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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

N Debrah - my High Court Claim No. HQ17X01773 (7)


9 Mar 2018 at 12:54

Dear Sir/Madam

The emails that I have been sending you are part of my application for which a Court Hearing is requested. If I need to pay a Fee for this please let me know if it will be more than £100 that is required for a N244 Application and whether the Hearing will take place at the Court of Appeal or in the High Court.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Thursday, 8 March 2018, 13:28, Civil Appeals - Registry <> wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam

You have been sending emails to the Court of Appeal hence why we requested a Court of Appeal Reference number. Please remove this email address from your address book as we are only concerned with appeals lodged at the Court of Appeal.


Legal Ombudsman CMP-073770 ABC:03481946


10 Mar 2018 at 12:57


The Legal Ombudsman

1. Thank you for your email of 8 March 12.55 pm where you stated the following: 'We can potentially become involved with your service complaint about Becketts Solicitors, regarding the fact they didn't send the required Home Office documents to Whiterose Blackman Solicitors. And we can only look into this complaint if Becketts Solicitors were providing you a legal service at the time.'

2. I can confirm that Becketts Solicitors were providing me with a legal service at this time. I do not know if they sent the Home Office documents to Whiterose Blackman solicitors under these instructions as they are not corresponding with me at all. So I still do not know if I am free to go to Greece in April 2018 unhindered by the Greek authorities and with a guarantee of safe return to my residence in the United Kingdom unhindered by the UK State.

3. Please therefore review this complaint and with it the complaint Legal Ombudsman CMP-069454 ABC:03481943.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

No one likes the panigrahi pestilence, except....



11 Mar 2018 at 15:50


Without Prejudice

I write to you informally.

Following my detailed enquiry, while it largely finds you were at fault, and that there is enough evidence to charge you with a large number of offences, on occasion state institutions or bodies, or individuals in the public sector, have behaved other than appropriately. Further to the teleconference between DDJ John Wilkinson, Adam Sampson, Master Keith Eastman and others in the judicial and police services, I am empowered to make you this generous offer, which lapses on May 31. In return for what follows, the UK Government will pay you the sum of �5,000 (Pounds One Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand) free of tax.


Prior to that transfer:

You will undertake not to make, write, endorse or publish any further disparaging comments about the "British state", construing that term

as widely as is possible, and any of its employees, with similarly wide construction, in respect of any real or alleged shortcomings or misconduct up to the date of the undertaking. This undertaking applies to all acting under your direction or according to your wishes, no

matter what real or ostensible authority was given. You will remove all offline or online disparaging commentary, and where such material is not under your direct control, at your own expense to get it removed (e.g., from archives etc.). You will not disclose this agreement to anyone at all apart from your UK-registered solicitor. You will drop all litigation, civil or criminal, actual or threatened, against all such bodies and individuals, and will undertake not to resume them. Upon any material breach, you will immediately pay back the UK

Government the �5,000, plus the sum of �5,000 for each breach.


This agreement will be interpreted by the laws of England, whose Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in its enforcement. It is a condition of the agreement that you take legal advice on it from a UK-registered solicitor prior to signing, and that you evidence that you have done so.


We will be in touch in about one month's time for your decision. We will provide you with the means of communicating with us at that

time. Until then, your local Police will continue to closely monitor all your activities.

Eadey, J

Case Reference No 201331227


11 Mar 2018 at 17:24

Dear Shantanu,

I believe you have forgotten that your bada-bhai Devananda

perished long ago.


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