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(no subject)

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


date: 5 Apr 2022, 09:24





Contact the Member at their Westminster address.

House of Commons



Phone: 020 7219 3528


Dear Madam,

I have been at loggerheads with Kent Police for a decade, and have exhausted all legal avenues to bring the Police to account for harassment and obstruction of justice as well as perverting the course of justice, as narrated here:

Who is Policing the Police in the United Kingdom? (

To this day Kent Police is not making up its mind as whether I have committed any offences for which I was questioned on 15/16 September 2021 and subsequently arrested and held in policy custody for 5 hours as I was working on a new job at Trgchallenge (Tesco Distribution Centre, Snodland, Kent). I lost that job. The Police took away our desktop computer, my USB Memory Stick and Mobile Phone for forensic examination. I protested my innocence and complained to the Professional Standads Department of Kent Police to which my wife also made representations. I reported the matter to the local Police and Crime Commissioner, the Independent Office for Police Conduct and the Metropolitan Police under Appeal, but no action has followed to investigate the circumstances of this gross violation of my human rights and civil rights, and the loss of dignity of myself and my family.

It would appear that just because the Medical authorities consider me to be paranoid schizophrenic with persistent delusions which I deny, the Police are resting on this fact while I suffer the ignominy of gross defamation and other terroristic activities from trolls harassing me with up to 1500 criminal anonymous emails.

The Police regard themselves as a law to themselves serving the 'Royal Constabulary' directly to Her Majesty the Queen so protected from civil and criminal litigations and prosecutions from ordinary members of the public, hence my petition to you yesterday.

It would therefore appear that the Parliamentary system of democracy in the United Kingdom is nothing but a charade subservient to the Police, that is beyond the reach of even the Home Secretary..

Is it possible for a Committee in the House of Commons to examine the case that I am presenting on the basis of my 24 year old experience of studying the Constitution of the United Kingdom? I have brought this matter to the attention of my Constituency MP Mr Rehman Chisti for half a dozen years and he has not replied in any kind of substantive manner to the last depositions, and the Conservative Party that I joined terminated my participation in its policy forum for violating its rules to have these matters discussed internally within the Party.

I would be grateful for your kind attention and a reply.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619


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Member of Parliament for Witham

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