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Further Developments

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

This blog on ‘The Nature of the Lord I experienced’ was posted on explicit guidance from God before the start of a new week that together with the two previous blog posts on State-organised criminal conspiracy had thrown down the gauntlet for any person, institution or the State to take action against me in the courts for anything that I had written that caused them libel, defamation or privacy problems.

I had posted the blogpost at 9.45 am on 10 Janary 2016 and gone to work and a very strange thing happened. A car pulled up and inside sat Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana (Paul) who had discontinued his ‘friendship’ with me and had not replied to my last text in July. I had never told him where I work but the way his car arrived he knew exactly where to find me. He had come specially to see me for he did not purchase anything from the shop nor ask any other questions but those relating to my welfare and what I was doing. After he left the shop I was intrigued as to why he would do such a thing and wondered if the State had sent him thinking this poor man needs our care now:

I therefore sent him a text on Mobile phone as follows:

Sun 10 Jan 2016 Me: It was good to see you when you came to visit me at the newsagency where I worked. I thought you never wanted any contact with me. So what made you change your mind. Still I hope you will give me a reference for my job application with Hermes?

There was no reply, so this had to be probed. When I got home I sent him an email:

Subject: Reference

Hello Paul, can you confirm that you are willing to give me a reference in my job application at Hermes as discussed today? Incidentally, is your Mobile Number still 0772 0094986? Shan

On receipt of this email, he immediately replied both by email and by text:

Email: On Sunday, 10 January 2016, 13:32, GURPAL SINGH TIWANA <> wrote: Yes if required as a self employed courier they don't ask for references it's not their policy. Sent from my iPhone


GST: 1334: Was just glad to see you working again.

Me: 1345: I have been working since March. The present owners give me more sporadic hours of work. But I only get £6 per hour for my early morning work addressing newspapers and £5 per hour for Till work during the day. How did you find India this time?

GST: 1.46: Changed a lot.

Me: They are predicting that India may become the fourth largest economy even overtaking the UK. I bet your house there is now worth a fortune?

GST: 13.52 Probably, never thought about it.

Me: 13.57 We have a flat that my parents purchased in Kolkata in a desirable location but my younger sister has grabbed it. It must be worth 60-80 lakhs now. I am hoping to visit it during our next travels.

He did not continue with the conversation. When I checked my email he had replied there too.


On Sun, 10/1/16, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote: Subject: Re: Reference To: "GURPAL SINGH TIWANA" <> Date: Sunday, 10 January, 2016, 15:41 Paul 1. Please draft me a letter of recommendation as a reference that I can send with my CV with all my future job applications, as follows: From:Mr Gurpal Singh TiwanaArea Manager, HermesNares RoadParkwoodRainhamKent TO POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS OF MR SHANTANU PANIGRAHI This document certifies that I have known Mr Shantanu Panigrahi of 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0SL for several years both as a colleague at Sherlodge Garage Petrol Station where we worked together and in a personal capacity as a friend. Mr Panigrahi was always a good colleague to have worked with and a person who always paid good attention to the quality of his work that he conducted diligently, reliably and honestly. He was a hard worker who demonstrated exceptional customer service skills. He managed the premises that he was given charge of during lone working effectively with very good business management skills. He was always a good team player who showed concern on getting along with his colleagues and management. As his curriculum vitae shows he is a very qualified and experienced person with a good character who will be an asset to any company that he works for. He has also been a good family friend who would go out of his way to provide assistance when it was required. 2. Paul, please draft the above in a Word document and send it back to me as an email attachment. Thanks Shan

He immediately sent me an attachment document in Word with the above contents and the following covering email

On Sunday, 10 January 2016, 16:04, G TIWANA <> wrote:

Hi Shan I have done what you have asked for, hope it meets your satisfaction All the best GurpalTiwana

I sent the Referene document to Medway Council immediately by forwarding a longstanding correspondence on a Job Application that I had not heard anything about, and then returned to reply to Paul for I wanted to see how long he would be interested in keeping our conversation going since the texting had come to an end:

Sent from my iPhone

On 10 Jan 2016, at 18:12, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


I wanted to know if you would give me an accurate reference because when the last time I asked you nearly a year and half ago, you were not convinced that I was looking for a job seriously as you thought I was spending too much time on my Blog. Did you get a chance to review some of the things that I have written since?


Reference (7)

On Sunday, 10 January 2016, 18:16, GURPAL SINGH TIWANA <> wrote:

Isn't this what you wanted me to send back to you as you asked for me to do?

I haven't seen anything on your sites i'm sorry to say.

-------------------------------------------- Text:

Me 18.48 What time do you start work every day Paul?

GST: 18.51: I try to get to my job in Ashford by 8 am.

Me: 18.55 I sent your reference letter to Medway Council in relation to lasty year’s application for a job. Is it OK for the Council to contact you if it needs any clarification?

Me: Sorry Paul, I got the date wrong, it was 7 October 2014 not last year.

GST: 19.15 Yes it is fine.

Me: 19.31 I wrote to the Council today to register my protest at its delay in considering my job application. Your timely letter came in very useful as it shows the high regard with which I am treated in society. So thanks for the support.

He did not reply. At nearly 9.45 pm I decided that his email had to be attacked: so sent him the following email:

Reference (7)

Shan Panigrahi <>



Jan 10 at 9:54 PM


1. As I explained to you by text I needed the reference letter to cover all the elements that I have outlined. It is for you to use your own knowledge to modify what I have written and send me the reference that you consider accurately reflects my expertise, knowledge and experience. The reason I mentioned my Blog ( ) is that you can study it and take all the relevant facts into account in drafting your letter of reference. The reference letter has to be in your own words. I must not put any words of my own into your letter of reference.

2. Please urgently send me a new version of your letter that you consider is accurate so that I can use it in all my future job applications without worrying about what you might say later by way of clarification of any of the issues should any prospective employer contact you for more information about me.


He did not reply and I did not pursue the matter.

The email that I had sent to Medway Coucil with the Reference from Paul was as follows:

Vacancies BSD/14/4835: Minute Taker


Today at 5:30 PM


Resourcing Team,

HR Services,

Gun Wharf,

Dock Road,


Kent, ME4 4TR.

Tel: 01634 332878

10 January 2016

Dear Sir/Madam

1. I forward to you my correspondence to express my disappointment at not receiving any further information concerning my application for these vacancies. I was hoping that in view of my longstanding and regular service to Medway Council in its Electoral Services Department (since 2005) my application would be given priority consideration.

2. It may be possible that the lack of progress is due to the reference No 2 (Mr Sathi, Temple Farm Limited) which has been the subject of legal proceedings until recently. I am therefore attaching another reference letter that I have received today from Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana.

Yours sincerely

Mr Shantanu Panigrahi

Show original message

On Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 10:25, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:

Mr Doran

1. Please note that my references have already been thoroughly checked by Medway Council and given the all-clear with regard to my recent application for Medway Test 2014 application and appointment (please refer to Ms Danielle Anderson at the email address:

2. Secondly, from my Covering letter that you should also have received you should have noted that my CV is submitted as being appropriate for any vacancy involving Minute Taking in any Department of Medway Council. Are you saying that there at present no vacant positions of any kind that requires Minute Taking?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 9:54, "doran, steven" <> wrote:

Hi Shantanu

As we have only accepted your application we would not contact any of your references until you was appointed to a position. If any position becomes available that we think we can match you to, you will be contacted.

Kind Regards

Steve Doran

Resourcing Assistant

Medway Council

Gun Wharf,

Dock Road,




Ext: 4084

Telephone: 01634334499 (opt 4)

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 07 October 2014 09:37 To: doran, steven Subject: Fw: Application for Minute Taker Vacancies at Medway Council


Mr Steve Doran

Resourcing Assistant

Medway Council.

Dear Mr Doran,

Thank you for your email.

Please can you confirm to me that I have been successful with my application without Medway Council having to approach Mr John Devine (of Sherlodge Garage), and Mr Sathi (of Temple Farm Limited) for my employment references?

Thank you

Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 8:50, jobs <> wrote:

Hello Shantanu

Thank you for your CV, I will ensure this is passed over for logging, and we will contact you if a suitable placement becomes available.

Kind Regards

Steve Doran

Resourcing Assistant

Medway Council

Gun Wharf,

Dock Road,




Ext: 4084

Telephone: 01634334499 (opt 4)

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 04 October 2014 11:50 To: tempagency, internal Subject: Fw: Application for Minute Taker Vacancies at Medway Council

On Saturday, 4 October 2014, 11:48, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:


Resourcing Team,

HR Services,

Gun Wharf,

Dock Road,


Kent, ME4 4TR.

Tel: 01634 332878

4 October 2014

Dear Sir or Madam

Please find attached my CV and my Covering letter which submit my application for the position of Minute Taker for Medway Council.

I look forward to your response as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Mr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel 01634 379604

Mobile: 07967789619


This transmission is intended for the named addressee(s) only and may contain sensitive or protectively marked material up to RESTRICTED and should be handled accordingly. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive it for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you have received this transmission in error please notify the sender immediately. This email has been scanned for viruses and all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that none are present. Medway Council cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments. Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender and not necessarily those of Medway Council unless explicitly stated. Please be aware that emails sent to or received from Medway Council may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.



· 1 Attachment

· No preview

PaulGST(shan work reference letter. 10.01.2016) .docx

I felt that these two issues with Paul Tiwana and the Medway Council had been raised as new ammunition in case I was attacked by the State by covering up the allegations that I had made in my blogposts. On 11 January 2016 a letter came in the post that asked for my availability to assist the Electoral Services Department of Medway Council in election duties for the election of the Police and Crime Commissioner with a Form which I sent back by first class postage to say that I was available on the date required in May 2016. A very deceptive email also arrived from CCMCC court that wanted me to act immediately to activate the proceedings against the Publishers Olympia/AuthorhouseUK effectively. It was an attempt to cover up what had happened elsewhere in the legal system. Taking action to restore the Claim was no longer in my interest as all the relevant material had been blogged and the correct approach was therefore now to wait for the publication made to play itself through the legal processes in that parties affected were being invivited effectively to challenge the contents and take whatever action that they wished legally. It would have led to a cover up now through the book matter submitted to the court for what I had written as updated in the blog had been under God’s supervision subsequently. And I wanted the latest evidence with Mr Tiwana and Medway Council to be part of any consideration by the courts. So I replied with effectively a complaint to have the matter of the delay investigated by the authorities, as follows:

Shantanu, this holiday card has your name on it! (7)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Ccmcc Customer Enquiries

11 January 2016 at 9:25 AM

Dear Sir

What do you mean by 'without further delay'? - who has been delaying the issue of these proceedings?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Hide original message

On Monday, 11 January 2016, 8:51, Ccmcc Customer Enquiries <> wrote:

Thank you for your email.

After an extensive search of our case management and accounting systems, I am unable to locate this claim as issued at CCMCC.

Kindly provide, by return, the County Court case reference number to enable us to process your query without further delay.

Kind regards, A Bishop Administrative Officer

Address: County Court Money Claims Centre, PO Box 527 , Salford , M5 0BY DX: 702634 Salford 5

HMCTS Contact Centre: 0300 123 1372 Fax: 0161 743 4023

"I am not authorised to bind the Ministry of Justice contractually, nor to make representations or other statements which may bind the Ministry of Justice in any way via electronic means"

CCMCC Customer Feedback- we’d love to hear from you!

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 30 December 2015 13:23 To: Ccmcc Customer Enquiries; Medway County, Enquiries Subject: Fw: Shantanu, this holiday card has your name on it!

Dear Sirs

1. I have not received any acknowledgement of the following email from AuthorhouseUK and neither have I received any feedback from Olympia Publishers on their decisions on whether to publish the attached book, 'The Allurement of Reality' (TheAllurementofRealityJan2016.doc).

2. I believe that these two companies have systematically and without due concern for the public interest and private interest in so far as my earning potential is concerned, have prevented the dissemination of this document on contemporary history. Furthermore, AuthorhouseUK is refusing to refund my £586 self-publishing Fee that I paid for no reason but to subject me to State-sponsored persecution.

3. I would therefore be grateful if you would kindly arrange for a hearing of this Case in accordance with previous communications with you at Medway County Court and direct the respondents to pay the Court Fee applicable.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi On Friday, 25 December 2015, 14:23, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:

Dear Sir

1. Your Ms Rebecca Carter may not wish to refer to the transcript of our conversation between 1.20pm and 1.30 pm (UK-Time) on 21 December 2015, but I do have a good memory.

2. Having reviewed my interactions with AuthorhouseUK I had asked her if AuthorhouseUK was prepared to receive my final version of the book, 'The Allurement of Reality'. I explained to her that this was a historical account of events, and all libel and invasion of privacy issues had been taken into account by me. As a Self-Publishing venture for which I paid money I will not accept your Firms conditions in this regard. Further, until this book is published by AuthorhouseUK as presented I will not be submitting any other books to AuthorhouseUK. 3. Accordingly, if you do not wish to receive the final version from me and print it without any editing other than for typographical and grammatical errors, kindly refund my £586 immediately.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 23 December 2015, 14:34, AuthorHouse> wrote: Greeting Card with ‘Shantanu’ written on.

By 12.30 pm on 12 January 2016 nothing came from any source and I updated this book ready for submission in case it was required for some purposae. On a check for messages and receiving it as 4.03 pm that I needed to act in some way I sent an email to Medway County Court to which I soon got a reply and I later followed it up with another response, as follows:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (3)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Medway County, Enquiries

12 January 2016 at 8:14 PM

Dear Sir

1. This is not a money claims issue but one for misdemeanours and reputational damage resulting from the separate decisions (apparently) of the two Publishers to not disseminate my suffering at the hands of the UK State. The Claim is therefore appropriate for direct submission to Medway County Court against both Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK. Having taken advice it is not a Claim that should be processed by CCMCC as you suggest.

2. With regard to the Appeal while either or both Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK may say that there are libel/defamation and invasion of privacy issues outstanding in the book my submission is that there are no such issues since all of the contents are the factual truth and a historical account of events so that none of the parties listed in the book need be issued with proceedings to get them to lodge any valid objections to the publication that the Publishers may be seeking if indeed they intend to make such submission to the Court. Olympia Publishers have given me no idea of why it is not publishing the book after having gone through its internal scrutiny process. The fact is that they will only be seeking such clearances under false pretences in which Case the Court has to take sides in this matter: if it sides with the Publishers that they have valid objections the onus must be on the Publishers to prove that they have legitimate concerns in the eyes of the Court that prevent them from publishing my book and are not just acting as agents of the State to prevent the world from knowing what I have suffered in this country. It would then be for the Publishers to identify the people who should be asked to provide any objections that they see as valid with their evidence for the cases that they make. This means that I am appealing to the Court that it must be respondents who must bear the court’s costs for these aspects of the proceedings for which the two respondents would have to identify precisely which sections of the book require such investigations during the court’s processing of the case and why. Until the proceedings are issued to the respondents we do not know what the respondents would submit by way of defence and justification of their actions so that at this stage I should only pay the nominal £70 fee relating to the refund of £586 Publishing Fee that I have paid AuthorhouseUK for self publishing.

3. Incidentally, the appeal that I made is based on my understanding of your court official Ms Nic Gibson's email of 30 December 2015, 15.46 hrs.

4. Accordingly, please let me have your permission to submit the N1 Claim Form directly to Medway County Court with the £70 Court Fee, or forward this Appeal to the High Court for consideration if this is more appropriate.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Hide original message

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016, 16:35, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

Dear Sir,

You cannot issue proceedings on an email. This must be submitted on an N1 claim form. Medway County Court no longer issues money claims, please submit your claim to the County Court Money Claim Centre.

There is no decision to appeal. The Court cannot make a defendant pay for a claim against itself. The Court must remain neutral.

However as explained you may be able to recoup court costs at a later stage in your claim. If you are unable to afford the court fees, please consult the EX160 booklet available online; where you may be qualify for fee exemption.


Civil & Enforcement Section Medway County Court Anchorage House 47-67 High Street Chatham Kent ME44DW T: 01634 887900 F: 01634 811332

Please note that I am not the direct administrator for your case and will not answer queries unless they are made through the enquires mailbox

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 12 January 2016 16:10 To: Medway County , Enquiries Subject: Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee


The Court Manager

Medway County Court

Dear Sir/Madam

Please inform me of the decision taken by the Court with regard to the following Appeal.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Non-Issuing of Court Proceedings for the non-publication of 'TheAllurementofRealityJan2016.docx' by Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK

Shan Panigrahi <>


Enquiries Medway County

12/31/15 at 8:18 AM


The Court Manager

Medway County Court

31 December 2015

Dear Sir/Madam

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi vs Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK

I am hereby appealing against the decision of Medway County Court not to issue court proceedings against Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK for their non-publication of my book, 'The Allurement of Reality' that the court has in its possession as an electronic copy (TheAllurementofRealityJan2015.docx) for the reason that the Court has ruled that the applicant should bear the unquantifiable court's costs for the proceedings.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Then feeling there was unfinished business with Paul, I sent him the following text:

Me: 20.51: Hello Paul, how are you this evening?

GST: 21.27 Not bad, you?

Me: 21.31 Just relaxing.

On 13 January 2016 the thread of email was returned by Medway County Court without granting the permission to proceed with the Claim and giving various interpretations of the submissions and the procedures stating again that legal advice needs to be obtained before submitting a Claim for any other matter under a Part 8 Claim. I had no choice but to forward the full thread of emails to Hodge Jones and Allen who have gone silent since my 18 December 2016 email, perhaps pretending that it has not been approached with details of any Case that it should undertake on my behalf. But the idea was to get a reply so that the full State-sponsored Criminal Conspiracy can be stuffed into the solicitor for action, as it makes no reference to any previous proceedings anywhere.

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (5)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Nigel Richardson

13 January 2016 at 12:11 PM


Mr Nigel Richardson

Hodge Jones and Allen

Dear Sir

Please provide me with the appropriate legal advice as indicated by the Court.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 13 January 2016, 11:44, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

Dear Sir,

Your email would suggest that the claim you wish to submit in the interim would essentially be a money claim. If you wish to claim for the return of the fee you paid the publishers only, this would need to be submitted to the CCMCC. Should you submit the N1 claim form to the court, we will forward this on to the CCMCC. If you have any reason why the money claim should be issued in Medway County Court, please submit your claim with a covering letter explaining why and this could be put to a Judge for their consideration.

Have you sought legal advice regarding the whole matter? A claim for any other matter may be issued under a Part 8 claim (assuming legal advice has been obtained and this has been the advice given). These types of claim are £280 to issue; the Court would then consider the matter and give directions.

Hopefully this response will help, in what appears to be a difficult situation.

Many Regards,

Miss Nic Gibson Civil & Enforcement Section Medway County Court Anchorage House 47-67 High Street Chatham Kent ME44DW T: 01634 887927 F: 01634 811332

Please note that I am not the direct administrator for your case and will not answer queries unless they are made through the enquires mailbox


I waited for two hours to see if something would come and it did not. I then sent the following email in reply to Medway County Court for I wished to activate my proceedings myself safely by first seeking permission to submit or else a judge could again pass judgement that I had abused the process of court and this time who knows what punishment might get administered:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (6)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Medway County, Enquiries

13 January 2016 at 2:33 PM

Dear Sir

I have sought legal advice: do you need the advice of a solicitor in writing that the course under a Part 8 Claim that you indicate is the one for me to follow in this Case for an issue fee of £280?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 13 January 2016, 11:45, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:


There were no emails from any source during the rest of the day.

On 14 January 2016, I was going to take no action but the following email arrived from Medway County Court:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (7)

Medway County, Enquiries <>


'Shan Panigrahi'

14 January 2016 at 11:50 AM

Dear Sir,

The Court does not require this in writing, if you have sought legal advice and they have advised that this is the correct method of starting your claim, you can issue it in Medway County Court . If you chose not to follow legal advice and start the claim anyway, there is always the risk that the claim could be struck out if it has not been issued under the correct procedure.


Miss Nic Gibson Civil & Enforcement Section Medway County Court Anchorage House 47-67 High Street Chatham Kent ME44DW T: 01634 887927 F: 01634 811332

Please note that I am not the direct administrator for your case and will not answer queries unless they are made through the enquires mailbox

This did not give me the clear go-ahead to submit the Claim Form or else reserving the right to strike out the Case if I did not obtain legal advice and it was issued under the wrong procedure. I could not allow it to stand and decided to find out what the Legal Ombudsman was doing with respect to the complaint against Hodge Jones and Allen. I sent the following email:

Case No: CMP-024216: Complaint Form attached for the first of three complaints under this Claim Number

Shan Panigrahi <> To To The Legal Ombudsman Dear Sir 1. Please find attached my Complaint Form sent one day earlier than the 8-weeks because Mr Nigel Richardson has refused to acknowledge receipt of my email to him sen




Enquiries Medway County

Today at 1:05 PM



The Legal Ombudsman

Dear Sir

1. Please find attached my Complaint Form sent one day earlier than the 8-weeks because Mr Nigel Richardson has refused to acknowledge receipt of my email to him sent yesterday 13 January 2016 at 12.11 pm.

2. For legal purposes relating the processing of my Case by Medway County Court against Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK for which I may need to seek legal assistance from new solicitor depending on your processing of this complaint, please acknowledge the legal legitimacy of this complaint against Hodge Jones and Allen immediately by email.

3. I am copying this email to Medway County Court with regard to the email received from the Court today at 11.50 am concerning the Publication Claim matter so that it is aware of my wish to see the continuation of those proceedings.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Shan Panigrahi <>



Jan 7 at 3:37 PM


Assessment Centre

Legal Ombudsman

7 January 2016

Dear Sir

1. Thank you for your letter dated 5 January 2016 sent in the post that I have received today.

2. I wish to clarify that the 8-week period that the three solicitor firms in my complaint lodged with you have under your Case No CMP-024216 are different because of the dates on which their help was requested, as follows:

Hodge Jones and Allen - 19 November 2015

ELS Legal - 28 November 2015

Fosters Law - 18 December 2015

3. Would you require three separate complaint forms to be submitted within this Case Number, or just one Complaint form?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL



· 1 Attachment

· No preview

LegalOmbudsmanComplaintFormHodgeJonesAllen .docx

The Complaint form contained the following details:

Against: Hodge Jones and Allen Solicitors, 180 North Gower Street London NW1 2NB.

What legal work did you ask the solicitors to provide: Various work relating to proceedings in Medway County Court.

When: 19 November 2015 was the date of first contact that I made; my legal requirements were discussed over the next 7 weeks in detail through email correspondence.

Problem: Giving the impression that they are acting for me but taking no action when legal documents were required to be produced.

Date first became aware: 23 November 2015.

When did you first complain: 27 November 2015

Name of the person who dealt with your complaint: Mr Nigel Richardson.

Date of Response: Silence.

What did they say: Nothing

What would put things right for you: Immediate action on Medway County Court Proceedings relating to my publication of the book, ‘The Allurement of Reality’ by Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK Publishers.

Have you made a complaint to us before: I first contacted you about this on 23 November 2015

When did you complain: Clarifications were provided under your Case No CMP-024216.

When there was no email returned I sent a text to Paul Tiwana who replied quickly:

Me: 14.13 Are you working today Paul?

GST: 14.18 Seven days a week.

Me: 14.29 Paul, do you know any good reliable solicitors who know how to follow clients instructions on Part 8 of Claims submissions to County Courts?

GST: 14.31. Sorry, none at all, haven’t had the need. Sorry.

Me: 14.36 Me neither. Over the years I tried many solicitors and they all turned out to be agents of the State. Looks like I will have to pursue the Book Publication matter against Publishers myself at Medway County Court, unless you know how to do these things?

GST: 14.36 Wouldn’t know where to start.

I terminated that exchange at this point and immediately replied to Medway County Court on its email, as follows:

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 14 January 2016 14:57 To: Medway County , Enquiries Subject: Re: Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee

Dear Sir

1. To assist me with the Court-required legal advice I contacted my very knowledgeable friend, Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana (of 12 Nares Road, Parkwood,Rainham), asking if he knew of a good and reliable solicitor to provide me with the legal advice on whether Part 9 procedure is appropriate for this Case given that I had run out of patience with all the solicitors that I contacted in the past to find some one who I could use as a Family Solicitor. Mr Tiwana said that he did not know of any solicitor as he never had any need for one. I also asked him if he himself would be able to deal with this matter on my behalf, and he said that he did not have a clue on how to go about it.

2. I would therefore like to submit the N1 Claim Form under Part 8. Please send me the necessary documentation that you were referring to immediately. Under such a situation it would be wrong for the Court to pass any judgement to strike out the case and find me to have abused the process of court by submitting the Claim.

3. Please consider my Appeal in this light.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Thursday, 14 January 2016, 11:50, " Medway County , Enquiries" <> wrote:

It got a quick reply, as follows:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (9)

Medway County, Enquiries <>


'Shan Panigrahi'

14 January 2016 at 3:30 PM

Dear Sir,

Please find attached N1 Claim Form & Part 8 Claim Form as requested.


Miss Nic Gibson Civil & Enforcement Section Medway County Court Anchorage House 47-67 High Street Chatham Kent ME44DW T: 01634 887927 F: 01634 811332

Please note that I am not the direct administrator for your case and will not answer queries unless they are made through the enquires mailbox

So again the categorical assurance that I asked the Court for that my Claim against the Publishers would not be struck out and was not an abuse of the process of court was not given. I could do nothing more because I did not wish to furnish any further details that were being kept hidden from me on institutions and persons across the board. I was all alone. The Universities had not written to me, the Police had not written, Hodge Jones and Allen had not written, the Legal Ombudsman had not written, Mr Dodds had not written, etc. They were being held back to let the Court sort me out first. I did not wish to write back to the Court because it was clear to me that the Court wanted the proceedings so that it could get a chance to cover up the persecution that I suffered and which was detailed in the book and reported in the Blog. I could not risk losing what I had achieved in the Blog publication for which I had now gathered more evidence that I could use to defend it. So I had achieved a great deal since the blogposts were published and felt safer. I now felt it would be better to reserve a decision on if and when to submit the Claim Form against the Publishers once further evidence of the persecution was forthcoming from the inaction of the solicitors, the Legal Ombudsman and of course Maidstone Magistrates Court with regard to the private prosecution that was commenced.

By midday on 15 January 2016, nothing had come from any source, and I could not let the matter lie around for I would be the one holding up proceedings by not having acted on the Court’s email. So I sent the following email to the Court:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (10)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Medway County, Enquiries

15 January 2016 at 1:38 PM

Dear Sir

I had appealed for a categorical assurance from the Court that my application would not be struck out or be judged to have been an abuse of the process of court. Until such an assurance is forthcoming, I will not be submitting a Claim.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Thursday, 14 January 2016, 15:31, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

I sent Paul the following text

Me: 16.32: I will look in the internet and see if I can find a solicitor who does No Win No Fee business.

There was no reply: Then the following email came from the Court:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (11)

Medway County, Enquiries <>


'Shan Panigrahi'

15 January 2016 at 4:50 PM

Dear Sir,

I am a clerk of the Court and can only advise on processes that we issue. The Court cannot vet cases before they are issued. I was merely advising that if your case is issued incorrectly or does not a have sufficient merit, it can be struck out but not necessarily, same as I cannot say whether or not a case will be successful or not. The evidence will speak for itself. If you are confident that you’ve sought legal advice and are clear in what you need to do, then you can issue your claim.


Miss Nic Gibson Civil & Enforcement Section Medway County Court Anchorage House 47-67 High Street Chatham Kent ME44DW T: 01634 887927 F: 01634 811332

Please note that I am not the direct administrator for your case and will not answer queries unless they are made through the enquires mailbox

On Saturday, 16 January 2016 I was reviewing the legalities and asked God whether He had anything to say on whether this persecution that I suffered from was coordinated through guna consciousness energy stream in which individuals were directed externally as I had been proposing because it seemed to me to be impossible that a central State command authority could have manipulated so many institutions and people to subjugate and terrorise me. He said that I was wrong in my thinking and this was indeed coordinated by a central human command of the United Kingdom State. This is why no one had been able to take any action or even query what I had blogged recently. I felt so angry that I immediately set about probing Paul (Gurpal Singh Tiwana) as to whether he was asked by the authorities through some means to visit me at my work place on 10 January:

Me: 13.44. Paul you made me very happy to pay me a friendly visit at my new workplace but since then you seem not to want to keep in contact with me. Have I upset you?

This was a trap to flush him out for probing, and it worked.

GST: 14.13 No nothing like that. Too busy at this time at work with Hermes. Takes 14 hours of my day with this job, even on my days off.

Me: 14.17. How did you know that I would be working at the shop at the time you came?

GST: 14.31. I saw you at the door looking out when I was driving to Tesco.

Me: 14.35. Why did you not text me back since 19 July if you wanted to contact me?

GST: 14.39. Too busy and had holiday from July and August. 3 weeks then full time with Hermes doing long hours. No time for a social life.

Me: 14.43 But you wrote to me that you did not want to socialize with me – what made you change your ind when you saw me at the shop door?

GST: 14.49. Lets say, I thought you might be a changed man who will not verbally abuse me by swearing obscenities to me any more. If you continue then it will be a definite goodbye. Your choice.

Me: 14.53. Have you prepared the revised Reference that I requested by email?

GST 14.55. Not at the moment, the one you drafted and I signed is good enough nothing more I can add to it. The one you have written says all about you. Nothing more that I an add.

Me: 14.57. Why did you not say so when you got my email?

GST: 15.03. I got distracted had to find cover for 3 failed rounds with 300 parcel, then forgot to get back to you.

Me: 15.05. Never mind Paul. Just reply to the email now so that I can forward it to Medway Council today.

GST: 15.11. I have sent a copy of it and I will do it when I get home from work.

GST: 15.11. Sorry please send it to me and I will do it.

I then forwarded the last email that I had sent Paul on 10 January 2016, with the following covering note:

Reference (8)

Shan Panigrahi <>



16 January 2016 at 3:19 PM


This is the email that I sent you. Please add your comments and forward it to at Medway Council.


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On Sunday, 10 January 2016, 21:54, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:

Then I sent Linda Nicolaides the following email:

MSc Dissertation Progression

Shan Panigrahi <>


Linda Nicolaides

16 January 2016 at 3:46 PM


Linda Nicolaides

Natural Resources Institute

The University of Greenwich

16 January 2016

Dear Linda

Should I regard no news as good news concerning the attached MSc dissertation?




· 1 Attachment

· No preview

MScDissertation .docx

Instead of replying to the email (Paul did not even acknowledge it) Paul sent me a fresh email with a copy of the same Reference letter that he had sent me on 10 January 2016.

There followed total silence and in the evening I sent him the following text:

Me: 19.12. What you sent by email is not what I asked you to do for me. Do you call this socializing with me?

There was no reply.

At 8.53 am on Sunday morning I replied to Medway County Court, as follows:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (11)>


Medway County, Enquiries

17 January 2016 at 9:01 AM

Dear Sir

I wish to proceed with my Claim. Please send me a Fee Exemption/Remission Form.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Friday, 15 January 2016, 16:50, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

On the morning of 18 January 2016, I started with a probe on Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana as follows:

Me: 7.24: Paul, I need you to come clean with me. Did someone ask you to renew acquaintance with me which made you visit me at my work place?

GST: 7.26. No. I would not lie to you. So don’t get paranoid.

Me: 8.11. So it was your own decision when you saw me at the door of the shop that I would no longer hurl swearing obseneities at you when you let me down as a friend again. Have you read my 10 January blogpost?

There was no reply. I needed this for the proceedings to argue that the evidence shows him to be involved in the persecution that I suffered on UKIP and Reference matters in case the Court proceedings move to a Hearing. Keeping quiet was as good as lying or deceiving after he was quick to snap at me that I was being paranoid. The following exchange then took place with the reply of the Court not sending me the appropriate Form and directing me to its website where I was unable to find the required form for Fee Exemption/Remission:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (16)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Medway County, Enquiries

18 January 2016 at 5:01 PM

Dear Sir

1. The hard copy of Claim Form (CPR) Part 8 contains the following as details of claim:

This is a claim for misdemeanours and reputational damage resulting from the separate decisions (apparently) of the two Publishers to not disseminate my suffering at the hands of the UK State as detailed in the attached book, 'The Allurement of Reality' (TheAllurementofRealityFeb2016.docx).

2. The book as you can see is too long and I do not have the money to print it out to send it to you in the post as a hard copy unless I receive State help to help with my costs from legal aid. Please grant me the legal aid for this.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Show original message

On Monday, 18 January 2016, 15:37, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

Good afternoon

Please supply the court with a hard copy

Regards Court Officer Medway Civil & Family Court Anchorage House High Street Chatham Kent ME4 4DW DX 98180 Chatham 4 Tel: 01634 887900 Fax: 01634 811332

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 18 January 2016 13:56 To: Medway County, Enquiries Subject: Re: Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee

Dear Sir

1. Thank you for the direction. I could not find the form that I was looking for but have now seen the attached form that I have completed for your kind consideration to be taken into account with the following declaration.

· FinancialDeclarationbyDrShantanuPanigrahi.docx

· From

· Dr Shantanu Panigrahi


· cc Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi


· I write this to confirm what has been the de facto situation concerning the property and money that I can claim to be rightfully belonging to me in the interest of honesty and fairness to my wife, Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi.Since I lost my job at the University of Greenwich in October 1998, I have lived like a parasite on my wife and wasted considerable sums of money that had belonged to us and kept in our joint accounts in pursuing court cases of various kinds.

· During these years I remained largely unemployed for most of the time except for two major periods of reasonable employment in 2006-2008 and 2010-2013 when I barely earned enough to keep myself fed and clothed having been on minimum wage occupation in petrol stations. I continued to depend on my wife for all additional expenses such as holidays and the running of the family car. She spent all her money in the maintenance of the house including renovations and met the bills for all expenditures. She has done this during the past 16 years as I suffered from mental illness. She continues to support me financially today.

· Most of the family money was however kept in joint accounts by my wife for convenience and in case I suddenly needed access to money when meeting unforeseen family disasters. The house has at the above address has also been kept under joint names despite the fact that I have no right to it any longer for it would long have been disposed off had it not been for my wife’s reluctance to do so because of her love for the family home. I do not claim any part of this property as my own.

· As I now enter another period of total unemployment today, I wish to make it clear that I am almost a penniless person totally dependent on the charity of my wife who owns all our family possessions including the home and bank account monies due to the aforementioned reasons. I give my fullest consent to her to take legal possession of all family financial assets without hindrance through whatever court action she deems necessary.

· Signed: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

· Dated: 23 November 2014

2. I do not have a partner as the woman I live in the same house with and I lead independent lives.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

  • 1 Attachment

· No preview


[In the Fee Remission Form that I provided I entered only my income of £340 per month and left my wife’s income column blank. The Court Fee was entered as £280. The Case information was against Olympia Publishers and AuthorhouseUK]

On Monday, 18 January 2016, 11:16, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

Good morning

Please visit our website and type in help with fees.

Many thanks

Regards Court Officer Medway Civil & Family Court Anchorage House High Street Chatham Kent ME4 4DW DX 98180 Chatham 4 Tel: 01634 887900 Fax: 01634 811332

The Court’s reply to the Fee Remission Form and declaration not only did not indicate if it was approved/granted it was ambiguous as it did not say what precisely it required as a hard copy, whether the Fee Remission Form with or without the entire email thread or the Claim Form with it etc, so that I needed clarification before acting. This I did by providing information on the nature of the Claim CPR Form 8 content so that it would correspond with me to tell me exactly what it required from me. Further, I took the decision to seek legal aid for it was clear that the Court was not only not issuing the proceedings still, it was taking steps to delay the consideration of the application to force me to submit subsequent enquiries which it would again play dirty tricks with. My best option was to submit the matter for legal aid to assist with my defence against any charges that was being contemplated by these delaying tactics. Accordingly, I forwarded the thread of email to the Legal Aid Agency as follows:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (12)

Shan Panigrahi <>


18 January 2016 at 8:23 PM


Legal Aid Agency Unit B8 Berkley Way Viking Business Park Jarrow South Tyneside NE31 1SF

Civil general enquiries 0300 200 2020

Crime general enquiries 01158 526 000

DX 742350 JARROW

Dear Sir,

Should this application have been sent to you directly?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

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On Monday, 18 January 2016, 17:01, Shan Panigrahi <> wrote:




· 1 Attachment

· No preview

TheAllurementofRealityFeb2016 .docx

An autoacknowledgement was returned as follows:

Automatic Reply

ContactCivil <> Thank you for your email. We have changed the way we process emails to improve our customer service. This mailbox is only for queries on paper based civil certificated work. CCMS queries sent to this


Shan Panigrahi

Jan 18 at 8:25 PM

Thank you for your email. We have changed the way we process emails to improve our customer service. This mailbox is only for queries on paper based civil certificated work. CCMS queries sent to this mailbox will not be processed unless they: • are received from an applicant or MP • are in relation to a complaint and this is clearly marked • are clearly marked as with a contingency reference number (when agreed by the LAA). All other general or case specific CCMS queries should be submitted through CCMS. Details of what to do if you are unable to submit your query in CCMS are available on the Contacts page of the CCMS website: For further information: article Case Enquiry Quick Guide: General Enquiry Quick Guide:

This e-mail (and any attachment) is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail.

Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail.

This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. E-mail monitoring / blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.

The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Vodafone in partnership with Symantec. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) This email has been certified virus free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes.

On 19 January 2016, at around 9.45 am, three emails arrived from the courts as follows:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (20)

Medway County, Enquiries <>


'Shan Panigrahi'

19 January 2016 at 9:44 AM

Good Morning,

Please find attached EX160 form which you will need to complete and submit with your claim form. The one previously supplied was out of date.


Miss Nic Gibson Civil & Enforcement Section Medway County Court Anchorage House 47-67 High Street Chatham Kent ME44DW T: 01634 887927 F: 01634 811332

Please note that I am not the direct administrator for your case and will not answer queries unless they are made through the enquires mailbox

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 18 January 2016 13:56 To: Medway County , Enquiries Subject: Re: Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee

Dear Sir

1. Thank you for the direction. I could not find the form that I was looking for but have now seen the attached form that I have completed for your kind consideration to be taken into account with the following declaration.

· FinancialDeclarationbyDrShantanuPanigrahi.docx

· From

· Dr Shantanu Panigrahi


· cc Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi


· I write this to confirm what has been the de facto situation concerning the property and money that I can claim to be rightfully belonging to me in the interest of honesty and fairness to my wife, Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi.Since I lost my job at the University of Greenwich in October 1998, I have lived like a parasite on my wife and wasted considerable sums of money that had belonged to us and kept in our joint accounts in pursuing court cases of various kinds.

· During these years I remained largely unemployed for most of the time except for two major periods of reasonable employment in 2006-2008 and 2010-2013 when I barely earned enough to keep myself fed and clothed having been on minimum wage occupation in petrol stations. I continued to depend on my wife for all additional expenses such as holidays and the running of the family car. She spent all her money in the maintenance of the house including renovations and met the bills for all expenditures. She has done this during the past 16 years as I suffered from mental illness. She continues to support me financially today.

· Most of the family money was however kept in joint accounts by my wife for convenience and in case I suddenly needed access to money when meeting unforeseen family disasters. The house has at the above address has also been kept under joint names despite the fact that I have no right to it any longer for it would long have been disposed off had it not been for my wife’s reluctance to do so because of her love for the family home. I do not claim any part of this property as my own.

· As I now enter another period of total unemployment today, I wish to make it clear that I am almost a penniless person totally dependent on the charity of my wife who owns all our family possessions including the home and bank account monies due to the aforementioned reasons. I give my fullest consent to her to take legal possession of all family financial assets without hindrance through whatever court action she deems necessary.

· Signed: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

· Dated: 23 November 2014

2. I do not have a partner as the woman I live in the same house with and I lead independent lives.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Monday, 18 January 2016, 11:16, " Medway County , Enquiries "<> wrote:




· 2 Attachments

· No preview

EX160_form .pdf

· No preview

ex160a-eng .pdf

Shantanu, this holiday card has your name on it! (8)

Ccmcc Customer Enquiries <>


'Shan Panigrahi'

19 January 2016 at 9:45 AM

Thank you for your email.

The reference to delay was in regard to the delay in us being able to trace your claim and reply to your enquiry as we require additional information from you.

Are you able to provide a County Court claim number, or full details of all parties to the claim, for us to assist you with your enquiry?

Kind regards, A Bishop Administrative Officer

Address: County Court Money Claims Centre, PO Box 527 , Salford , M5 0BY DX: 702634 Salford 5

HMCTS Contact Centre: 0300 123 1372 Fax: 0161 743 4023

"I am not authorised to bind the Ministry of Justice contractually, nor to make representations or other statements which may bind the Ministry of Justice in any way via electronic means"

CCMCC Customer Feedback- we’d love to hear from you!

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From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 11 January 2016 09:25 To: Ccmcc Customer Enquiries Subject: Re: Shantanu, this holiday card has your name on it!

Dear Sir

What do you mean by 'without further delay'? - who has been delaying the issue of these proceedings?


I only replied to one of the three that contained the entirety of the thread exchange with Medway County Court, as follows:

Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee (20)

Shan Panigrahi <>


Medway County, Enquiries

19 January 2016 at 11:57 AM

Dear Sir

1. Thank you for this morning's information about the courts' procedures.

2. Please note the USA postal address of the Defendant 1 although it is a UK Firm from my understanding so that the Court should contact the defendants at the email addresses that I ham providing here, which would obviously prevent the need to print out the book that is the subject of this dispute:

(1) AuthorHouseUK

1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403


P: 888.728.8467 ext: 5868 F: 812.339.6554 P: 0800.197.4150 (UK) ext: 5868 F: 0800.197.4151 (UK)


(2) Olympia Publishers

60 Cannon Street London EC4N 6NP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)203 755 3166


2. If Medway County Court requires anything further to issue the Part 8 proceedings to these defendants please let me know today.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Hide original message

On Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 9:43, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

We do not print out these sort of documents.

From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 18 January 2016 17:01 To: Medway County, Enquiries Subject: Re: Result of Appeal to issue proceedings for a £70 Court Fee

Dear Sir

1. The hard copy of Claim Form (CPR) Part 8 contains the following as details of claim:

This is a claim for misdemeanours and reputational damage resulting from the separate decisions (apparently) of the two Publishers to not disseminate my suffering at the hands of the UK State as detailed in the attached book, 'The Allurement of Reality' (TheAllurementofRealityFeb2016.docx).

2. The book as you can see is too long and I do not have the money to print it out to send it to you in the post as a hard copy unless I receive State help to help with my costs from legal aid. Please grant me the legal aid for this.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Monday, 18 January 2016, 15:37, "Medway County, Enquiries" <> wrote:

Good afternoon

Please supply the court with a hard copy

Regards Court Officer Medway Civil & Family Court Anchorage House High Street Chatham Kent ME4 4DW


Nothing arrived back from the Court during the day or the next day. Nothing arrived from anywhere else. After office hours were over, I needed to probe Paul (GST), and the following exchange developed during the evening:

Me: 17.04 Did you take your family to see Bend it like Benjamin stage musical in the West End Paul?

GST: 17.13. No whats it about?

Me: 17.22. I texted you on 19 July 2015 11.43 am about it – you seem to have ignored it.

GST: 17.25. I don’t keep old texts longer than a day. And I haven’t got that cell phone any longer. I bought a new one. Sorry for your inconvenience.

Me: 17.46 There are lots of other times when I did not get even an acknowledgment of my text. Maybe as you say you are very busy. And then out of the blue you visited me at my workplace. With such a record do you blame me for being paranoid?

GST: 18.33. I am sorry to upset your daily routine by just coming in to say hello. I didn’t know it would cause such a major upheaval to you.

Me: 19.09. The upheaval I face is that Medway Council has ignored your reference letter because you made it clear that it was concocted by me.

Me: 19.49. I also find it amazing that a Sikh person in the UK does not know what Bend it like Bekham is about.

GST 21.54 I find it amazing a man with your education just keeps on arguing with various individuals and authorities and courts, about matters and concerns of things that don’t mean anything to anybody except yourself to gain truth of heaven knows what. But just doesn’t want to get employment anywhere to provide for his family. And put your mind into just work and then relaxation afterwards at the weekend like normal people.

I did not reply for the idea was to wait for the Courts to raise issues when this exchange could be submitted as evidence. The next morning a letter arrived from an agency (Atos Healthcare) of the National Health Service dated 19 January 201 in relation to Personal Independence Payment arranging an appointment for me to see their qualified Health Professional at 9.00 am on 3 February 2016, when this company was clearly told by me (on 5 November 2015 through a telephone call after that previous such attempt to fix an appointment) that I have not applied for State help through this scheme that replaces the Disability Living Allowance that I was getting. This was clearly another attempt by the State who see their courts cornered into inaction for the persecution that they have put me through to further persecute me through their National Health Service to cover up the State’s organized persecution on me. I took no action this time as the bastards of this State need to be exposed for the entirety of the operations that the State mounted on me over these 17 long years.

I then posted the following blogpost in Satya-advaita website:

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