A leter came from the Kent and Medway NHS as a result which I immediately blogged in response as follows:
This morning I have received the following deceitful letter from the State persecutors in the mail delivered to our house:
Kent and Medway NHS NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust Medway Community Mental Health Team Canada House Barnsole Road Gillingham Kent ME7 4 JL Tel: 01634 583000 Fax: 01634 583029
Our Ref: FUappt/grb Date: 13.5.16
This letter is confidential to the addressee(s) and person to whom it refers. Please do not disclose to a third party without reference to the originating service. PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
Mr S Panigrahi 3 Hoath Way Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL
Dear Mr Panigrahi
Please be advised that a home visit appointment has been made for you with the Medway Community Mental Health Team as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 17 May 2016 Time: 12.30 p.m With: Dr A Emezie, Specialty doctor and Dr R. Patel, GP Venue: 3 Hoath Way, Wigmore Gillingham
Please allow 45 minutes for this appointment.
If this appointment is inconvenient please do not hesitate to contact us on 1634 583000 to arrange a more suitable time.
Yours sincerely
Gill Banister Administrator Medway Community Mental Health Team
Cc Dr. R. Patel, Wigmore Medical Centre, 114 Woodside Gillingham ME8 0PW
Chairman – Andrew Ling Chief Exectutive – Angela McNab
Trust Headquarters: Farm Villa, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, Kent ME16 9PH Tel 01622 724100 Fax: 01622 724167
Comment: There was no prior discussion or telephone calls or anything. No email address was given so that I could not query the letter openly. This is the Police State in operation to protect Dr Sudhir Patel from court proceedings and arranging an appointment with his daughter Dr R Patel instead: so shameless these moronic agents of State-persecution are in fulfilling their tasks for the State that they, without any conscience pricking them, accede to such directions.
I will not be at home. So let us watch these pig-shit animals.
May 14, 2016 Posted by shantanup | Uncategorized | Leave a comment
I then wrote to Dr R Patel at the Surgery and followed it up with a submission to the Mental Health Tribunal as follows:
14 May 2016 at 13:51
Mental Health Tribunal mhrtenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk Telephone (England): 0300 123 2201
Dear Sir/Madam
Please note this new development with regard to the proceedings relating to my application to the Mental Health Tribunal of 7 February 2016, 8.30 am (by email) and let me know if a solicitor has yet been appointed by the Tribunal to assist with my arguments to the Tribunal.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Pangrahi
On Saturday, 14 May 2016, 13:36, Shan Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Dr Reema Patel
via Ms Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
Dear Dr Patel
1. I refer to the letter that I received this morning from Ms Gill Banister, Adminstrator, Medway Community Mental Health Team concerning a home visit appointment made for Dr A. Emezie and you to come to my house on 17 May 2016 at 12.30 pm to see me. Unfortunately there is an error in this letter that I wanted to email Gill Banister about but could not do so because no email address was provided to contact her with. I have therefore blogged the letter here with my response so that you may both consider the contents: The UK State has sent Dr Shantanu Panigrahi a letter fixing an appointment with two doctors instead of dealing with Court proceedings
This morning I have received the following deceitful letter from the State persecutors in the mail delivered to our house: From: Kent and Medway NHS NHS...
Preview by Yahoo
2. The glaring error in the letter concerns the address of 3 Hoath Way given. I actually live in 3 Hoath Lane ME8 0SL.
3. I am lettting you know so that you may contact Gill Banister and let her know that this appointment is not suitable because I shall be away from the home at that time so that your joint visit would be a waste of both your times - I know how busy you doctors are in the NHS these days.
4. Please forward this email to Ms Banister and let her know that I need another appointment at your Surgery to discuss my complaint letter sent to Dr Sudhir Patel on 28 April 2016 by email and which is reproduced in my an associated blogpost that you should both also refer to before any appointment and let me have your written response so that the Mental Health Tribunal is informed by me accordingly.
5. Thank you for your patience. Please acknowledge receipt of this email before the appointment time.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Nothing came from anywhere until 10.00 am on Monday 16 May 2016, whereupon I telephoned Canada House and spoke to the switchboard operator that I was cancelling the appointment and requested her to give me Gill Banister’s email address to write to. The email address she gave me did not work as an undelivered note came as follows:
Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Today at 10:35
----- Forwarded Message ----- This is the mail system at host nhs-pd1e-esg006.ad1.nhs.net. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system <gill.banister@nhs.net>: host[] said: 550 5.1.1 User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)
Gill Banister
Medway Community Mental Health Team
Kent and Medway NHS
Medway Community Mental Health Team
Canada House
Barnsole Road
Kent ME7 4JL
By Email: gill.banister@NHS.net
16 May 2016
Dear Ms Banister
1. I telephoned today at 10.10 am as required by your letter dated 13.5.16 to cancel my appointment with Dr Emezie and Dr R Patel that you tentatively fixed for 17 May 2016 at 12.30 pm because the Wigmore Medical Centre must not be involved in my Mental Health examination and treatment due to the legal proceedings that have been initiated against the Surgery at Medway County Court and the Royal Courts of Justice London in its Queens Bench Division. I am seeking massive damages from the doctors working at this Surgery through these proceedings which will become prejudiced by your actions to reexamine my mental health status using these doctors.
2. Under the Freedom of Information provisions that entitle me to my health records please therefore inform me the background to your letter of 13.5.16 as to what precipitated it and supply me the Sectioning Order details that it refers to in terms of the Hospital involved and the reports of the Consultant Psychiatrists and the social services visitors that examined me during my last hospitalisation and following my release from the Hospital when home visits were paid by the Community Health Team working at your Barsnole Road establishment.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
I then telephoned Canada House again and to the operator said that I wanted my complaint to be dealt with properly. She said she would pass on the message to Ms Jane Adams who should telephone me back. No telephone calls came during the rest of the day and until 11.30 am on 17 May 2016. I decided therefore to leave the house and did not come back until 1.30 pm. It turned out that two health professionals and Dr Reema Patel had come at the tuime of the appointment and my daughter Shanti Rupa Panigrahi spoke to them.
Rashmi then telephoned from work and spoke to Rupa because she had been contacted by Dr Reema Patel about my absence at the appointment. She then started sending me text messages that I ignored, as follows:
13.48. Reema came They may Section you if you don’t see them. We need to talk. There is no end to suffering.
14.04. You are a stupid person who lives to make me miserable. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
1.49 Keeping quiet monster?
That evening Rashmi forced me to have three tablets of Risperidone which I took as usual reluctantly. The next morning I telephoned Canada House again at 9.01 am and lodged an extensive complaint to the switch board operator who again said that Ms Jane Adams will contact me by phone. I asked if the telephone call was recorded. She said No.
Just then I saw that the Tribunal had replied to my email and I was going to leave it on the back burner but prompted by God I replied in an extensive manner as follows:
18 May 2016 at 10:08
Case Progression First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health)
Dear Ms Kat Head
1. No Case Number has been allocated by the your Tribunal thus far so that I await your instructions on whether the matter requires a fresh submission of an Application Form. We have had correspondence before that I can send back to you for reference if this is required by the Tribunal. Please note in this regard that the Sectioning information (Hospital/Reports) that you requested earlier have still not been provided to me the Community Mental Health Team or the Wigmore Medical Centre despite requests so that I do not know whether the current proceedings relate to my last hospitalisation under sectioning in autumn of 2008 or the one before in Spring of 2004; or indeed whether a new set of proceedings are being created by the Community Mental Health Team in conjunction with Wigmore Medical Centre to section me again for reasons that are totally unknown to me.
2. The meeting of 17 May 2016 did take place at my home with my daughter Shanti Panigrahi attending and in my absence.
3. This morning I have lodged the following complaint to Canada House where the Community Mental Health Team is located:
(a) On Monday 16 May 2016 I telephoned Canada House at around 10.45 am asking your Loren that my complaint against Gill Banister be dealt with properly. She said Ms Jane Adams would be dealing with this. I asked if I would get a phone call back the same day because she asked me for my telephone number which I gave and she said that she would mark it urgent. However, no phone calls came back that day or yesterday.
(b) When I had telephoned earlier at 10.16 am and spoke with Gill to cancel the appointment made by Gill Banister for me on 17 July 2016 at 12.30 pm she clearly told me that all those who needed to be informed of the cancellation would be informed. But this was not done. Further, no office email address would be given to me register my concerns.
(c) My complaint against Gill Banister is manifold: first, she sent me a letter of appointment out of the blue with no background information on what precipitated it so I have no idea what is on the agenda for the Meeting. Second, she gave me a wrong venue address of 3 Hoath Way for the Meeting as I informed Gill. Third, she did not provide me with her email address to reply back to. Fourth, she gave me next to no time to prepare for the meeting with only 1 working day before it was to take place. Fifth, she went on leave on that working day of Monday so as not have to talk to me about her letter to provide the clarifications that I needed so that I had no alternative but to write an email to Mrs Kelly Mills of Wigmore Medical Centre and the Mental Health Tribunal to find out what the legal position held. Sixth, she did not address me as Dr Shantanu Panigrahi but a Mr. Seventh, she did not include a Consultant Psychiatrist but a Speciality doctor Dr Emezie. Eight, she did not include Dr Sudhir Patel who is my GP for the meeting but her daughter Dr R Patel whom I have never met in my life so how can she be my GP?. Nine, She marked the letter Private and Confidential which my wife thoroughly objected to because she needs to be at the appointment as the instigator of complaints against me, and harassing me yesterday prompted by Dr Reema Patel to send me three text messages from her workplace.
4. No telephone call has come since I delivered the above submission to the Community Mental Health Team this morning.
5. I should therefore request you to consider the situation urgently, allocate a Case Reference Number, and provide me and the other parties with your adjudication and decision on what the legalites are, with an instruction to the Community Mental Health Team and the Wigmore Medical Centre doctors that any attempt to Section me again will be entirely unlawful.
6. Please also note that in my Application Form I have asked for financial compensation for all these years of suffering that the NHS has put me through so that your recommendations must be copied to the Queens Bench Division of the Royal Courts of Justice where the case is pending.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 8:48, TSMH Case Progression <TSMH_Case_Progression@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Good Morning,
I have checked our records and we have no live application for you. Can you please provide a case reference number please?
Kat Head
Case Progression
First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health)
If you wish to contact the team directly please do so via the above email address.
All telephone phone queries are dealt with by our customer support team on 0300 123 2201
“I am not authorised to bind my Department contractually, nor to make representations or other statements which may bind the Department in any way via electronic means.”
From: MHRT Enquiries Sent: 16 May 2016 08:58 To: TSMH Case Progression Subject: FW: LETTER FROM KENT AND MEDWAY NHS: THEIR REF: FUappt/grb
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 14 May 2016 13:51 To: MHRT Enquiries Subject: Fw: LETTER FROM KENT AND MEDWAY NHS: THEIR REF: FUappt/grb
Mental Health Tribunal mhrtenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk Telephone (England): 0300 123 2201
Dear Sir/Madam
Please note this new development with regard to the proceedings relating to my application to the Mental Health Tribunal of 7 February 2016, 8.30 am (by email) and let me know if a solicitor has yet been appointed by the Tribunal to assist with my arguments to the Tribunal.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Pangrahi
On Saturday, 14 May 2016, 13:36, Shan Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Dr Reema Patel
via Ms Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
Dear Dr Patel
1. I refer to the letter that I received this morning from Ms Gill Banister, Adminstrator, Medway Community Mental Health Team concerning a home visit appointment made for Dr A. Emezie and you to come to my house on 17 May 2016 at 12.30 pm to see me. Unfortunately there is an error in this letter that I wanted to email Gill Banister about but could not do so because no email address was provided to contact her with. I have therefore blogged the letter here with my response so that you may both consider the contents: The UK State has sent Dr Shantanu Panigrahi a letter fixing an appointment with two doctors instead of dealing with Court proceedings
This morning I have received the following deceitful letter from the State persecutors in the mail delivered to our house: From: Kent and Medway NHS NHS...
Preview by Yahoo
2. The glaring error in the letter concerns the address of 3 Hoath Way given. I actually live in 3 Hoath Lane ME8 0SL.
3. I am lettting you know so that you may contact Gill Banister and let her know that this appointment is not suitable because I shall be away from the home at that time so that your joint visit would be a waste of both your times - I know how busy you doctors are in the NHS these days.
4. Please forward this email to Ms Banister and let her know that I need another appointment at your Surgery to discuss my complaint letter sent to Dr Sudhir Patel on 28 April 2016 by email and which is reproduced in my an associated blogpost that you should both also refer to before any appointment and let me have your written response so that the Mental Health Tribunal is informed by me accordingly.
5. Thank you for your patience. Please acknowledge receipt of this email before the appointment time.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
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Just then I opened a letter that had come from Dr Reema Patel from the Surgery, as follows:
Wigmore Medical Cente
114 Woodside Road
Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
16th May 2016
Dear Mr Panigrahi,
I confirm that I have received your emailed complaint, dated 28th April 2016. Your medical records have been reviewed and the complaint has been discussed with Dr. SKC Patel in order to write the following response.
Firstly, I am sorry that you do not seem to have received my letter of response to your complaint from 30th January. I will therefore once again address your previous concerns in this letter.
In January this year Dr. S.K.C Patel was away on annual leave for a number of weeks. Therefore, in order to respond to you in a timely manner, your complaint was brought to my attention instead. I reviewed your medical records and did not find any concerns with the annual mental health review done on 18th February 2015. The record entry on this date states that your behaviour was normal. It was mentioned that you had last been seen by a psychiatrist six year previously. You were advised to attend the GP Practice at the first sign of a relapse.
Due to your medical history of mental health problems you have regularly been invited for annual mental health reviews. This is part of normal medical practice from the GP surgery despite your discharge from the Community Mental Health Team. In addition, we have prescribed risperidone to you when it has been requested. Please note that this has never been enforced on you by the GP surgery.
Your letter of complaint in January led me to make contact with you via telephone and letter to invite you for a mental health assessment. Unfortunately my attempts were unsuccessful. Therefore I can confirm that no Annual Mental Health Review took place on 3rd March 2016.
I note that you have raised concern over your mental health diagnosis. From your medical records I can inform you of the following. In July 1998 you were reviewed by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Rao who felt that you were suffering from ‘a depression associated with psychotic features’.
In 2004, you were treated as an in-patient at Little Brook Hospital and Medway Maritime Hospital under Section 2 and 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983. Correspondence from that time states that you were ‘initially assessed to have psychotic depression but later more of a clinical picture of schizophrenia’. Your diagnosis by the hospital at that time was therefore coded as Paranoid Schizophrenia. However, following your discharge from hospital, you were treated for a persistent delusional disorder by the Community Mental Health Team.
In 2008 you were admitted to Amherst Unit in Maidstone under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act 1983 for a relapse of your persistent delusional disorder.
I appreciate that the changes to your mental health diagnosis over the years may have been confusing. However, I hope that the information I have provided above has been helpful.
I apologize for any misunderstanding that may have occurred with regard to your appointments at the GP surgery in February 2016. However, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to make contact with the Wigmore Medical Centre in order for your mental health to be reviewed.
I acknowledge that in your letters you inform us that a Claim has been made to Medway County Court and the Royal Courts of Justice against the surgery. We will await official correspondence regarding this.
I hope that you find the response to your complaint satisfactory. Please do not hesitate to contact the surgery if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Reema Patel
This was followed by a email from the Practice Manager in reply to my email of Saturday to which this letter was attached:
18 May 2016 at 13:58
Dear Mr Panigrahi,
Please find attached the response to your complaint from Dr R Patel.
A signed copy of this was also sent in the post to you yesterday.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
114 Woodside
Wigmore: 01634 231752
Hempstead: 01634 235531
I ignored the letter as I wanted to find out if the Tribunal would reply or if I would receive any communication from the Community Mental Health Team. None arrived. At 9.16 pm prompted by God I forwarded the email received from the Surgery to Rashmi with the covering note: To Rashmi, Please note the attached letter from Dr Reema Patel which shows that I have been discharged from Mental Health Treatment and do not have to take my medication of risperidone again.
She was livid. I did not take any risperidone later that evening.
On 19 May 2016, nothing arrived from anywhere. I continued to therefore feel the threat of the letter from the Community Mental Health Team and prompted by God reinstated the injunction, as follows:
Re: injunctions not available via email * OFFICIAL *
20 May 2016 at 9:14
Dear Ms O'Neill
1. I wish to come to the High Court and see a Judge on Duty on a first come first serve basis to effect this injunction on the grounds that in the absence of any reason provided by the NHS to subject me to medical examination its 13 May 2016 letter of appointment from the Community Mental Health Team represents a severe encroachment of my privacy and threatens my liberty unjustifiably as happened on two occasions in the past 12 years.
2. Please therefore let me know the Court Fee that is payable for this injunction and the name(s) of Judge, hours of availability, and Court Room(s) where the Judge will be in attendance next week.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Monday, 15 February 2016, 14:54, "Administrative Court Office, Case Progression" <administrativecourtoffice.caseprogression@hmcts.x.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Dear Sir,
I write for the sake of completeness to advise you that it is not an option to seek an injunction by email ( as seeking an injunction attracts a fee), and in particular that this inbox is dealt with in office hours, not a t weekends, and would never come to the attention of any out-of-hours Duty Judge.
As such, please be advised that no further action will be taken on this or any such email.
You may wish to seek legal advice as to what, if any, options may be available to you.
Yours sincerely,
Ms C O'Neill
ACO Case Progression Officer | Administrative Court Office |Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London WC2A 2LL Telephone: 020 7947 6655- option 6
Please note that as I am part of the above email group, there is no need to send duplicate emails to me individually.
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 14 February 2016 07:45 To: QB Issue & Enquiries; Administrative Court Office, Case Progression Cc: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Subject: Application for an injunction to stop the National Health Service Assessing My Mental Health Status
Queens Bench Division
Royal Courts of Justice
By Email: qbcaseman@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
For the Duty Judge in attendance on Sunday 14 February 2016
Dear Sir/Madam
1. Until Kent Police's Crime Report on Incident No 08-0943 against the National Health Service in its perpetration of criminality against me since 2004 is made available to me and has been judicially scrutinised (for factual accuracy and soundness of judgement) through a Judicial Review in the Administrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice, I do not agree to being subjected to further rounds of assessment and treatment by the National Health Service through its doctors either in the General Practice or in the Hospital environment on my mental health for it would amount to a continuation of the criminality perpetrated.
2. As such I am hereby seeking an immediate injunction from the Duty Judge today to stop any further NHS reviews of my mental health pending the outcome of this Judicial Review.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
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A reply came back as follows:
injunctions not available via email * OFFICIAL * (2)
20 May 2016 at 14:38
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Thank you for your email.
I am not able to advise whether or not you will be able to make this application without know the details of what type of case this is and whether or not you currently have proceedings ongoing in this court. It may be that the application you are seeking to make would not be made in the Administrative Court. I would advise that you seek independent legal advice for information about how to make the correct application.
Kind regards,
Iain Carr
Iain Carr | Case Progression Officer | Administrative Court Office | Room C314 | Administrative Court Office, RCJ, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL (DX 44457 RCJ Strand) | Telephone: 020 7947 6655
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 20 May 2016 09:14
Soon afterwards, a reply came from the Mental Health Tribunal, as follows:
20 May 2016 at 16:08
Dear Mr Panigrahi,
Thank you for your email below. You will need to submit a new application and please look on our website for further information - https://www.gov.uk/courts-tribunals/first-tier-tribunal-mental-health
Case Progression Team | First Tier Tribunal | Mental Health
If you wish to contact the team directly please do so via the above email address.
All telephone phone queries are dealt with by our customer support team on 0300 123 2201
“I am not authorised to bind my Department contractually, nor to make representations or other statements which may bind the Department in any way via electronic means.”
The Mental Health Tribunal actively uses feedback to improve our delivery and provide you with the best possible service. Your input is very helpful to us in reviewing our processes. Please tell us how we did today by completing a short customer experience survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MentalHealth_CustomerExperience
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 18 May 2016 10:09 To: TSMH Case Progression Subject: Re: LETTER FROM KENT AND MEDWAY NHS: THEIR REF: FUappt/grb
Case Progression
First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health)
No one came to see me at the weekend and there were no phone calls. I was left wondering whether the State is waiting to send me another letter before arresting me for hospitalization and Sectioning. So on Sunday I had to act and sent the following email reply to the Surgery:
22May 2016 at 9:02
Dear Ms Mills
1.Thank you for your email.
2. Firstly please be advised that the 13 May 2016 letter from the Community Mental Health Team is the subject of proceedings at the High Court (Adminisrative Court) as representing a severe encroachment of my privacy and an unjustifiable threat to my liberty as happened on two previous occasions in the past 12 years that are referred to the 16 May 2016 letter from Dr Reema Patel that you have attached to your email. This application has been acknowledged by Mr Iain Carr of the Administrative Court and I await the decision of the relevant Judge for adjudication on the proceedings in due course.
3. The Judge will no doubt take account into account the contents of the letter from Dr Reema Patel and the apology she offers about misunderstanding with the appointments that the Surgery was insisting, notably the on the disputed circumstances of the 3 March 2016 appointment, which took place despite the fact that you were well aware of my 14 February 2016 application to the High Court for an injunction to stop any further reviews of my mental health. In light of these proceedings Dr Reema Patel’s visit to my home on 17 May 2016 12.30 pm to examine my health with other professionals of the Community Mental Health Team therefore represents gross contempt of court for which the appropriate punishment is hereby sought from the Court.
4. The glaring ommission in your response is that no reasons has yet been given on why Dr Sudhir Patel arranged for me to be examined by doctors in the NHS that led to my capture by the Police for Sectioning in the two previous occassions cited. Further it is unsustainable to put forward the argument that such differing diagnoses from different NHS experts as you have cited over this long period can be considered seriously as representing any kind of genuine mental health problems that I suffer from by any reputable expert in the Medical Profession for which the Judge will no doubt seek expert opinion on whether the incarcerations hitherto and the attempt now are not politically-motivated attempts to damage my reputation as a sane person.
5. My reading of your communication is that I have been fully discharged from any kind of enforced Mental Health treatment by the NHS and as such have stopped taking the risperidone medication after discussing your email with my wife, Rashmi.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Cc Mr Iain Carr, Case Progression Officer, Administrative Court Office, Room C314, Royal Courts of Justice, London WC2A 2LL
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 13:58, Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) <kelly.mills1@nhs.net> wrote:
Dear Mr Panigrahi,
Please find attached the response to your complaint from Dr R Patel.
A signed copy of this was also sent in the post to you yesterday.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
114 Woodside
Wigmore: 01634 231752
Hempstead: 01634 235531
The contents of this email are not necessarily the policy or opinion or representative of any policy or opinion of the Agency or any person employed by it. This transmission is intended only for the named recipient(s) and is confidential in nature. If received in error, please return it to the sender and destroy any copies immediately.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Shan Panigrahi [shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 14 May 2016 13:36 To: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Subject: LETTER FROM KENT AND MEDWAY NHS: THEIR REF: FUappt/grb
Dr Reema Patel
via Ms Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
Dear Dr Patel
1. I refer to the letter that I received this morning from Ms Gill Banister, Adminstrator, Medway Community Mental Health Team concerning a home visit appointment made for Dr A. Emezie and you to come to my house on 17 May 2016 at 12.30 pm to see me. Unfortunately there is an error in this letter that I wanted to email Gill Banister about but could not do so because no email address was provided to contact her with. I have therefore blogged the letter here with my response so that you may both consider the contents: The UK State has sent Dr Shantanu Panigrahi a letter fixing an appointment with two doctors instead of dealing with Court proceedings
This morning I have received the following deceitful letter from the State persecutors in the mail delivered to our house: From: Kent and Medway NHS NHS...
Preview by Yahoo
2. The glaring error in the letter concerns the address of 3 Hoath Way given. I actually live in 3 Hoath Lane ME8 0SL.
3. I am lettting you know so that you may contact Gill Banister and let her know that this appointment is not suitable because I shall be away from the home at that time so that your joint visit would be a waste of both your times - I know how busy you doctors are in the NHS these days.
4. Please forward this email to Ms Banister and let her know that I need another appointment at your Surgery to discuss my complaint letter sent to Dr Sudhir Patel on 28 April 2016 by email and which is reproduced in my an associated blogpost that you should both also refer to before any appointment and let me have your written response so that the Mental Health Tribunal is informed by me accordingly.
5. Thank you for your patience. Please acknowledge receipt of this email before the appointment time.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
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Panigrahi complaint response .docx
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This email was saved as a word document ToWigmoreMedCentre22May2016 which I then attached to a reply back to the Tribunal as follows:
22 May 2016 at 12:37
Case Progression Team
First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health)
1. Thank you for your email.
2. I will submit a new application relating to these proceedings with details once I receive a reply from Wigmore Medical Centre to my email that I have sent it today (22 May 2016) at 9.02 am as shown in the attached document (ToWigmoreMedicalCentre22May2016.doc).
3. Please let me know the Case Reference Number for the proceedings hitherto to refer to in the New Application Form.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Friday, 20 May 2016, 16:08, TSMH Case Progression <TSMH_Case_Progression@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Panigrahi,
ToWigmoreMedCentre22May2016 .docx
The following email arrived from the Administrative Court on Monday:
23 May 2016 at 11:06
Dear Sir,
For the avoidance of doubt, you have not made a justiciable application to this court.
I have attached a copy of my email of 20 May for reference, and I can only reaffirm my suggestion that you seek independent legal advice.
Kind regards,
Iain Carr
Iain Carr | Case Progression Officer | Administrative Court Office | Room C314 | Administrative Court Office, RCJ, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL (DX 44457 RCJ Strand) | Telephone: 020 7947 6655
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 22 May 2016 09:02 To: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Cc: Administrative Court Office, Case Progression Subject: CONTEMPT OF COURT FOLLOWING INJUNCTION PROCEEDINGS OF 14 FEBRUARY 2016
Dear Ms Mills
1.Thank you for your email.
2. Firstly please be advised that the 13 May 2016 letter from the Community Mental Health Team is the subject of proceedings at the High Court (Adminisrative Court) as representing a severe encroachment of my privacy and an unjustifiable threat to my liberty as happened on two previous occasions in the past 12 years that are referred to the 16 May 2016 letter from Dr Reema Patel that you have attached to your email. This application has been acknowledged by Mr Iain Carr of the Administrative Court and I await the decision of the relevant Judge for adjudication on the proceedings in due course.
3. The Judge will no doubt take account into account the contents of the letter from Dr Reema Patel and the apology she offers about misundertanding with the appointments that the Surgery was insisting, notably the on the disputed circumstances of the 3 March 2016 appointment, which took place despite the fact that you were well aware of my 14 February 2016 application to the High Court for an injunction to stop any further reviews of my mental health. In light of these proceedings Dr Reema Patel’s visit to my home on 17 May 2016 12.30 pm to examine my health with other professionals of the Community Mental Health Team therefore represents gross contempt of court for which the appropriate punishment is hereby sought from the Court.
4. The glaring ommission in your response is that no reasons has yet been given on why Dr Sudhir Patel arranged for me to be examined by doctors in the NHS that led to my capture by the Police for Sectioning in the two previous occassions cited. Further it is unsustainable to put forward the argument that such differing diagnoses from different NHS experts as you have cited over this long period can be considered seriously as representing any kind of genuine mental health problems that I suffer from by any reputable expert in the Medical Profession for which the Judge will no doubt seek expert opinion on whether the incarcerations hitherto and the attempt now are not politically-motivated attempts to damage my reputation as a sane person.
5. My reading of your communication is that I have been fully discharged from any kind of enforced Mental Health treatment by the NHS and as such have stopped taking the risperidone medication after discussing your email with my wife, Rashmi.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Cc Mr Iain Carr, Case Progression Officer, Administrative Court Office, Room C314, Royal Courts of Justice, London WC2A 2LL
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 13:58, Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) <kelly.mills1@nhs.net> wrote:
Dear Mr Panigrahi,
Please find attached the response to your complaint from Dr R Patel.
A signed copy of this was also sent in the post to you yesterday.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
114 Woodside
Wigmore: 01634 231752
Hempstead: 01634 235531
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P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Shan Panigrahi [shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 14 May 2016 13:36 To: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Subject: LETTER FROM KENT AND MEDWAY NHS: THEIR REF: FUappt/grb
Dr Reema Patel
via Ms Kelly Mills
Practice Manager
Wigmore Medical Centre
Dear Dr Patel
1. I refer to the letter that I received this morning from Ms Gill Banister, Adminstrator, Medway Community Mental Health Team concerning a home visit appointment made for Dr A. Emezie and you to come to my house on 17 May 2016 at 12.30 pm to see me. Unfortunately there is an error in this letter that I wanted to email Gill Banister about but could not do so because no email address was provided to contact her with. I have therefore blogged the letter here with my response so that you may both consider the contents: The UK State has sent Dr Shantanu Panigrahi a letter fixing an appointment with two doctors instead of dealing with Court proceedings
This morning I have received the following deceitful letter from the State persecutors in the mail delivered to our house: From: Kent and Medway NHS NHS...
Preview by Yahoo
2. The glaring error in the letter concerns the address of 3 Hoath Way given. I actually live in 3 Hoath Lane ME8 0SL.
3. I am lettting you know so that you may contact Gill Banister and let her know that this appointment is not suitable because I shall be away from the home at that time so that your joint visit would be a waste of both your times - I know how busy you doctors are in the NHS these days.
4. Please forward this email to Ms Banister and let her know that I need another appointment at your Surgery to discuss my complaint letter sent to Dr Sudhir Patel on 28 April 2016 by email and which is reproduced in my an associated blogpost that you should both also refer to before any appointment and let me have your written response so that the Mental Health Tribunal is informed by me accordingly.
5. Thank you for your patience. Please acknowledge receipt of this email before the appointment time.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
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Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Thank you for your email.
I am not able to advise whether or not you will be able to make this application without know the details of what type of case this is and whether or not you currently have proceedings ongoing in this court. It may be that the application you are seeking to make would not be made in the Administrative Court. I would advise that you seek independent legal advice for information about how to make the correct application.
Kind regards,
Iain Carr
Iain Carr | Case Progression Officer | Administrative Court Office | Room C314 | Administrative Court Office, RCJ, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL (DX 44457 RCJ Strand) | Telephone: 020 7947 6655
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 20 May 2016 09:14 To: Administrative Court Office, Case Progression Subject: Re: injunctions not available via email * OFFICIAL *
Dear Ms O'Neill
1. I wish to come to the High Court and see a Judge on Duty on a first come first serve basis to effect this injunction on the grounds that in the absence of any reason provided by the NHS to subject me to medical examination its 13 May 2016 letter of appointment from the Community Mental Health Team represents a severe encroachment of my privacy and threatens my liberty unjustifiably as happened on two occasions in the past 12 years.
2. Please therefore let me know the Court Fee that is payable for this injunction and the name(s) of Judge, hours of availability, and Court Room(s) where the Judge will be in attendance next week.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Monday, 15 February 2016, 14:54, "Administrative Court Office, Case Progression" <administrativecourtoffice.caseprogression@hmcts.x.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Dear Sir,
I write for the sake of completeness to advise you that it is not an option to seek an injunction by email ( as seeking an injunction attracts a fee), and in particular that this inbox is dealt with in office hours, not a t weekends, and would never come to the attention of any out-of-hours Duty Judge.
As such, please be advised that no further action will be taken on this or any such email.
You may wish to seek legal advice as to what, if any, options may be available to you.
Yours sincerely,
Ms C O'Neill
ACO Case Progression Officer | Administrative Court Office |Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London WC2A 2LL Telephone: 020 7947 6655- option 6
Please note that as I am part of the above email group, there is no need to send duplicate emails to me individually.
From: Shan Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi@yahoo.co.uk] Sent: 14 February 2016 07:45 To: QB Issue & Enquiries; Administrative Court Office, Case Progression Cc: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG) Subject: Application for an injunction to stop the National Health Service Assessing My Mental Health Status
Queens Bench Division
Royal Courts of Justice
By Email: qbcaseman@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk
For the Duty Judge in attendance on Sunday 14 February 2016
Dear Sir/Madam
1. Until Kent Police's Crime Report on Incident No 08-0943 against the National Health Service in its perpetration of criminality against me since 2004 is made available to me and has been judicially scrutinised (for factual accuracy and soundness of judgement) through a Judicial Review in the Administrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice, I do not agree to being subjected to further rounds of assessment and treatment by the National Health Service through its doctors either in the General Practice or in the Hospital environment on my mental health for it would amount to a continuation of the criminality perpetrated.
2. As such I am hereby seeking an immediate injunction from the Duty Judge today to stop any further NHS reviews of my mental health pending the outcome of this Judicial Review.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL