And information required.
Kind Regards
John Hebden Registry Staff Manager Civil Appeals Office Room E307 RCJ Strand London WC2A 2LL
________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 08 September 2017 20:13 To: Civil Appeals – Registry Cc: Subject: Fw: Appealing a High Court Order
To The Court of Appeal
Dear Sir,
1. As seemingly directed by the Queens Bench Division of the High Court, I am writing to you to complete the formalities for appealing the 16 June 2017 dated Order of Master Eastman and the subsequent Order dated 31 Aug 2017 from Master Eastman that I received today on return home from holidays from 4 September 2017-8 September 2017. It would appear that the 31 August 2017 dated Order was either withheld from me earlier or it was pre-dated after taking into account my submission to the Court that I was now appealing the Order in accordance with the evidence highlighted of prevarications and machinations in the processing of this Claim by High Court officials, in particular with the Application to set aside the Order. You should also note that my prospective Law Firm BanksKellys has not responded positively to my request for legal assistance for this Appeal, apparently manipulated by the State. The State has therefore deliberately enforced the requirement upon me to pursue my Appeal myself with whatever knowledge that I have of the procedures that are applicable. The Legal Ombudsman is similarly prevaricating according to an email dated 5 September 2017 that I received today to investigate my complaing against Slater and Gordon lawyers.
2. You will note in particular that the 31 August 2017 dated Order states that the Application has been made out of time. This is factually incorrect as the Appeal was lodged the moment I received that Order and any delays caused was entirely due to the prevarications and machinations by the Court officials. Further, the Order states that there are no grounds for setting aside the Order of 16.06.17. This too is factually incorrect as the Court File will show (I can resend the respective emails) with Master Eastman continuing to ignore that there are five defendants to the Claim, not one.
3. Further, I am surprised to receive this email from the High Court when it was made patently clear to the authorities there that according to you a Master’s Order cannot be appealed to the Civil Appeals Office for the Court of Appeal. Please bear this in mind in reconsidering my Appeal.
4. Please therefore send me the necessary Forms for submitting this Appeal and let me know that Court Fee that is payable.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL
On Monday, 4 September 2017, 9:44, QBMastersListing wrote:
Dear Sirs
You will need to direct your query to the court of appeal
Fareeha Ayyaz QB Masters Listing
Queen’s Bench Division I HMCTS I Royal Courts of Justice I Strand, London I WC2A 2 LL
Phone: 020 7947 7772
________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 01 September 2017 12:10 To: Cc: QBMastersListing Subject: Appealing a High Court Order
To Banks Kelly, Banks Kelly Solicitors Type: Recognised body law practice SRA ID: 539814 SRA Regulated Tel: 020 7248 4231 Email: hide Web: Head office Address: 1 King Street, London , EC2V 8AU , England View in Google Maps DX 42600 CHEAPSIDE
Dear Sir
1. I need to appeal a High Court Order – please see attached scanned Order dated 16 June 2017 issued by the Queens Bench Division of the High Court. Of course there is a lot of background material that you would need to be made familiar with and you may consider your Fees in light of that material which I will provide as quickly as you consider it appropriate.
2. I should add that I had applied on 1 August 2017 to the Queens Bench Division for an Order to set aside this Order and had completed all the formalities but have not been informed of the outcome of that application.
3. Because I am aware that Appeals of Court Orders have time limits that are applicable, your immediate attention would therefore be most desirable.
4. Please let me know today if in principle Banks Kelly Solicitiors would be prepared to consider undertaking this work and provide this service on my behalf, so that if you are unable for any reason, I may approach another Law Firm.
5. I am copying this email to the Court for its information on my intentions.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL Tel: 01634 379604
Court Fee payable for Appeal with Hearing: Your Ref: CORRESPONDENCE/DJ Shan Panigrahi To Jenkins David (Appeal Court) CC Nadia Hussain 13 Sep 2017 at 12:40
To Mr D Jenkins Appeals Office HM Courts and Tribunals Service The Royal Courts of Justice Group High Courts of Justice Strand London WC2A 2LL
Dear Sir
1. I refer to your letter dated 11 September 2017 concerning the Fee that is payable by me for this Appeal.
2. You state in this letter that the fee for issuing an Appellants Notice is £240, but it would appear that this amount does not take into account the Hearing Fee that is also necessary in this processing of this Case. Please therefore confirm to me the total amount that I need to pay.
3. Please also confirm whether the Fee payable by me is or is not this is covered by the 100 per cent Fee Remission that was granted to me to process the primary Claim under Claim No HQ17X01773. In this regard I am now receiving £899.17 per month as my Teacher’s pension and I used the lump sum that I received in pension to pay off my financial debts to my wife for 18 years of living as a parasite on her so that once again I can claim my share of the possession of our house. I am still unemployed. All other financial circumstances remain the same. I am therefore copying this email to the Fees Office for action to reconsider Fee Remission as necessary.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL
Reply Reply to All Forward More
22 September 2017 Update:
I received the following two letters (a and b) on 16 September 2017 in the post:
HM Courts and Tribunals Service
The Royal Courts of Justice Group
High Courts Appeals Office
Room WG08
Royal Courts of Justice
T 020 7947 7354
F 020 7947 67246724
13 September 2017
To Dr S Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your email dated 13 September 2017.
This office has not received any papers from the Civil Appeals Office.
If you seek to appeal an order made by a Queens Bench Master you should file in this office three copies of your Appellants Notice, three copies of your grounds of appeal, a copy of the order being appealed and the issue fee of £240.
Please quote the above reference on any future correspondence.
Yours faithfully
D Jenkins
Appeals Office
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your email dated 13 September 2017.
The fee of £240 is the fee for filing your Appellants Notice, a hearing fee is not required for processing your Appellants Notice.
The fee remission that was granted to you to process the primary claim does not cover the fee for filing your Appellants Notice so you will need to file a new Fee Remission request.
Yours faithfully
D Jenkins
Appeals Office
Comment: The official Appellants Notice Form requires me to provide information on Permission to Appeal. I have written to the High Court today requesting a decision on whether permission to appeal is essential in this Case, and if so the result of this application from Master Eastman and Mr David Jenkins as appropriate.
29 September 2017 Update:
I did not receive a decision on permission to appeal so will have to proceed without this information. Accordingly, I sent the following email to the High Court Appeals:
Legal Ombudsman CMP-065778 ABC:03650387(2)
29 Sep 2017 at 23:20
High Court Appeals
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi (App) vs Kent Police (Res)
Dear Sir
Please note that there will be a delay in the submission of my Appellants Notice with the £240 Court Fee due to this information that I received today from the Legal Ombudsman. The decision of the Legal Ombudsman in the complaint against Slater and Gordon was that the Firm faced an unknown conflict of interest that prevented it from assisting me with legal help against the criminal harassment by Kent Police. There will therefore be a need for a Hearing.
As soon as the outcome of this review by the Legal Ombudsman is known the Appeal may proceed.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Friday, 29 September 2017, 17:43, Enquiries <> wrote:
Dear Dr Panigrahi
Thank you for contacting the Legal Ombudsman.
Please see the attached correspondence for your attention,
Yours sincerely
Assessment Centre Legal Ombudsman
Telephone: 0300 555 0333
Jurisdiction Review Request holding letter.pdf
Comment: The Complaint being examined by the Legal Ombudsman in this Jurisdiction Review concerned the Firm Arkas Law Ltd.
8 November 2017 Update:
The following permission to appeal letter was submitted to the Appeal Court:
5 Oct 2017 at 20:54
Mr D Jenkins
Appeals Office
HM Courts and Tribunals Service
The Royal Courts of Justice Group
High Courts of Justice
Dear Mr Jenkins
Thank you for your letter dated 4 October 2017 stating that a High Court Judge would consider, on paper, applications for permission to appeal an order made by a Queens Bench Master.
Please bring the paragraph 3 of this email to the attention of the High Court Judge for this assessment of permission to appeal.
3 (a) There are two Orders in Claim No HQ17X01773 that are being appealed under a single Appellants Notice (yet to be issued), the 16 June 2017-dated Order from Master Eastman, and the 31 August 2017 dated Order from Master Eastman, the latter order being regarded as an extension of the first Order under the terms of the Appeal. The grounds for the Appeal is that Master Eastman erred in law by describing the Claim as being incomprehensible and not disclosing any recognisable cause of action against the named defendant, which he recorded as being only Kent Police and did not include the clear submission and evidence against the other four defendants listed in 3b; and further that Master Eastman erred in law in not consulting the Court File for his extension Order of 31 August 2017 without which the Application had no chance of not being declared as being ‘wholly without merit’ as he has did.
3 (b) The five defendants in this Case are as follows:
(a) Kent Police, Grugeon House, Police Headquarters, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 9BZ; Email:
(b) Wigmore Medical Centre, Practice Manager, 114 Woodside, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0PW; Email:
(c) Legal Ombudsman, PO.Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ; Email:
(d) Independent Police Complaints Commission, PO Box 473,Sale M33 0BW; Email:
(e) The Labour Party, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QT; Email:
3 (c) The Legal Ombudsman had a simple decision to make with regard to Arkas Law Ltd (CMP-065778) according to its letter dated 29 September 2017 in which it reviewed whether it had jurisdiction to consider the complaint. No decision has been made to my knowledge upon this review which shows that the Legal Ombudsman is prevaricating on this simple question. Similarly, the Legal Ombudsman refused to interrogate Slater and Gordon lawyers for the Firm to explain precisely how it faced a conflict of interest in deciding not assist me with legal advice and representation in the Courts. It is suggested that the only conflict of interest it faced was whether to perform its duty to the State or its duty to the citizen when there was a clear case of state oppression towards a citizen (myself). This oppression will be readily visible from a study of the following website:
3 (d) The email address of all defendants are provided so that the court may contact the parties responsible for the persecution that I have suffered to see if they have any objections to the permission to appeal.
Please let me know the outcome of this application for Permission to Appeal so that I can complete the Appellants Notice as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
September 13, 2017 Posted by shantanup | Uncategorized | 3 Comments