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Offer of funds to continue with my fight against State-tyranny accepted

I received an offer of financial assistance to help me fight State tyranny and was glad and so readily accepted as follows:

Tyranny (2) Shan Panigrahi To CC 13 Feb 2018 at 11:51

Dear Sir

1. In order for me to continue with my fight against UK State tyranny on me I have no choice but to go to Greece and wave the document at the immigration officials in Greece and back in the United Kingdom if I am denied entry to either Greece or back into the United Kingdom. Only this will determine the reality of what the UK State is planning for me. I am still not officially contacting the Indian government concerning this matter with regard to my application for asylum in October 2015 that I retracted so it should not be binding. Please advise if this is necessary.

2. My Bank Account details are:………….

Thank you for your financial assistance in advance.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore, Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018, 4:51, Anonymous wrote:

Panigrahi A brave man like you, fighting against tyranny, should receive public acclaim and financial support. In order that we can facilitate the latter, please provide your bank details (name, account number, sort code) on your site or email these to, who is our Secretary. Thanks. Kind regards, Zin Lee LLB Citizen vs State, Inc.

• Download ToQBIssue&Enquiries12Feb2018 .docx : Reply Reply to All Forward More

To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 (15) Shan Panigrahi To QB Issue & Enquiries 12 Feb 2018 at 15:49

Dear Sir/Madam

Please convey the following attachment ToGCRegistryGeneral Court12Feb2018.docx) to the Case Progression Officer and request the Officer to contact me with a judgment as I am determined to go to Greece and need to feel that I can return to the United Kingdom unhindered.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 13:23, QB Issue & Enquiries wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email, which I have referred to our Case Progression Team, who will be contacting you in due course.

Kind regards,

Lola Ogunsiji Issue & Enquiries Queens Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL 02079477772 Web:

• E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court: o Clearly state the Court’s action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header. o Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master for the hearing on & . o Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable). o If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1). o In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted. If you’re unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with. ________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 06 February 2018 11:31 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Re: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773

Dear Ms Ogunsiji

1. Mrs Gladwyn Iko Pereira, Room E.403 High Courts of Justice, Republic of Botswana , is one of the agents of the UK State who have harassed me on behalf of the UK State, and is therefore a party to my Claim No HQ17X01773 at the Queens Bench Division of the High Court in London . In actual fact, no Facilitation Fee is required under UK Law for my Claim at your Court as the proceedings have been continuous since May 2017. Mrs Pereira is simply trying to obtain money out of me by deception knowing fully well that all my High Court Fees at the Queens Bench Division London are adequately covered under the 100 per cent Fee Remission that you granted to me for this Case.

2. Does that clarify the issue?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 10:49, QB Issue & Enquiries wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email, the content of which has been noted. I have checked the Court’s record and we are unsure as to what the £500 payment relates to. This request is being made by High Courts of Justice Republic of Botswana and not the High Court in London . They are not party to above claim. Have you got an existing claim in Botswana ? Is this a legitimate request? If yes, you will need to contact them directly to settle the amount in question. Please clarify.

Kind regards,

Lola Ogunsiji Issue & Enquiries Queens Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL 02079477772 Web:

• E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court: o Clearly state the Court’s action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header. o Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master for the hearing on & . o Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable). o If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1). o In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted. If you’re unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with. ________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 05 February 2018 12:20 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Fw: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773

To The High Court

Dear Sir

1. I sent an email to Charles Calthrop at the email address indicated to make arrangements to pay the facilitation fee by cheque, but have not received confirmation.

2. Please let me know if I can send you a cheque made payable to HMCTS for the £500 that is required so that this hearing can be arranged as promised under the offer.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom

On Monday, 5 February 2018, 3:37, Nomen Nescio wrote:

Mr Panigrahi, re High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 and subsequent appeals There is a roadblock, largely brought about by your own errors and inappropriate communications, in your case. To clear this roadblock, a facilitation fee is payable. That fee is £500. VAT is not currently applicable. It may be paid by Paypal to the following email address: In return for this fee, the matter will be listed for hearing within one week of receipt and all steps to find a sympathetic judicial ear will be taken. If you do not make the payment by February 15 2018, you may consider the offer withdrawn. You must appreciate the sensitivity of this matter. No further correspondence will be entertained until the fee is paid. Yours sincerely, Mrs Gladwyn Iko Pereira Room E.403 High Courts of Justice Republic of Botswana

• Download ToGCRegistryGeneralCourt12Feb2018 .docx : Reply Reply to All Forward More

To Registry of the General Court of the European Union Rue du Fort Niedergrunewald L -2925 Luxembourg Shan Panigrahi To GC Registry

12 Feb 2018 at 15:08

Dear E Coulon

1. With regard to my application to the General Court for a judgment on whether I am free to travel to Greece under freedom of movement of European Union citizens and return back into the United Kingdom unhindered, I have received the following email from the UK State that is full of errors.

2. Further I received a copy of the second defence document that the UK State had sent you which I severely object to – see attached FrAnonymous(FahmidaEColon)10Feb2018.docx.

3. Please note that if I do not receive an acknowledgment from you of this email within the next 24 hours, I will assume that my application to the General Court is not being given due consideration by the Court and will terminate my correspondence accordingly by blogging this email.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom

On Sunday, 11 February 2018, 12:33, Anonymous wrote:

Shan(tanup?), Believing you can wave some documents at the border is naive even reckless. It will take months maybe years to resolve the issue of whether or not your renunciation of UK citizen-ship in 2015 is binding or not. At first glance it does not meet any stringent requirements, but the major complication is that you have communicated it to an agent of a foreign state (the equivalent of an ambassador with plenipotentiary powers) Mathai accompanied with wild claims of persecution and acts of criminality against you, none of which has been proven and further which you subsequently recanted thereby admitting you are unreliable and a fantasist or a liar. Is it possible you would spend this period in a detention centre? I cannot say one way or the other but it would not be unprecedented. You have published all of this and so denying it would be futile and merely add to your woes. Even if we disregard the more recent application for asylum in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as claimed by one M.K. Bakhri but at least partly denied by you, it looks serious. Even more recently there appears to be some connection with Botswana not inconsistent with applying for asylum there. Have you? Your denial re Pakistan appeared quite unconvincing. All this information has been conveyed to law-enforcement and border control authorities. I know because I have seen some of it. There may be worse material I have not seen. The decision is yours but if you do decide to travel abroad notwithstanding all of this would it not be prudent for you to make contingency plans in case you are denied entry? Only belatedly are you grasping that having vexed so many people in positions of authority and power, and your having narcissistically documented it to embarrass and humiliate them, has severe adverse potential consequences for you. Carry on regardless is an amusing title of a movie but may not be sound advice. Why have you neither a lawyer nor a dog? You have a family so why not put the material before them and heed their counsel? The first step should be to erase this blog. It could be locked later by judicial order making deletion impossible. Truly, Booth

• Download FrAnonymous(FahmidaECoulon)10Feb2018 .docx : Reply Reply to All Forward More

Strange Case of SHANTANY PANIGRAHI Anonymous To 10 Feb 2018 at 0:49

Dear Mr Coulon, My name is Fahmida and I am one of the many people being persecuted by this Shantany Panigrahi. He says I am ‘an agent of the British state’ but all I was doing was my job as a clerical worker for Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service. Now he is threatening us with being prosecuted by the Luxembourg (he calls it Luxumbourg) Court of the EU, your name is mentioned, as is also the email adddress of We don’t know whether or not you can assist but it is not fair that we can continue to be harassed by this madman. Care in the Community is not suitable for extreme dementia cases. Please can you do something to help, may be if you copied the correspondence to the policewoman at the above email. Kind regards, Fahmida Z DELETE FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Web: E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court: Clearly state the Court’s action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header. Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master for the hearing on & . Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable). If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1). In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted. If you’re unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with. Reply Reply to All Forward More

Since submitting the above to the Charity helping me with funds and to the Indian High Commission in London concerning progress in the citizenship matter as shown, I received an email from the High Court of London. The correspondence was as follows:

RE: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 (3) Shan Panigrahi To QB Issue & Enquiries 16 Feb 2018 at 15:04 Dear Sir/Madam

Please convey to the Case Progression Officer that there was no Order made on 25/6/17, so that the question of applying to set aside this Order is not relevant to the Appeal. Accordingly, please action the attachment application or forward it to the Court requested.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Wednesday, 14 February 2018, 15:01, QB Issue & Enquiries wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Your e-mail has been forwarded to the Case Progression Team. Kindly see their response below.


N Debrah Administrative Officer QB Issues & Enquiries | Queen’s Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL | DX: 44458 Strand Phone: 020 7947 7772 Web:


Dear Issues

This claim has been struck out per Master Eastman’s Order dated 25/6/17. The subsequent application by claimant to set aside this order has also been dismissed and found to be totally without merit . His attachment can not be actioned or forwarded to the court he has requested.

Many Thanks

Taz ________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 12 February 2018 15:49 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Fw: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 Dear Sir/Madam

Please convey the following attachment ToGCRegistryGeneral Court12Feb2018.docx) to the Case Progression Officer and request the Officer to contact me with a judgment as I am determined to go to Greece an need to feel that I can return to the United Kingdom unhindered.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 13:23, QB Issue & Enquiries wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email, which I have referred to our Case Progression Team, who will be contacting you in due course.

Kind regards,

Lola Ogunsiji Issue & Enquiries Queens Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL 02079477772 Web:

• E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court: o Clearly state the Court’s action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header. o Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master for the hearing on & . o Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable). o If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1). o In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted. If you’re unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with. ________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 06 February 2018 11:31 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Re: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773

Dear Ms Ogunsiji

1. Mrs Gladwyn Iko Pereira, Room E.403 High Courts of Justice, Republic of Botswana , is one of the agents of the UK State who have harassed me on behalf of the UK State, and is therefore a party to my Claim No HQ17X01773 at the Queens Bench Division of the High Court in London . In actual fact, no Facilitation Fee is required under UK Law for my Claim at your Court as the proceedings have been continuous since May 2017. Mrs Pereira is simply trying to obtain money out of me by deception knowing fully well that all my High Court Fees at the Queens Bench Division London are adequately covered under the 100 per cent Fee Remission that you granted to me for this Case.

2. Does that clarify the issue?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 10:49, QB Issue & Enquiries wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email, the content of which has been noted. I have checked the Court’s record and we are unsure as to what the £500 payment relates to. This request is being made by High Courts of Justice Republic of Botswana and not the High Court in London . They are not party to above claim. Have you got an existing claim in Botswana ? Is this a legitimate request? If yes, you will need to contact them directly to settle the amount in question. Please clarify.

Kind regards,

Lola Ogunsiji Issue & Enquiries Queens Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL 02079477772 Web:

• E-mails must only consist of one attachment, maximum 10 pages. In accordance with Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court: o Clearly state the Court’s action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header. o Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”. Please state what the attachment is, i.e. “Please see the attached Notice of Change/Please find enclosed our Defence for filing/Please forward this message and its enclosures to Master for the hearing on & . o Please copy your message to the relevant parties (if applicable). o If you are submitting a document by email, sending duplicates by post/Gold fax is not permitted by Practice Direction 5b (8.1). o In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted. If you’re unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B – Electronic communication and filing, your message will not be dealt with. ________________________________________ From: Shan Panigrahi [] Sent: 05 February 2018 12:20 To: QB Issue & Enquiries Subject: Fw: To progress matters in your High Court Claim No HQ17X01773

To The High Court

Dear Sir

1. I sent an email to Charles Calthrop at the email address indicated to make arrangements to pay the facilitation fee by cheque, but have not received confirmation.

2. Please let me know if I can send you a cheque made payable to HMCTS for the £500 that is required so that this hearing can be arranged as promised under the offer.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom

On Monday, 5 February 2018, 3:37, Nomen Nescio wrote:

Mr Panigrahi, re High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 and subsequent appeals There is a roadblock, largely brought about by your own errors and inappropriate communications, in your case. To clear this roadblock, a facilitation fee is payable. That fee is £500. VAT is not currently applicable. It may be paid by Paypal to the following email address: In return for this fee, the matter will be listed for hearing within one week of receipt and all steps to find a sympathetic judicial ear will be taken. If you do not make the payment by February 15 2018, you may consider the offer withdrawn. You must appreciate the sensitivity of this matter. No further correspondence will be entertained until the fee is paid. Yours sincerely, Mrs Gladwyn Iko Pereira Room E.403 High Courts of Justice Republic of Botswana

______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service. For more information please visit ______________________________________________________________________ This e-mail (and any attachment) is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. E-mail monitoring / blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.

Comments: I have yet to receive any response from the Charity concerned nor the Indian High Commission concerning the legal situation with my citizenship issue.


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1. Wow! Did you REALLY give those guys your bank account info? That was really dumb, Shantanu.

Comment by devi8 | February 19, 2018 | Reply

o (a) Gee, you are right. In my poverty situation I did not think of that. I have sent James the following email:

Tyranny (3) Shan Panigrahi To 19 Feb 2018 at 13:58

Dear James

I am sorry to forget to give you the Bank Sort Code. I am also now advised by devi8 that it is dumb to send out Bank Account details over the internet. I trusted you. But I take the warning from a well meaning Blog-colleague where I have blogged this matter: please therfore give me a telephone call on 01634 379604 and I will give you the new Bank Account details for the money to be credited.


Shan Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom On Tuesday, 13 February 2018, 4:51, Anonymous wrote:

Panigrahi A brave man like you, fighting against tyranny, should receive public acclaim and financial support. In order that we can facilitate the latter, please provide your bank details (name, account number, sort code) on your site or email these to, who is our Secretary. Thanks. Kind regards, Zin Lee LLB Citizen vs State, Inc.

Reply Reply to All Forward More

Comment by shantanup | February 19, 2018 | Reply

§ Then you go a publish your phone number. They have your address, tour bank account and tour phone number. Do words like “identity” and “theft” mean any thing? And if you’re in a poverty condition, how is it you can afford travel to Greece?

Comment by Devi8 | February 19, 2018

§ It is true that both this Charity ‘Citizen vs State Inc’ and the Indian High Commission have all my personal details but are not contacting me with the information that I need concerning my travel to Greece and return to the United Kingdom unhindered in April 2018. I have informed the Royal Courts of Justice today that I need judgment on this before end of March 2018. This applies to the General Court of the European Union also. But there is continuing silence from these quarters.

I am therefore for the first time seriously considering not going to Greece. I do not want to end up in a detention centre in Greece or in one back in the United Kingdom. It will be far better for me to become de facto stateless once these legal proceedings have taken their course and then I will continue to live on in the United Kingdom and do my writing.

You ask how I can afford to travel to Greece. I get £830 pension per month. Although I have this small Teacher’s pension it is not enough for all my needs. Above all I want to publish my book, ‘The Allurement of Reality’ in four volumes for which I have a publisher lined up but they want money up front.

Comment by shantanup | February 19, 2018

2. i don’t know why you worry about getting back into England. Hell. Stay in Greece. Take your pension and the proceeds from your book and live there. I think it would be a much better retirement spot than Kent, for Christ’s sake! The British couldn’t touch you.

Well, maybe they could. Greece is pretty much broke. This gives England a edge. They might coerce the Greek government into being the agency of their persecution of you. That would suck. The mere thought of being a foriegner getting the shit kicked out of him buy several large, neckless and entirely unsympathetic Greek cops is utterly terrifying.

Wait! Why would they wait? They could grab you right after you get off the plain. Or at least tail ou everywhere you go. Watch for these really muscular young guys with the impossible waist size. They wear lame’ speedos and t-shirts about two sizes small. All the time. They usually work in pairs. If you see three of four at a time,, you’re fucked. That’s Mossad.

Geez, looking at it that way, maybe you should stay in England. Better the devil you know, right?

Comment by The ORIGINAL devi8 | February 20, 2018 | Reply

o The Charity Citizen vs State, Inc is clearly under a legal obligation to provide me with the funds that it promised, or I will take legal action against it.

Comment by shantanup | February 20, 2018 | Reply

§ There is no such thing as Charity Citizen vs State Inc

Comment by Devi8 | February 20, 2018

§ In that case I shall be going to Greece and wave my file of documents at the authorities there and back in the United Kingdom. Since when has Mossad become part of Greek security?

Comment by shantanup | February 20, 2018

§ Mossad isn’t a part of Greece security. Because Mossad operates everywhere, the UK may enlist their help as well. They use techniques that will get one of their people in a seat right next to yours on the plane. So don’t speak to anyone…not a word …. And don’t make eye contact.

Comment by Devi8 | February 20, 2018

§ You just terrorised me – when I thought you were a friend so that I ignored the warnings of Marcus Suleiman about you.

Comment by shantanup | February 20, 2018 | Edit

§ I did not terrorize you. I gave you advice. Seeing all the problems you’re having with UK state persecution, it’s advice you should heed.

Comment by Devi8 | February 20, 2018

§ I am fully capable of sorting out my persecutors through the Courts by accumulating the evidence that I need. Here, Markus Suleiman has also written: ‘From a websearch, Citizen vs State is a Delaware-based limited liability partnership, so I don’t know why there is an Inc. instead of an LLP. Rowan is a listed SEO but why give a personal email address?’

What is your advice on that?

Comment by shantanup | February 20, 2018

§ Avoid it like the plague.

Comment by Devi8 | February 20, 2018

§ But State-tyranny has to be resisted and fought: how can you do that without financial assistance?

Comment by shantanup | February 21, 2018

§ You can’t. However, what you’re trying to do with this Citizen v State thing is crazy. By giving them your banking info, you’ve left yourself wide open to identity and material theft. They can and probably will rob you blind. They won’t give you a penny for your fight and could end up with everything you have. Giving out banking info like that is probably the worst kind of stupid and you can’t blame the UKG this time.

BTW, just what did you do to the UKG that they persecute you? Does it have something to do with suing the queen? Our did you unlock some terrible secret when you were at the University? Did your wife appy to join WI and then get turned down?

Maybe you should do a kickstarter to fund your battle. Get some money and pay for a lawyer.

Comment by The ORIGINAL devi8 | February 23, 2018

§ All right then, I give up trying to secure funds in my struggle for justice. I will just have to manage this struggle from my own resources.

As far as why the UK State persecutes me, it has nothing to do with my questioning the State as to whether the Queen can be dethroned under any circumstances so that we can establish the fact on whether the Head of State can be impeached for failure in his or her duties. For this the duties of the monarch were uncertain.

The reason that the State has persecuted me is because it did not wish to have its medical system to be questioned in a court of law because it disrupts the entire functioning of the State as constructed. It is therefore to do with the role of Dr Sudhir Patel of Wigmore Medical Centre from 1998 onwards when he was at first messing about with my medication that Dr Rao (the Consultant psychiatrist) prescribed and not giving me appropriate sick certificates in time for the Depression that I suffered so I could not get Incapacity Benefit from the State. At first I put it down to sheer incompetence in Dr Sudhir Patel but now I know fully well that he was operating only to maximise the profits in his business by getting me sectioned under the Mental Health Act. When I successfully resisted this in September-October 2015 by seeking asylum in India he decided that the most convenient manner in which to deal with me was to have me on semi-detention at home by putting on cheap anti-psychotic medication for the rest of my life as the cheapest option for his business when all that I suffered from for most these 19 years was depression brought about by workplace harassment at the University of Greenwich and racial discrimination in the allocation of research funds and the wanton manipulation of the disciplinary offence that I was charged with as being somehow blameworthy of gross misconduct in the way I related to colleagues and senior management. Dr Sudhir Patel ignored all my pleas on this and repeatedly sought to have me sectioned as if I suffered from any kind of serious recognisable mental disorder, like schizophrenia or persistent delusional disorder, dementia or something else that would require cheap anti-psychotics to apparently control. So I was kept under his NHS authority to persecute me with false diagnosis and inappropriate medication on my medical status.

Dr Sudhir Patel has therefore ignored another letter dated 21 February 2018 that I gave to get him to submit his defence on these allegations and he has refused to comply with the requirement of the Court of Appeal on N Debrah – my High Court Claim No HQ17X01773 application proceedings. This is why I am not going to make an appointment to see him this morning or at any time in the future until he does do what is legally required with reference to this:

Comment by shantanup | February 23, 2018

§ Did you seek a second opinion on Patel’s diagnosis?

Comment by Devi8 | February 23, 2018

§ You said yourself: ”I did not terrorize you. I gave you advice. Seeing all the problems you’re having with UK state persecution, it’s advice you should heed”.

Comment by shantanup | February 24, 2018

re Marked for attention of Dr S Patel (2)



21 Feb 2018 at 10:41


Dr Sudhir Patel

Please note the following email of State persecution on me and submit your defence to the Court with reference to application proceedings N Debrah - my High Court Claim No HQ17X01773.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

On Wednesday, 21 February 2018, 4:38, Anonymous Remailer (austria) <> wrote:

Ms Mills,


Your patient is becoming excessively agitated and paranoid. He is concocting delusional emails to himself, publishing

them on his infamous blog and using them as a basis to harass the judicial, legal, police, prosecuting, medical, passport and other authorities of not only the United Kingdom but also of at a minimum three other countries.

The only way to ensure he takes the prescribed Risperidone is to incarcerate him. It is now likely that the spouse Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi will sign the necessary documents, if he is held in custody for several days so she has time to gather herself. The poor lady lives in fear of his verbal and non-verbal abuse. Sectioning per the MHA is not an action to be taken lightly but in the present case the risk to reward ratio makes it the most attractive treatment option, and the one which acknowledges the risk to the community of having him at large.

The last MH assessment was neutral but acknowledged a need for reassessment. That time has come. Please remind the

delightful Dr (S) Patel that if our worst suspicions are confirmed and Panigrahi runs amok, these email warnings which he ignored will come back and haunt him - if not bankrupt him.

For pity's sake, act before there is a Greek Tragedy.

(Neighbo r)

To: Mills Kelly (NHS MEDWAY CCG)

Date: 23 Sep 2017 at 13:49

To Ms Kelly Mills

Practice Manager

Drs S, N & R Patel

Wigmore & Hempstead Medical Centres

Dear Ms Mills

1. Thank you for your letter to me entitled, ‘You are due to attend your NHS Health Check’ – that I received today in the post.

2. This matter is currently subjudice as described in the attached blogpost:

3. As soon as I have heard from High Court Appeals concerning the competence of the Surgery to conduct this NHS Health Check on me I will contact you for an appointment.

4. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to write to me again by email to avoid delays.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

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