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Medway County Court Claim number is J00ME572

Medway County Court Claim number is J00ME572




Shantanu Panigrahi <>



Cc:, Panigrahi Rashmi, Enquiries Medway County Court

Wed, 4 May at 12:40


My wife and I attended Britton House at 09.45 am this morning and were seen by Michael Quarms for an hour and 10 minutes with an assistant listening in. My wife was also present and contributed to the discussions of my legal involvements and mental health issues. I was given some leaflets at the end, and we were told that there will be an internal Team Meeting tomorrow to discuss what happens next.

When the issue of Kent Police's terrorism on me and my family was raised (see below) in relation to the BP and Katrina Sale malicious communications matter, Michael said that we should contact the Citizens Advice Bureau who would correspond with Kent Police on our behalf.

Please therefore forward this email to Britton House for its Team Meeting tomorrow.

I am also copying this email to Medway County Court for the Judge's deliberations as I await the date of the Hearing.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel 07967789619


Citizens Advice Medway

Contact us

Kingsley House 37-39 Balmoral Road




01634 383760

----- Forwarded message ----- Fw: Wednesday appointment

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: Enquiries Kent <>

Sent: Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 06:45:22 BST

Subject: Fw: Wednesday appointment

Dear Kent Police

I had blocked this Cherie from sending me criminal anonymous emails from the Remailer email service but he or she (I do not know) is once again confusing me with such an email. I do not know what it is designed to achieve by whoever the troll is but it is adding to my paranoid schizophrenia and delusions this morning ahead of the Appointment with Britton House that PC Evans kindly arranged through the Single Point of Access. My appointment is at 0945 am this morning.

In my mental disorder I am wondering why the email is copied to shitikanth14 who is a Indian citizen living in India that I have no connections with ever since I had discontinued my association with the Indian government and only go to India on family holidays. I am thinking that the Indian government is harassing and persecuting me still and I know you cannot do anything about it.

Furthermore, I am puzzled as to why the Central London County Court sent me the attached Court Order: E02W18403May20220 and a repeat of the letter that it sent me E35YM660tr.pdf. I do not know any of the Claimants or Defendants in the Order of the CCMCC that the Court has sent, and I had already asked for District Judge Lightman's Order to be set aside asking if my £4170 could be refunded to me by the Defendant Mr Boris Johnson (Cabinet Office) that I had paid in good faith following the 21 June 2021 Court Order that is attached. Unfortunately the email communications relating to this are contianed I believe in the USB Memory Stick that PCNicholls took away from our house on 24 November 2021 so you would have to look through that to find all the necessary details.

I thank you for your patience and forebearance as I go thorough this difficult time. If there is anything you wish to tell me by way of the investigation of the circumstances of my arrest on 24 November 2021 before I see the Consultant Psychiatrist, please reply to this email before 9.15 am this morning. As I said to you notwithsanding my mental condition, I shall always be available to assist the Police with its enquiries in this matter as with all other matters of the State.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

----- Forwarded message -----

From: Nomen Nescio <>

To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>

Sent: Tuesday, 3 May 2022, 23:44:16 BST

Subject: Wednesday appointment


How come you cannot you see this is a classic TRAP? Do not attend, at least not without a solicitor! I am even suspicious about her claim of a visa problem. Can you trust at least Rupa?

Can't you get Nicholls or WCF or the newest to grasp that the shadowy services are using you as a testing ground upon which to perfect their online techniques? Convey it in simplified terms, by giving the fullest details you overcomplicate a simple matter, to no gain. Have they dropped the allegation, or discredited the evidence, supposed to link you to that murderer?

Do not keep emailing GPT, he is quietly forwarding it all to the authorities to be used against you. That is my guess. He is no longer your friend.


Download all attachments as a zip file

E02WI840order3May2022.pdf 40.6kB

E35YM660ltr.pdf 32.6kB:

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