I am still waiting for a telephone call from Mr/Ms Field
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Enquiries Kent
Enquiries Medway County
Wed, 13 Apr at 08:21
Kent Police
This morning I received an email from a Cherie concerning Mr/Ms Field finding some forensic evidence from the devices that Kent Police took from us on 24 November 2022, as summarised in the attached compilation of evidence: DICTATORIAL MONARCH IN THE UNITED kINGDOM.pdf
I am submitting this evidence in consideration of the attached Injunction that is pending consideration at Medway County Court: n16a-engInjunctionagainstKentPolice.pdf
Your immediate attention will be appreciated as I have an interview with Sanisburys for a possible employment opportunity on 19 April 2022 at 11.00 am
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Offence(s) concerning me that are being investigated by Kent Police
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Enquiries Kent
Mon, 11 Apr at 14:12
Kent Police
Dear Sir
I telephoned Kent Police through 101 at 1.10 pm today to enquire if there is any progress that Kent Police can update me on and spoke to a lady in the Control Room. She asked me whether I had a Crime Reference Number. I said that I did not have a Crime Reference Number as it was never given to me. but I said I hope that you can help me with that. I told her that I have phoned 101 several times in recent months and no one seems to phone me back after saying that emails of the contact made were sent to PC Nichols and/or his supervisor. The lady asked me what it was regarding. I replied that I was interrogated by Kent Police on 16 September 2021 for alleged harassment and was arrested on 24 November 2021 for Stalking, but the only document given to me does not mention the offence being investigated. The lady asked for my name, date of birth and address which I gave as Shantanu Panigrahi, 8-8 1957 of 3 Hoath Lane. She said then that the case is being dealt with by Mr or Ms Field. I asked if I could speak with her. She said that Mr/Ms Field was not available as she is on Training. I said that I cannot apply for jobs because employers carry out a DBS criminal records check on such matters and reject my applications when they find out that I am being investigated by the Police. I told her I have sent several emails and my wife has also written two letters on this matter to Kent Police, but a lady call Katie at Kent Police is never available to answer her or return the phone calls. The lady said that she is going to send an email to Mr/Ms Field and ask him/her to contact me after her training this afternoon or in the next couple of days. I agreed to this. She asked is the number you are calling from the best number to call you back on. I said Yes.
Let me see if any phone calls come by Thursday this week from Kent Police outlining the offence or offences that I am a suspect for after 6 months of investigation using our family desk top computer, tablet, my USB Memory Stick and my Mobile Phone that were seized for the purpose.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
n16a-engInjuctionagainstKentPolice.pdf 432.4kB: