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FW: HQ17X01773 & E35YM6602

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

FW: HQ17X01773 & E35YM6602




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


QB Judges Listing Office

Mon, 7 Mar at 22:05

Dear Sirs

Please find attached my N161 Appellant's Notice (n161-eng(HQ17x01773&E35YM660.pdf) as required by the Queen’s Bench Judges Listing Office and let me know the Courts Bank Account and Sort Code to deposit the required Court Fee.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Hide original message

On Monday, 7 March 2022, 10:26:28 GMT, QB Judges Listing Office <> wrote:

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email.

As to your email, I can only answer your query relating to appeals and that if you wish to file an Appeal you are to file a N161 Appellant’s notice with supporting documents and that the fee to lodge an Appeal application is £259.

As to your other queries, please refer these to the relevant court departments, who will respond accordingly.


Asif Bhurani

Queen’s Bench Listing Team, Room WG07

Queen's Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice| Strand, London | WC2A 2LL

Phone: 020 3936 8957





Here is how HMCTS uses personal data about you

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 04 March 2022 19:08

To: Civil Appeals - Registry <>

Cc: QB Judges Listing Office <>; Hans Sok Appadu <>

Subject: HQ17X01773 & E35YM660


(1) Civil Appeals Registry

(2) Queens Bench Division of the High Court

Dear Sirs

My Claim against Kent Police on Claim Number HQ17x01773 stalled at the Queen’s Bench Division but it seems to have been incorporated into Claim Number E35YM660 at the Central London County Court against the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Kindly confirm.

I wish to Appeal against both the Orders of Master Eastman three years or so ago although I do not have copies of the Orders at my disposal. There are several outstanding issues in connection with these Claims:

(1) Did District Judge Lightman and his predecessor judges at the County Court of Central London endorse the view of the medical authorities that I am paranoid schizophrenic with persistent delusional disorders, as set out in the letter of my doctor dated 16 February 2022 that is attached: SPanigrahiDiagnosis&TreatnmentDrFaridLatif.pdf?

(2) On what grounds did the University of Greenwich withhold my severance payment of around £55,000 in 1998 when it had offered me £20,000 and an employment reference for an out of court/tribunal settlement?

(3) On what grounds did Wordpress disable and suspend my two blogs at the Company, and

(4) What is the result of the forensic examination conducted by Kent Police on the 1500 criminal anonymous emails that I, my wife, my employers at Tesco and Sainsburys, my Mental Health Community Service professionals, and in identifying the full names and addresses of Dr Sivaji Panesar, Mr Marty Caine, Dr Nitin Bhardwaj, Fritz Wueheler, Ed Mulhouse, Cherie, and Egregious-C with the help of Interpol.

(5) What is the role of the Prime Minister in monitoring the Ministers in charge of these government operations in the Cabinet Office?

(6) When will I receive the full written reasons for the disposal of the case against the Prime Minister or is he above the law of the country in civil and criminal litigations?

(7) When will I receive the results of the outcome of BP's deliberations concerning the challenged extension of my probation as a Customer Service Assistant by four weeks, as attached: ToBP(TransfertoChathamBP.dox.

(8) What is the Court Fee I need to pay the Queen’s Bench Judges Listing Office, given that I have already paid £100 Court Fee to HMCTS on 23 June 2021 for this Appeal?

(9) Do I need to submit an Appellants Notice Form to initiate this appeal formally?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Friday, 4 March 2022, 15:31:03 GMT, Civil Appeals - Registry <> wrote on Re: Return of our Desktop Computer, USB Memory Stick and Mobile Phone

Dear Sirs,

If you would like to appeal the order you attached to the email you’ll need to contact the high court on :

Kind Regards

Mr Keith De Bordes

Civil Appeals Office| Room E308 | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand | London | WC2A 2LL | DX 44456 Strand |

Phone: 0207 947 7784



For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see:

Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparation

Here is how HMCTS uses personal data about you

From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 02 March 2022 15:55

To: PSD Complaints Kent; Enquiries Kent; Paul Nichols PC 46015002; PCC Correspondence Kent; Hans Sok Appadu;;; Central London DJSKEL; Civil Appeals - Registry;;;; CATLIS Long (LONG CATLIS ROAD SURGERY)

Cc: Panigrahi Rashmi;; CPSContact;; eastkentmc; northkent

Subject: Return of our Desktop Computer, USB Memory Stick and Mobile Phone


Kent Police

It is more than three months that I was arrested, held in Police Custody for 5 hours without a Duty Solicitor present, and our desktop computer, USB Memory Stick and my Mobile Pnone was taken away by Kent Police supposedly for forensic examination. The attached document refers: NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf which spells out Kent Polices statutory obligations

Since the 24th of November 2021 when the arrest took place (and it related to 15 September 2021 interrogation on me in the presence of my wife as appropriate adult and a a Duty Solicitor by the name of Hyda) half a dozen complaints were made both on the circumstance’s om my arrest and the seizure of our property.

When I tried to telephone Kent Police 15 minutes ago the line was cut off.

The Central London County Court has taken no action on the Appeal of the Order of 21 June 2021 from District Judge Lightman: Central London County Court 21 June2021 (District Judge Lightman).

There is a national conspiracy against me by virtue of the fact that the United Kingdom has used its veto powers in the Security Council of the United Nations to persecute me over the past 24 years and this persecution is continuing.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. Monitoring / Blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.

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Download all attachments as a zip file

(a) n161-eng(HQ17X01773&E35YM660.pdf 722.1kB

(b) ToBP(TransfertoChathamBP)1Mar2022.docx 17.6kB

(c) S_PanigrahiDiagnosiTreatmentbyDrLatif16Feb2022.pdf 1.5MB


Appellant’s notice

(All appeals except small claims

track appeals and appeals to the

Family Division of the High Court)

For Court use only

Appeal Court Ref. No.

Date filed

Notes for guidance are available which

will help you complete this form. Please

read them carefully before you complete

each section.


Section 1 Details of the claim or case you are appealing against

Claim or Case no.


Fee Account no.

(if applicable)

Help with Fees -

Ref no. (if applicable) H W F – –

Name(s) of the Claimant(s) Applicant(s) Petitioner(s)

Shantanu Panigrahi

Name(s) of the Defendant(s) Respondent(s)

Kent Police, Mr Boris Johnson, respectively,

Details of the party appealing (‘The Appellant’)


Address (including postcode)

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel No.




Details of the Respondent to the appeal


Kent Police & Mr Boris Johnson

Address (including postcode)

Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent

10 Downing Street, London, WC!

Tel No.



Details of additional parties (if any) are attached Yes No

N161 Appellant’s notice (10.20) © Crown copyright 2020

Section 2 Details of the appeal

From which court is the appeal being brought?

The County Court at Central London

The Family Court at

High Court

Queen’s Bench Division

Chancery Division

Family Division

Other (please specify)

What is the name of the Judge whose decision you want to appeal?

District Judge Lightman

What is the status of the Judge whose decision you want to appeal?

District Judge or Deputy Circuit Judge or Recorder Tribunal Judge Master or Deputy High Court Judge or Deputy Justice(s) of the Peace

What is the date of the decision you wish to appeal against?

21 June 2021

Is the decision you wish to appeal a previous appeal


Yes No

Section 3 Legal representation

Are you legally represented? Yes No

If Yes, is your legal representative (please tick as appropriate)

a solicitor

direct access counsel instructed to conduct litigation on your behalf

direct access counsel instructed to represent you at hearings only

Name of your legal representative

The address (including postcode) of your legal representative

Tel No.





Are you, the Appellant, in receipt of a

Civil Legal Aid Certificate?

Yes No

Is the respondent legally represented? Yes No

If ‘Yes’, please give details of the

respondent’s legal representative below

Name and address (including postcode) of the respondent’s legal representative

Tel No.





Section 4 Permission to appeal

Do you need permission to appeal? Yes No

Has permission to appeal been granted?

Yes (Complete Box A) No (Complete Box B)

Box A

Date of order granting permission

Name of Judge granting permission

Box B

I the Appellant(’s legal representative) seek permission to appeal.

If permission to appeal has been granted in part by the lower court, do you seek permission to appeal in respect of the grounds refused by the lower court?

Yes No

Section 5 Other information required for the appeal

Please set out the order (or part of the order) you wish to appeal against

The County Court of Central London was paid a Court Fee of £100 for the Appeal of the Order dated 21 June 2021 and no action or respomse has been received by the Court. My Claim against Kent Police on Claim Number HQ17x01773 stalled at the Queen’s Bench Division but it seems to have been incorporated into Claim Number E35YM660 at the Central London County Court against the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; kindly confirm.

I wish to Appeal against both the Orders of Master Eastman three years or so ago although I do not have copies of the Orders at my disposal. There are several outstanding issues in connection with these Claims:

(1) Did District Judge Lightman and his predecessor judges at the County Court of Central London endorse the view of the medical authorities that I am paranoid schizophrenic with persistent delusional disorders, as set out in the letter of my Doctor dated 16 February 2022 that is attached: SPanigrahiDiagnosis&TreatnmentDrFaridLatif.pdf?

(2) On what grounds did the University of Greenwich withhold my severance payment of around £55,000 in 1998 when it had offered me £20,000 and an employment reference for an out of court/tribunal settlement?

3. On what grounds did Wordpress disable and suspend my two blogs at the Company, https://shantanup.wordpress,com and .

(4) What is the result of the forensic examination conducted by Kent Police on the 1500 criminal anonymous emails that I, my wife, my employers at Tesco and Sainsburys, my Mental Health Community Service professionals, and in identifying the full names and addresses of Dr Sivaji Panesar, Mr Marty Caine, Dr Nitin Bhardwaj, Fritz Wueheler, Ed Mulhouse, Cherie, and Egregious-C with the help of Interpol.

Have you lodged this notice with the court in time?

(There are different types of appeal -

see Guidance Notes N161A)

Yes No

If ‘No’ you must also complete

Part B of Section 10 and Section 11

Section 6 Grounds of appeal

Please state, in numbered paragraphs, on a separate sheet attached to this notice and entitled

‘Grounds of Appeal’ (also in the top right hand corner add your claim or case number and full

name), why you are saying that the Judge who made the order you are appealing was wrong.

I confirm that the grounds of appeal are attached to this notice.

Section 7 Arguments in support of grounds for appeal

I confirm that the arguments (known as a ‘Skeleton Argument’) in support of the ‘Grounds of

Appeal’ are set out on a separate sheet and attached to this notice.

OR (in the case of appeals other than to the Court of Appeal)

I confirm that the arguments (known as a ‘Skeleton Argument’) in support of the ‘Grounds

of Appeal’ will follow within 14 days of filing this Appellant’s Notice. A skeleton argument

should only be filed if appropriate, in accordance with CPR Practice Direction 52B,

paragraph 8.3.

Section 8 Aarhus Convention Claim

For applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or Planning (Listed

Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

I contend that this claim is an Aarhus Convention Claim Yes No

If Yes, and you are appealing to the Court of Appeal, any application for an order to limit the

recoverable costs of an appeal, pursuant to CPR 52.19, should be made in section 10.

If Yes, indicate in the following box if you do not wish the costs limits under CPR 45 to apply. If you

have indicated that the claim is an Aarthus claim set out the grounds below

FW:Claim No HQ17X01773 & E35YM660 (Queens'Bench Judges Listing Ruling in the United Kingdom, 10.26 am 7 March 2022)



Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Cc: Sivaji Panesar,, Nitin Bhardwaj, Shitikanth Singh

Mon, 7 Mar at 12:08


(1) Supreme Court of Indian

(2) Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Dear Sirs

In relation to my Public Interest Litigation against the government of India relating to the Indian Overseas Citizen application that was denied by the Supreme Court of India dating back to 2007 I am this morning required by a Ruling from the Queen's Division of the High Court in London to take all steps necessary in requesting to the Supreme Court of India to provide the Queen’s Bench Judges Listing Office and me simultaneously with the full real names and addresses in India and abroad of three individuals who have acted on as possible agents of the government of India iSent in persecuting me over the past few years; and the full written reasons as to why I was denied asylum in India from 2002 onwards to escape tyrannical persecution in the United Kingdom and United States as well as Europe, with the return of my birth right Indian passport by the Indian High Commission as a Hindu Indian who had travelled to the United Kingdom as a dependant of his father Dr Gopinath Panigrahi on his deputation for the government of India with diplomatic status to be the Indian Liaison Officer in Kew Gardens United Kingdom from 1972 -1975.

The individuals are:

(1) Dr Sivaji Panesar (Ministry of External Affairs, India and member of the High Commission in London)

(2) Dr Nitin Bhardwaj (Pscyhiatrist, Manipur)

(3) Mr Shitikanth Singh

Thank you for your immediate reply

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel (44) 07967789619

Section 9 What are you asking the Appeal Court to do?

I am asking the appeal court to:-

(please tick the appropriate box)

set aside the order which I am appealing

vary the order which I am appealing and substitute the following order. Set out in the

following space the order you are asking for:-

order a new trial

The Costs awarded to the Defendant Mr Boris Johnson be nullified and a refund of £4170 ordered. In addition, substantial damages are Ordered against the University of Greenwich in excess of £55,000 redundancy payment for kangaroo court disciplinary Hearing associated Defamation of gross misconduct allegation on my part. Wordpress be ordered to pay the Appellant £100,000 for disabling the Appellants two Blogs. Kent Police be ordered to pay damages and compensation of £100,000 for false arrest and protecting Dr Sivaji Panesar and his associates who perpetrated harassment and persecution. Narendra Modi be ordered to pay the Appellant £100,000 for 24 years of harassment in blocking the Public Interest Litigation at the Supreme Court of India. The National Health Service be ordered to pay the Appellant £100,000 for false diagnosis of the Appellant's state of mind as being paranoid schizophrenia.

Section 10 Other applications

Complete this section only if you are making any additional applications.

Part A

I apply for a stay of execution. (You must set out in Section 11 your reasons for seeking a stay

of execution and evidence in support of your application.)

Part B

I apply for an extension of time for filing my appeal notice. (You must set out in Section 11 the

reasons for the delay and what steps you have taken since the decision you are appealing.)

Part C

I apply for an order that:

(You must set out in Section 11 your reasons and your evidence in support of your


Section 11 Evidence in support

In support of my application(s) in Section 10, I wish to rely upon the following reasons and


(39 eBooks)

Statement of Truth

This must be completed in support of the evidence in Section 11

The documents are contained in my computer confiscated by Kent Police together with my USB Memory Stick

When Kent Police return the desk top computer and the USB Memory Stick by the Order of the Court in this Appeal.

I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without

an honest belief in its truth.

I believe that the facts stated in section 11 are true.

The Applicant believes that the facts stated in section 11 are

true. I am authorised by the applicant to sign this statement.

Signature Shantanu Panigrahi


Litigation friend (where applicant is a child or a Protected Party)

Applicant’s legal representative (as defined by CPR 2.3(1))


Day Month Year

Full name

Name of applicant’s legal representative’s firm

If signing on behalf of firm or company give position or office held

Section 12 Supporting documents

To support your appeal you should file with this notice all relevant documents listed below. To show

which documents you are filing, please tick the appropriate boxes.

If you do not have a document that you intend to use to support your appeal complete the box over the


In the County Court or High Court:

three copies of the appellant’s notice for the appeal court and three copies of the grounds of


one additional copy of the appellant’s notice and grounds of appeal for each of the


one copy of the sealed (stamped by the court) order being appealed;

a copy of any order giving or refusing permission to appeal; together with a copy of the judge’s

reasons for allowing or refusing permission to appeal; and

a copy of the Civil Legal Aid Agency Certificate (if legally represented).

In the Court of Appeal:

three copies of the appellant’s notice and three copies of the grounds of appeal on a separate

sheet attached to each appellant’s notice;

one additional copy of the appellant’s notice and one copy of the grounds of appeal for each

of the respondents;

one copy of the sealed (stamped by the court) order or tribunal determination being appealed;

a copy of any order giving or refusing permission to appeal together with a copy of the judge’s

reasons for allowing or refusing permission to appeal;

one copy of any witness statement or affidavit in support of any application included in the

appellant’s notice;

where the decision of the lower court was itself made on appeal, a copy of the first order,

the reasons given by the judge who made it and the appellant’s notice of appeal against that


in a claim for judicial review or a statutory appeal a copy of the original decision which was the

subject of the application to the lower court;

one copy of the skeleton arguments in support of the appeal or application for permission to


a copy of the approved transcript of judgment; and

a copy of the Civil Legal Aid Certificate (if applicable)

where a claim relates to an Aarhus Convention claim, a schedule of the claimant’s financial


Reasons why you have not supplied a document and date when you expect it to be available:-

Title of document and reason not supplied Date when it will be


Section 13 The notice of appeal must be signed here

Signed Appellant(’s legal representative)

Find out how HM Courts and Tribunals Service

uses personal information you give when you fill

in a form.



Jobs by Email Notification2



Shantanu Panigrahi <>


bp Recruitment Team


Tue, 1 Mar at 08:31

Dear BP

I was aghast to note the messing about of my terms and conditions of employment in BP Lenham and yesterday I had to send the following WhatsApp message to the Store Manager Chiran Rai

Chiran hello, could you explain why my forthcoming shifts have been reduced from 8 hours to 6 hours without prior agreement? I also do not agree to the extension of my probation foir 4 weeks as you indicated as I am 100 per cent fit now having completed two 8 hour shifts. My contract says 24 houras a week over three days. I gave a doctor's sick note and this should not be held against me.

Chiran replied: Hello Shantanu, the rota was done during the time when you and I sat in the office and talked about the best solution to help you with painful leg/knee and you asked if you could do shorter shifts and I agreed to it. Then you went home and messaged me you feel OK then, but the rota was already done. And about your probation it is not something you need to agree. It is my decision to extend with the reasons I explained on our meeting. Hope trhat explains it and if not please come and see me at work on your next shift. Thanks.

I responded with: Chiran, Please immediately give me the name and email address of the Regional Manager of BP South East. Thanks.

Chiran repled: You report directly to me about any issues and concerns. Best way is to come and see me at work like we discussed and agreed on previous meetings /conversations, unless it is a Health and Safety emergency and I am not available.

I replied: Chiran, I am seeking a transfer to the Chatham BP petrol station for tomorrows shift.

Sir, this was a Health and Safety Emergency as my Sick Note from the doctor, that you have a copy of in your possession as well as Chiran Rai who simply ignores it sayijng that he cannot comment on it would show: S_PanigrahiDiagnosis&TreatmentbyDrFaridLatif16Feb2022.pdf.

I expected Mr Rai to be sensitive to my mental and associated health and not cause me more mental problems by extending my probation as I got a very good report from Vicky Martin in the report last week and have completed all the outstanding Online Training exercises since on Rosiplus as follows:

BP me 8.12 am 100% 23/2/2022

Customer Connections get the basics 8.22 am 23/2/2022

Delivery and Manuaol handlings 86.66 % 20.29 pm 23/02.2022

Fire Safety: 100% 21.42 pm 23/02/2022

EV Charging 22.12 pm 23 Feb 2022

I am at this moment also fully up-to-date with the completion of my Smile Huddle.

Further, it is clear that Mr Rai will not give me his or the Store's email address to voice my concerns in writing and reprimanded me unfairly for sending my sick notes and associated materials to Vicky Martin. He wishes to just talk in his office and take his decisions behind my back as and how he feels he has to. This is clear from the fact that it is 8.20 am right now and my shift is supposed to start at 10.00 am and he has neither replied to my last text message about the email address of the Regional Manager nor about my transfer to the BP Petrol Station in Chatham on Health and Safety grounds.

I am sorry but the only way to communicate my dissatisfaction at the way I have been treated by the Store Manager is to copy this email over his head to Vicky Martin so that Mr Rai can take the appropriate decisions now so that work of BP is not disrupted, as I cannot come to this store any more and await my transfer to another Petrol Station of BP where I might find a more sympathetic Store Manager to my Health and Safety conditions at work.

I look forward to your response on this issue as convenient.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane


Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Hide original message

On Monday, 28 February 2022, 18:38:12 GMT, bp Recruitment Team <> wrote:

Update My Profile

Remember: Keeping your profile up to date makes future applications quicker and easier

Dear Shantanu

Below is list of new positions.

Job Reference

Number City Type

Retail Customer Service Assistant 30410 EAST GRINSTEAD Part-time

You are currently subscribed to receive email alerts of new positions. If you wish to unsubscribe or update your details please login via

bp Recruitment Team


The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s) only. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or an action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Within the bounds of the law, electronic transmissions through internal and external networks may b monitored to ensure compliance with internal policies and legitimate business purposes.

Please do not reply to this email address as it is not monitored.

{EID1-82-xo__HptrMEC-pJwF8GEXWg} 9-1


S_PanigrahiDiagnosiTreatmentbyDrLatif16Feb2022.pdf 1.5MB:


Long Catlis Road Surgery

Parkwood Health Centre

Long Catlis Road





Telephone Number 01634 233491

16th February 2022


Dear Colleague

PANIGRAHI, Shantanu (Mr) 08-Aug-1957 628 4771487

3 Hoath Lane, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL

01634 379604


This is to confirm that the above gentleman has Mental Health problems including Paranoid Schizophrenia and persistent Delusional Disorders.

His current medications are Depakote, Sertraline, Finasteride, Tamsulosin and Risperidone. Any help given to him will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully



Dr Latif

General Practitioner




Drug Dosage Quantity Last issued on

Depakote 500 mg gastro- One to be taken twice a day 56 tablet 05 Feb--2022

Resistant tablets (Sanofi) as per MHT

Risperidone One twice daily as per MHT 56 tablet 05-Feb-2022

2 mg tablets

Finasteride One to be taken each day as 28 tablet 05-Feb-2022

5 mg tablets per urology a/w


400 micrograms modified One to be taken each day 30 capsule 05-Feb-2022

release capsule

Sertraline 50 mg tablets One to be taken each day 28 tablets 05 Feb 2022

Sertraline 100 mg tablets One to be taken each day - 28 tablets 05-Feb-2022


Atorvastatin 20 mg tablets One to be taken each day 28 tablets 05-Feb-2022




Date Problem Associated text Date ended

13-Aug- 2021 Pain in upper arm

26-Jan-2021 Failed encounter

Message left with household


22-Jan-2021 Failed encounter, message

left on answerphone

09-Dec-2020 Paranoid schizophrenia As per Britton House


25-Nov-2020 Administration

30-Dec-2019 [D] Prediabetes

30-Oct-2019 Persistent delusional disorders

12-Sep-2019 Telephone call to a patient

5-July-2019 Medication changed

19-Nov-2018 Failed encounter NOS

12-Nov 2018 QRISK2 calculated heart age

19-Oct-2018 [x] Persistent delusional disorders H/O


Significant Past

Date Problem Associated Text Date


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