Legal deposit first claim
Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries
11:25 (4 hours ago)
CLAIM 1 Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Dear Publisher Legal Deposit Publications Request We would like to request your print publications to add to our Legal Deposit co
Shantanu Panigrahi
13:01 (2 hours ago)
Dear Sir/Madam The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited ceased to exist on 17 April 2020 when its final financial account was filed at Companies House
from: Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 19 Apr 2022, 13:18
subject: RE: Legal deposit first claim
Signed by:
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: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.
Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Thank you for supplying the information below. We were not aware of the cessation of this company so requested in good faith. I have noted and closed off the supplier record so hopefully no more requests will arrive with you.
Kind regards
Liz Sandford
0131 334 2833
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 19 April 2022 13:01
To: Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries <>
Subject: Re: Legal deposit first claim
External Email: This email originated from outside of the National Library of Scotland. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Sir/Madam
The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited ceased to exist on 17 April 2020 when its final financial account was filed at Companies House The 50 books uploaded were therefore withdrawn in both EBook format and print book format based on legal advice. This is a legal disclaimer on the contents of the 99 books that the Company issued in Lulu Publishing, internet archive 491 Panigrahi and the Wix websites Global Foundation and the allurement of Reality in all aspects of the publications. You would need to contact them directly for any eBooks or print books that you require.
I trust this information is useful to you.
If not please let me know immediately.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Tue, 19 Apr 2022, 11:25 Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries, <> wrote:
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Dear Publisher
Legal Deposit Publications Request
We would like to request your print publications to add to our Legal Deposit collections. We are sending this request in accordance with the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 or the Irish Copyright and Related Rights Acts 2000 to 2019.
Legal Deposit helps ensure that a nation’s published output is collected and preserved for the future. As a publisher, this means that your content will be securely preserved while also being made accessible in the reading rooms of the Legal Deposit Libraries. Inclusion in library catalogues, online discovery services and the British National Bibliography will help promote these publications, highlighting them to a worldwide audience, including the book trade. Preserving publications representing all authors, communities and interest groups is a key aim of Legal Deposit. Sending us your publications will help enable future research into all aspects of our culture and society.
There are six libraries in the UK Legal Deposit system, providing greater protection and preservation by having copies of publications at more than one location, the ALDL operates on behalf of 5 Legal Deposit Libraries, these being:
National Library of Scotland
The Bodleian Library Oxford University National Library of Wales
Cambridge University Library the Library of Trinity College Dublin
Publishers must supply 5 copies of every print publication, on request, to the Agency for Legal Deposit Libraries (ALDL) in Edinburgh, for distribution to the five Legal Deposit Libraries.
Publishers must also supply a copy of every print publication directly to the British Library at their address in Wetherby.
Should you wish to send your publications in electronic format please contact the British Library – further information is available at
Please send the print publication(s) listed below to us at: Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries, 21 Marnin Way, Edinburgh, EH12 9GD
ALDL use only
Number of copies
9781915132482 (pbk.) :
The Final Straight /
9781915132550 (pbk.) :
A New Climate for Mankind :global progress towards democratic ideals /
9781915132598 (pbk.) :
Truth Is Cure-All /
9781915132611 (pbk.) :
Post-Mortem /
9781915132635 (pbk.) :
Loyalty in Jeopardy /
9781915132659 (pbk.) :
HItting Back in Dharmyudha :a retaliation /
9781915132673 (pbk.) :
Life Beyond Gyan Yoga :pendulum between religion and philosophy /
9781915132697 (pbk.) :
Footnotes To The Allurement of Reality /
9781915132727 (pbk.) :
Defamatory Persecution Squashed /
9781915132734 (pbk.) :
Defamatory Persecution Sqauashed /
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like any additional information, please visit our website at Alternatively, you can
e-mail us at or telephone us on
+44(0)131 334 2833.
Thank you for supporting the development of the national collections for the benefit of current and future readers.
Yours faithfully
Liz Sandford
On behalf of The Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries
The Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries operates on behalf of five legal deposit libraries, these being the University libraries at Cambridge, Oxford and Trinity College in Dublin and the National Libraries of Scotland and Wales. Our remit is, on behalf of each of these libraries, to identify, request and receive deposit of UK printed publications. We deliver these services through the right given to each of these libraries under the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 (UK) and the Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000 (Ireland). For further information on the Agency and UK legal deposit arrangements, visit The Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries is a registered Scottish Charity, Scottish Charity No. SC040300