I joined the internet discussion forum Secular Cafe where I had intense discussions and criticisms from its moderators, particularly with regard to what I was writing on the issues of human heterosexual behaviour and on the oneness of truth. At the time of joining Secular Cafe I did not understand what secularism was and why what I said was judged to be abhorrent to the officials. I was a pluralist by nature and arguing the case for pluralism on individual issues brought me into conflict with the moderators and administrators who were atheistic that propagated the feminist agenda. It was a clash of cultures, which led to me being eventually banned by the website.
This was quite acceptable but what its human rights moderator phands then did was to chase me to another discussion forum, Talk Rational, where he systematically abused and chastised me for the things that I was arguing for as a defender of pluralism. I complained to the officials of Talk Rational about this behaviour but they took no action. I then realised that I was being hounded out not only from Secular Cafe but also from another important discussion forum by phands. This was stalking harassment that was preventing me from my truth seeking activities and it had to be reported to the Police as such.
I asked Kate Mara of Kent Police to investigate the complaint of stalking harassment with the following comments on 30 November 2012:
I joined Secular Cafe in August 2012 and got a very torrid reception there for my views on humanity. One of the moderators there was ‘phands’, but all of them including the admins made a concerted effort to stop me from posing my views and opinions. They kept closing and moving my threads to a forum that would not get public viewing (Smoking Section) and finally confined me to that Section for a month before banning me from the website. The details are recorded in my blogsite here: http://discussionforumfortruthseekers.wordpress.com/
That was fine. So I looked to another discussion forum, ‘Talk Rational’ to publicise my theories on science and humanity. Phands followed me to that forum to torment me there and make it impossible for me to establish my credentials. This was stalking harassment and defamation to discredit me and my blogsite ( http://shantanup.wordpress.com/) Phands harassed me as detailed in Exhibit A. Talk Rational did not take any action against phands for this harassment which is against its own rules. Phands played dirty tricks on me there with the sole purpose of stopping me from participating in the website discussion with credibility. In the end I had no choice but to stop posting at Talk Rational. I then joined Rational Skepticism to make a new start at a different forum. However, Wizofoz, another Secular Cafe moderator followed me there and started to cause me aggravation there too (Exhibit B). I had to ignore him for my main tormentor has been phands.
Phands was harassing at TR even after he knew that he had been reported to Kent Police with the net.kook and other jibes about my postings to damage me. Talk Rational in turrn have turned a blind eye to this form of harassment suggesting that they are a world to themselves that was apart from the real world outside so that one could not threaten legal action against one of their posters. This must be unlawful of Talk Rational. The posts in which legal action was threatened was separated and closed by despatch into the ‘The Charred Remains’. threatdown from TQH (SC &c Derail from "Researchers Communicate with Vegetable") http://www.talkrational.org/showthread.php?t=53445. Talk Rational administrators stopped me from discussing legal action with phands on the forum reprimanding me for seeking his real life details (Exhibit C) and warned me that I would be wasting British Police Time (Exhibit D) by reporting the matter for criminal investigation. Were they therefore complicit to the harassment?
My Unresolved questions:
1. I would like the Police to find out if phands was working against me at Talk Rational on his own initiative or was he supported by others at Secular Cafe in his attempts to harass and discredit me there to damage my credibility and reputation? What were the roles of DMB, rog, Pendaric, David B, and Oolon Colluphid in particular
2. I would like to know if phands and other Secular Cafe’s administrators instigated Walter Steffan to write derogatory statements on my blogsite.
3. I would like the Police to find the name and address of phands .
4. I would also like the Police to find out why did Talk Rational not reprimand phands for his stalking harassment activities against me?
1.Was ‘phands’ sent to Talk Rational by the administrators of Secular Cafe to harass me and damage my credibility and reputation? What were the roles of DMB, rog, Pendaric, David B, and Oolon Colluphid in particular in Phands decision to post derogatory statements about me and my work at Talk Rational? In other words was this a concerted effort of damaging me lauched by Secular Cafe or was ‘phands’ acting on his own?
2.Did Talk Rational and Secular Cafe conspire to facilitate the harassment of me at Talk Rational.org, by not punishing phands for his activities against me, as evidenced by the fact that Talk Rational.org will not reprimand ‘phands’ for his conduct of harassment, calling it baseless (Evidence A) despite all the 64 pages of evidence in’Phands posts at TR) and earlier harassment by other posters such as figs (http://discussionforumfortruthseekers.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/impressive-display-of-honesty-by-talk-rational-org/) ?
3. Did Secular Cafe’s administrators get phands and Walter Steffan to write derogatory statements on my blogsite (http://discussionforumfortruthseekers.wordpress.com/2012/11/25/secular-cafe-bans-dr-shantanu-panigrahi-from-membership-of-its-website/#comments) and (http://abiogenesisreview.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/the-nutritional-dimension-to-abiogenesis-and-evolution/#comments)?
4. My blogsite address is: Shantanu Panigrahi’s Blog (http://shantanup.wordpress.com/)
To get away from Secular Cafe and Talk Rational in view of the complaint that I lodged with Kent Police, I joined the forum Rational Skepticism on 30 November 2012 and started an Introductory Thread entitled: ‘Hello all, Shantanu here!’ and announced it at my blogsite.
Before I could settle down to forming new relationships with my new colleagues, another of Secular Cafe’s moderators (by the username of Wizofoz) who had harassed me at Secular Cafe joined Rational Skepticism and came straight to my thread and started probing and annoying me, as if sent by Secular Cafe to try and undermine my reputation at this website and spoil the legal proceedings that I have initiated against phands with Kent Police, as follows: (http://www.rationalskepticism.org/new-members/hello-all-shantanu-here-t36278.html)
Post 1.
Quote: LucidFlight wrote:Welcome! I cannot wait to hear the many interesting things you have to share with us,
Shantanu: That is nice to know. But I am no longer sure that sharing my interesting things is always the right thing to do, LucidFlight. Maybe I should first learn what others are saying about things first.
Wizofoz: That's the most insightful thing I've read of yours. Perhaps learn that yours is neither the only, nor neccessarily the correct point of view. I hope you do better here.
Shantanu wrote:
I always seem to know how to make the right peace in the different circumstances of daily conflicts in a manner that leaves everyone happy and contented that they have all won.
Wizofoz wroteYour experiences at SC and TR being examples of this?
Shantanu wrote:Who is not happy with the outcome?
Wizofoz wrote:Pretty much everybody. No-one likes having to ban members, and the way you re-acted seemed to indicate you weren't at all happy about being banned. Plus I wouldn't have thought reporting a member to the police was the action of someone happy about the situation, though Phands was actually kinda tickled that you did so.
Shantanu wrote: Then we have work to do to rectify the situation. What would phands and SC like me to do?
Wizofoz wrote: Absolutley nothing. You are banned and are staying that way. It just makes your claim that you leave things peacful and happy demonstrably untrue. You tend to leave a wake of angst and frustration in your wake, due to your insufferable ego and claims of absolute rightousness. The first quote from you indicated you were perhaps learning that. The last two make me think that was wishful thinking on my part.
Wizofoz More than happy to comply- but I DO think, should he post regularly, you will find Shantanu's veiws "enlightening"
Document 4.
The relentless barrage of defamatory and harassing remarks against Dr Shantanu Panigrahi posted by phands in TR during October and November 2012
03-10-2012: I look upon telling people about you as a public health warning: Avoid the toxic waste from the sewer that is S. Panigrahi...a verminous rapist who claims to be a doctor of biology, but knows nothing about evolution, and works in a petrol station....
You are the least civilised person I know of. You advocate rape and the viewing of women as chattels, and you pretend to have e a doctorate in biology, but you know nothing about biology
06-10-2012: Calling a fucktard a fucktard isn't abusive, it's descriptive,
07-10-2012: He's a suggestible fucktard..we sent him to A+ as well/ 0 to banned in minutes.
08-10 2012: He actually did admit to "coercing" his wife into sex after she said no, in a thread at SC.No joke. I was considering forwarding it to the UK police.
14-10 2012: Have you tried not being a misogynist paedophile?
31-10-2012: Unless it's you enshrining oppression of women and sex slavery for women in proposed laws. You hypocritical liar.
31-12 2012: You are a revolting, hypocritical cunt.
2-11-2012: You can describe yourself as whatever you like....it doesn't change the fact that you are an unenlightened, revolting fucktard with the IQ of a small soap dish.
2-11 2012 Who asked women if it's OK for them to be treated as sex slaves for desperately bigoted middle-aged hindu chicken-molesters without the option of refusing? Oh....wait....that was you.
2-11-2012: I think, given the evidence of what he advocates on the internet, that he is a misogynistic cunt with the IQ of smegma and the social skills of a wolverine with toothache, while being a cowardly bully who only picks on women, and is deserving an enema of barbed-wire soaked in phosphorus. Speaking with all due mildness and restraint, of course.
3-11-2012: Hey, fuckface....you forgot the end of the quote: "You fit right in". Sewers need more turds...and you fit the description.....and the smell. Oh...I'm also a Religion moderator, just for completeness. But, yet again, try to figure out why someone who is passionate about human rights is disgusted and repelled by the foul nature of your views, particularly your hatred and disdain for women.
3-11 2012: You are truly a clueless fuckwit.
3-11 2012: shantanu, wherever he is, is a self-avowed fucktard of the first and worst water. No matter where he floats to the top of the bowl, he'll always be a turd.
3-11 2012: I feel no burn...shanty is pathetic. As you said, that was a throwaway comment ages ago, which (to be fair) I have reiterated a few times to see what reaction i would get...usually none, except for un-self-aware moonbats like the verminous misogynistashantu.
3-11-2012: Once again wrong, fuckhead....look at the membership dates. I was here long before we needed to wipe you off our shoes. The "sewer" jibe is older than your time here too. Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time? As for humanity, I don't treat women as sex slaves...you have admitted on more than one forum that you do, and that you want this barbarism enshrined in law. In fact, the Human Rights forum at SC was set up at my suggestion, and that's why I am one of the moderators thereof. Further, you benighted clod, I actually care about rights and equality - you only care about your own gratification, at any cost to others. Before you accuse others of ignorance, i suggest you check the plentiful evidence to the contrary.....look at my Human Rights (and other) posting history - you won't find me recommending that other humans be subjected to my will. You, on the other hand....... As to your risible claim to be 100% right about everything.....now you claim to be a great evolutionary biologist....a few days ago, you admitted that you didn't know enough evolutionary biology to comment on a given topic, and requested pointers to places to learn. Your own words also betray you again, as you reveal in your turgid outpourings at wordpress, you were an animal scientist, dabbling in chicken-feed, and failed to find employment "in the field" (nice un-self-aware choice of words there, O enlightened one), which is why you are now pumping petrol and selling stamps. Hardly the stellar career of the self-proclaimed most enlightened being on earth, is it, fail-boi?? What happened? Did you get caught buggering the chickens? I note with some schadenfreude, that the pathetic secular pacifists joke has exactly one poster so far....you! Face it: you're a sad, miserable misogynist failure with all the hallmarks of Dunning-Kruger syndrome and the societal relevance of wampum.
3-11-2012: You are the one without said iota.....and not a shred of humanity either. What you are finding at SC and TR, and all the long list of places you been banned from or just plain ignored, is that YOU ARE WRONG. You are not enlightened, you are execrable. I feel debased just knowing you exist.
3-11-2012: Your own words expose you yet again as a foul misogynist scumbag.
3-11-2012: Oooohhhhhh...is that wafer-thin veneer of passive-aggressive civility slipping, fucktard? Certainly, no woman married to you is free, even to say no. As for many of us (sadly not all, which is why I am a Human Rights advocate)...we're free to make our own decisions, and to chart our own course through life. You want to deny that basic right to women. That makes you a verminous, wrong, foul blemish on humanity. Are you tired of being wrong yet, Dunning-Kruger dolt?
3-11-2012: Errrrrrr....the subject was changed by you, you mono-synaptic omni-tard. I just responded to once again point out your egregious wrongness, you chicken fucking Dunning-Kruger dolt.
3-11-2012: I hope that's irony, Sanshou....there's nothing nice about a guy who wants to make sex slaves of women. And who admits to forcing (coercing, IIRC, was the word) his wife to have sex, even when she said no.
3-11-2012: Utterly perfect.......except I suspect shanty is under-endowed, given his approach to women.
3-11-2012: Don't forget... bigoted failure moronic Dunning-Kruger chicken-buggerer
4-11-2012: I can read into your posts just fine, scumbag fuckwad, and they just reveal your vileness. I note that you didn't deny the coercion part.
4-11-2012: Once again, you miss the point, you chicken-buggering misogynist fucktard.....no one said you cannot give equal rights - only that that possible and proper outcome has not yet been reached....due mostly to the presence of horrible, nasty, venal and stupid vermin like you.
4-11-2012: You started dropping one-liners too, cunt. So, yet again, you get caught breaking your own rules.
4-11-2012: Shanty is actually a loony, as decided by a doctor. A real doctor, I mean, not some chicken-buggering neanderthal like him.
4-11-2012: Here's an interesting snippet. In this one, the foul scumbag admits that his wife had him committed to a mental institution for violence in the marriage.....
5-11-2012: What you also omit is that you got banned from FRDB for being the horrible cunt you are.
5-11-2012: Bart offered to be his friend....I merely wanted to know on what basis, as shanty treats some friends as sex slaves
5-11-2012: Yes, there is. He uses it as part of his intro and reason for posting his shite. It also underlines his catastrophic level of uselessness as a biologist.
5-11-2012: Taking one day at a time is the AA way.....so we can add being a wino to your list of problems. Today, as every day, you shown the world what a foul bag of shite you are. Tomorrow, you will repeat the exercise, and everyone will still hate and despise you. And you'll still be a colossal FAIL in a petrol station.
6-11-2012: Which just underlines what a clueless, insensitive, unenelightened waste of air you are. You fail even the most basic of test for humanism.....you should be species checked....you appear to be around the smegma level.
6-11-2012: Not if that "something" is wrong and enslaves half of humanity. You are not enlightened, you are deluded, Dunning-Kruger dolt.
6-11-2012: Utter rubbish, as usual, and you know now that your opinions are repellent and inhuman. Don't bother reading the wordpress garbage, it's just more insane maunderings of a deluded primitive.
6-11-2012: Shanty: you're a stupid, lying, shallow, venal cunt. Get a death. How does a chicken's rectum feel around your midget penis? (I'm sure you can answer that one).
6-11-2012: Any rat is a sewer is more enlightened than you. As is the sewage.
6-11-2012: You claimed just that, fuckwit. There is no god: you are a very unintelligent retarded moron.
6-11-2012: Any rat is a sewer is more enlightened than you. As is the sewage.
7-11-2012: I am....it's what shanty-the-cunt wants to do to women.
7-11-2012: Get dead, fucktard. Still only 2 members at secpac. You FAIL again.
7-11-2012: And have you stopped being a complete, vacuous bag of shite yet? What is your opinion of gay people?
7-11-2012: I am....it's what shanty-the-cunt wants to do to women.
7-11-2012: Nahhhhh...you missed the point....only HE can rape, because he claims to be the most enlightened person on earth....because he sees women as inferior.
7-11-2012: Hmmmmm.....I wonder if shany's attitude to women is because he's really scared of them.......or because he's a closet gay?
7-11-2012: You mean it's OK for scumantanu to rape, or for me to pull the wings off the shantyfly? Or for the bastard to be swatted like the insect he is?
7-11-2012: Read his stuff...then figure out if a bit of bad language and invective from me is worse than what that fucktard wants to make into law. The see who _appears_ worse, and who is actually worse. I don't want women to be sex slaves. He does.
7-11-2012: Welllllll.....I think there is merit/justice in exposing his horrid nature. I don't want to own him. I do want to swat his thinking (and him) out of existence.
7-11-2012: You mean, like dragging people's families into things? Even the repulsive shanty hasn't done that yet.
8-11-2012: I'm not making light of it, idiot, I'm the one so disgusted with what he proposes (and admits) that I think it should be exposed and vilified.
Originally Posted by Fenrir
Is it actually possible to be more ignorant than Pahu and his C&P? Serious question.
Yes: look at Shantanu.
19-11-2012: All...my working hypothesis is that shanny is mentally ill. He has already admitted that his wife had their doctor commit him to a mental institution after some abusive episodes. I think that the attention (even if it's ridicule) he's getting here is feeding his illness. He clearly knows little about about science (even biology, his avowed career, but I'm not sure chicken-molesting counts as biology), and is spewing the most egregious bullshit everywhere just to get the attention.
20-11-2012: Your 3 way bullcrap is Not Even Wrong. You're not qualified to comment.
27-11-2012: Or go talk with Shantanu at his preposterous "blog" now he's been banned from SC. Or even look at SC and see his claim to be the most enlightened person on earth...
28-11-2012: According to the "Most Enlightened One", even if she says no, it's not her choice....what a scumbag he is.
28-11-2012: My bold.....sounds like a challenge....who thinks this scum is the most enlightened being on earth? Who thinks marital rape is OK? Who thinks atoms are covalent? Who thinks honesty is arbitrarily changing the meaning of defined terms to prop up baseless arguments? Who thinks feminism is a curse on humanity and is just a facet of lesbianism, and that men who support feminism must be gay? Who got incarcerated in a mental institution by his wife after violent arguments?
28-11-2012: Get dead, cuntface.....this isn't about SC moderation, it's about showing a verminous bag of shit to be what he is....an unenlightened rapist with the IQ of smegma and the scientific credentials of an amoeba
29-11-2012: The nonsense all comes from you, you verminous scumbag. You censor the comments section whenever anyone says anything pointing out how horribly wrong you are.
29-11-2012: I agree....mods...banish my & ShuntAnus's posts to TQH.....
29-11-2012: Were you happy in your work, pre-petrol station? What does a chicken's anus feel like around your mini-penis? Why are you ignoring the truth about your reputation? For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot.
29-11-2012: You've never been in a room with me, fucktard. As for pushing the stalking theory, you failed at that last time.
29-11-2012: Were you happy in your work, pre-petrol station? What does a chicken's anus feel like around your mini-penis? Why are you ignoring the truth about your reputation? For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot.
29-11-2012: For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot.
29-11-2012: For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot.
29-11-2012: For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot.
29-11-2012: I can't help picking on ShuntAnus...people always pick scabs.
29-11-2012: For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot. Go Fuck Yourself.
29-11-2012: I take this as a threat....but not terribly seriously. He is a pathetic, unpleasant little waste of air. The world is better off without him....as is TR.
29-11-2012: I think it's when you and ShuntAnus walk off, hand-in-hand into the sunset and spend the rest of your lives playing chutney ferrets.
29-11-2012: It is so laughably stupid that they didn't even send it for further comment. The Kent police response won't actually contain the phrase "net.kook", but it should. Oh...by the way....Kent Police may be much more interested in your admission of marital rape, which you posted multiple times....and you published your full address on the web multiple times. But that is NOT a threat...it just shows how inept and idiotic you are.
29-11-2012: Do please keep us informed of Kent Police's response. They will be polite, biut I rather imagine it will be of the same nature as your rejection by Nature for that ridiculous pile of shite you spewed at them.
29-11-2012: The whole point in this particular situation is NOT ignoring the moron...it's showing him up to be the horror he is....especially wrt women.
30-11-2012: That's likely because LIRC is bitter and twisted about being banned from SC as well as ShuntAnus. Anyone who comes out in aid of shanty needs to look closely at who they have as friends. ETA: signed "teh ebil Phands"
30-11-2012 (new thread started to attack me): He announced his latest act of cowardice thus.... (referring to post ) I bet they ban him soon. Good riddance.
30-11-2012: I feel someone should warn Rat Skep what a bag of pus has landed in their midst, but I'm not a member there, and I'm not following ShuntAnus over.
Document 5.
Yesterday, 11:48 PM ravenscape trigger warning Tyrant Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Norton's Empire Posts: 76,302 Re: Your post in SC &c Derail from "Researchers Communicate with Vegetable" Hello Shantanu, Your post, quoted below looks like a threat to cause real world harm to another TR member. In Reply to your post #1976236 Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by phands For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot. Please provide me in this thread or in a private message the following information that I need to give Kent Police in reporting your misdemeanours against me for investigation and possible prosecution: Full real name and address Email address Telephone Number(s) Nationality. Current residential status. Please note that if you are not living in the United Kingdom currently I will be requesting the authorities to implement your extradiction to this country to face justice. I need this information within 48 hours. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi Although your threat of legal action looks baseless, it is still against TR rules to threaten other members with real world harm. Your threatening posts (and any replies have made to them) are going to be moved to The Charred Remains. Please don't post similar threats in the future. Regards, Raven cc Admins, TQH mods. __________________ It's all good fun until somebody loses an eye.
Today, 08:47 AM Shantanu Senior Member Join Date: Sep 2012 Location: England, United Kingdom Posts: 277 Re: Your post in SC &c Derail from "Researchers Communicate with Vegetable" Quote: Originally Posted by ravenscape Hello Shantanu, Your post, quoted below looks like a threat to cause real world harm to another TR member. In Reply to your post #1976236 Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by phands For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot. Please provide me in this thread or in a private message the following information that I need to give Kent Police in reporting your misdemeanours against me for investigation and possible prosecution: Full real name and address Email address Telephone Number(s) Nationality. Current residential status. Please note that if you are not living in the United Kingdom currently I will be requesting the authorities to implement your extradiction to this country to face justice. I need this information within 48 hours. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi Although your threat of legal action looks baseless, it is still against TR rules to threaten other members with real world harm. Your threatening posts (and any replies have made to them) are going to be moved to The Charred Remains. Please don't post similar threats in the future. Regards, Raven cc Admins, TQH mods. You say that the allegations of Stalking harassment 'looks' baseless. If you look through your records you will find that Phands had barely a handful of posts at TR before I came here with my 'The Case for Full and Free Marriages in Law'. He first followed me to Atheism Plus where I had posted the same ideas, and then followed me to TR. That is stalking. If he is the same person or knows the person who was instigated to post comments of a deceptive nature under the name Walter Steffan to harass me at my blogsite on (a) The Nutritional Dimension to Abiogenesis and Evolution; and (b) Secular Cafe bans Dr Shantanu Panigrahi from membership of its website; that counts as the final bit of evidence that his only purpose for leaving his post at Secular Cafe to come here in August 2012 was to harass me. This the evidence shows he was specialised in when you examine that he has only a handful of technical posts on any subject (if that) with the rest of his post directly and indirectly targetted to stop me from establishing my reputation and credibility on this forum. If you do not reprimand him for harassment of this nature, then I will certainly take the matter to the Police (an informal enquiry has already been made) and ask the Police's help to trace this individual to the country and town from which he is posting for his extradiction into the United Kingdom to face the charge of stalking harassment and defamation. A civil case will follow in due course, if the results of my preliminary enquiry with Kent Police proves fruitful. This is just to keep you informed of the situation. I am determined to pursue this individual through the proper law and order of the international justice system to prevent this menace to humankind. If the Police contact you they will have to take your evidence on the matter, or if the matter goes to civil courts, all TR and SC records of individual posts will be required for consideration by the court. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi __________________ http://shantanup.wordpress.com/
Today, 08:51 AM #1976600 / #87 Febble
E&O b-lister
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: UK
Posts: 37,288
Originally Posted by TR rules
Do not harass other members. This includes willful and repeated and unwanted targeting of another member in posts, threads, private messages, signatures, avatars, or in member profiles and comments.
http://www.talkrational.org/showthre...661#post369661 The Ignore function comes in handy if you find yourself getting close to that line. __________________ Join me at The Skeptical Zone.
Yesterday, 10:14 PM Jet Black Finding Things Out Hand of the Tyrant Join Date: Jan 1970 Posts: 26,285 Re: Your post in SC &c Derail from "Researchers Communicate with Vegetable" This is just to let you know that wasting police time is an offence under British Law, so I implore you to keep pestering the police about this. Quote: Originally Posted by ravenscape Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by ravenscape Hello Shantanu, Your post, quoted below looks like a threat to cause real world harm to another TR member. In Reply to your post #1976236 Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by phands For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot. Please provide me in this thread or in a private message the following information that I need to give Kent Police in reporting your misdemeanours against me for investigation and possible prosecution: Full real name and address Email address Telephone Number(s) Nationality. Current residential status. Please note that if you are not living in the United Kingdom currently I will be requesting the authorities to implement your extradiction to this country to face justice. I need this information within 48 hours. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi Although your threat of legal action looks baseless, it is still against TR rules to threaten other members with real world harm. Your threatening posts (and any replies have made to them) are going to be moved to The Charred Remains. Please don't post similar threats in the future. Regards, Raven cc Admins, TQH mods. You say that the allegations of Stalking harassment 'looks' baseless. If you look through your records you will find that Phands had barely a handful of posts at TR before I came here with my 'The Case for Full and Free Marriages in Law'. He first followed me to Atheism Plus where I had posted the same ideas, and then followed me to TR. That is stalking. If he is the same person or knows the person who was instigated to post comments of a deceptive nature under the name Walter Steffan to harass me at my blogsite on (a) The Nutritional Dimension to Abiogenesis and Evolution; and (b) Secular Cafe bans Dr Shantanu Panigrahi from membership of its website; that counts as the final bit of evidence that his only purpose for leaving his post at Secular Cafe to come here in August 2012 was to harass me. This the evidence shows he was specialised in when you examine that he has only a handful of technical posts on any subject (if that) with the rest of his post directly and indirectly targetted to stop me from establishing my reputation and credibility on this forum. If you do not reprimand him for harassment of this nature, then I will certainly take the matter to the Police (an informal enquiry has already been made) and ask the Police's help to trace this individual to the country and town from which he is posting for his extradiction into the United Kingdom to face the charge of stalking harassment and defamation. A civil case will follow in due course, if the results of my preliminary enquiry with Kent Police proves fruitful. This is just to keep you informed of the situation. I am determined to pursue this individual through the proper law and order of the international justice system to prevent this menace to humankind. If the Police contact you they will have to take your evidence on the matter, or if the matter goes to civil courts, all TR and SC records of individual posts will be required for consideration by the court. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi In the event TR is ever contacted by a jurisdiction for IP addresses, etc., we'll comply with relevant U.S. law. We don't really care if or how you seek remedy in your jurisdiction, though we do believe that your complaint is legally baseless after conferring with our crack legal team. What we do care about are threats of real-world retaliation or harm to other members posted on our message board, which is why you have been asked not to repost them. Thanks, by the way, for complying with that request. As far as I am concerned this issue is closed provided no more threats are posted. __________________ The Feynmann Algorithm: (1) Write down the problem (2) Think real hard (3) Write down the solution
Yesterday, 06:34 PM ravenscape trigger warning Tyrant Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Norton's Empire Posts: 76,317 Re: Your post in SC &c Derail from "Researchers Communicate with Vegetable" Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by ravenscape Hello Shantanu, Your post, quoted below looks like a threat to cause real world harm to another TR member. In Reply to your post #1976236 Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by phands For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot. Please provide me in this thread or in a private message the following information that I need to give Kent Police in reporting your misdemeanours against me for investigation and possible prosecution: Full real name and address Email address Telephone Number(s) Nationality. Current residential status. Please note that if you are not living in the United Kingdom currently I will be requesting the authorities to implement your extradiction to this country to face justice. I need this information within 48 hours. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi Although your threat of legal action looks baseless, it is still against TR rules to threaten other members with real world harm. Your threatening posts (and any replies have made to them) are going to be moved to The Charred Remains. Please don't post similar threats in the future. Regards, Raven cc Admins, TQH mods. You say that the allegations of Stalking harassment 'looks' baseless. If you look through your records you will find that Phands had barely a handful of posts at TR before I came here with my 'The Case for Full and Free Marriages in Law'. He first followed me to Atheism Plus where I had posted the same ideas, and then followed me to TR. That is stalking. If he is the same person or knows the person who was instigated to post comments of a deceptive nature under the name Walter Steffan to harass me at my blogsite on (a) The Nutritional Dimension to Abiogenesis and Evolution; and (b) Secular Cafe bans Dr Shantanu Panigrahi from membership of its website; that counts as the final bit of evidence that his only purpose for leaving his post at Secular Cafe to come here in August 2012 was to harass me. This the evidence shows he was specialised in when you examine that he has only a handful of technical posts on any subject (if that) with the rest of his post directly and indirectly targetted to stop me from establishing my reputation and credibility on this forum. If you do not reprimand him for harassment of this nature, then I will certainly take the matter to the Police (an informal enquiry has already been made) and ask the Police's help to trace this individual to the country and town from which he is posting for his extradiction into the United Kingdom to face the charge of stalking harassment and defamation. A civil case will follow in due course, if the results of my preliminary enquiry with Kent Police proves fruitful. This is just to keep you informed of the situation. I am determined to pursue this individual through the proper law and order of the international justice system to prevent this menace to humankind. If the Police contact you they will have to take your evidence on the matter, or if the matter goes to civil courts, all TR and SC records of individual posts will be required for consideration by the court. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi In the event TR is ever contacted by a jurisdiction for IP addresses, etc., we'll comply with relevant U.S. law. We don't really care if or how you seek remedy in your jurisdiction, though we do believe that your complaint is legally baseless after conferring with our crack legal team. What we do care about are threats of real-world retaliation or harm to other members posted on our message board, which is why you have been asked not to repost them. Thanks, by the way, for complying with that request. As far as I am concerned this issue is closed provided no more threats are posted. __________________ It's all good fun until somebody loses an eye.
Yesterday, 11:14 PM Supernaut Underprivileged Queer TR Chaplain; Mod: Intros, Games, TQH Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: California Posts: 10,291 Re: Your post in SC &c Derail from "Researchers Communicate with Vegetable" I could not agree more. Shantanu, you def need to keep on the police about this. Resolution is a must. Quote: Originally Posted by Jet Black This is just to let you know that wasting police time is an offence under British Law, so I implore you to keep pestering the police about this. Quote: Originally Posted by ravenscape Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by ravenscape Hello Shantanu, Your post, quoted below looks like a threat to cause real world harm to another TR member. In Reply to your post #1976236 Quote: Originally Posted by Shantanu Quote: Originally Posted by phands For a "truth-seeker", you sure lie and dissemble a lot. Please provide me in this thread or in a private message the following information that I need to give Kent Police in reporting your misdemeanours against me for investigation and possible prosecution: Full real name and address Email address Telephone Number(s) Nationality. Current residential status. Please note that if you are not living in the United Kingdom currently I will be requesting the authorities to implement your extradiction to this country to face justice. I need this information within 48 hours. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi Although your threat of legal action looks baseless, it is still against TR rules to threaten other members with real world harm. Your threatening posts (and any replies have made to them) are going to be moved to The Charred Remains. Please don't post similar threats in the future. Regards, Raven cc Admins, TQH mods. You say that the allegations of Stalking harassment 'looks' baseless. If you look through your records you will find that Phands had barely a handful of posts at TR before I came here with my 'The Case for Full and Free Marriages in Law'. He first followed me to Atheism Plus where I had posted the same ideas, and then followed me to TR. That is stalking. If he is the same person or knows the person who was instigated to post comments of a deceptive nature under the name Walter Steffan to harass me at my blogsite on (a) The Nutritional Dimension to Abiogenesis and Evolution; and (b) Secular Cafe bans Dr Shantanu Panigrahi from membership of its website; that counts as the final bit of evidence that his only purpose for leaving his post at Secular Cafe to come here in August 2012 was to harass me. This the evidence shows he was specialised in when you examine that he has only a handful of technical posts on any subject (if that) with the rest of his post directly and indirectly targetted to stop me from establishing my reputation and credibility on this forum. If you do not reprimand him for harassment of this nature, then I will certainly take the matter to the Police (an informal enquiry has already been made) and ask the Police's help to trace this individual to the country and town from which he is posting for his extradiction into the United Kingdom to face the charge of stalking harassment and defamation. A civil case will follow in due course, if the results of my preliminary enquiry with Kent Police proves fruitful. This is just to keep you informed of the situation. I am determined to pursue this individual through the proper law and order of the international justice system to prevent this menace to humankind. If the Police contact you they will have to take your evidence on the matter, or if the matter goes to civil courts, all TR and SC records of individual posts will be required for consideration by the court. Dr Shantanu Panigrahi In the event TR is ever contacted by a jurisdiction for IP addresses, etc., we'll comply with relevant U.S. law. We don't really care if or how you seek remedy in your jurisdiction, though we do believe that your complaint is legally baseless after conferring with our crack legal team. What we do care about are threats of real-world retaliation or harm to other members posted on our message board, which is why you have been asked not to repost them. Thanks, by the way, for complying with that request. As far as I am concerned this issue is closed provided no more threats are posted. __________________ supernaut is the token gay guy who protects TR from accusations of homophobia - sanshou If you bail on this, you're going to fall from my favorite gay dude on TR to like 4th or 5th, after sanshou, figgy, PM, and jerome - teeth I trust supernaut to not rape me if I pass out from alcohol. He promised me he would never rape me and while supernaut is a man rapist, he is a man of honor and he keeps his word no matter what. - bart supernaut knows all about using colons - majiffy Supernaut is less gay than 90% of the men on TR. - fauna
The report of phands harassment on me at Talk Rational was reported to Kent Police with the above documents under its Police Reference No 30-0303
The investigation was assigned to Kara MALL PC 13071 who dismissed the complaint as follows on 3 Dec 2012: Mr Panigrahi, Regarding your enquiry with issues that you have experienced on the forum web sites that you have been using in particular the messages that you have been receiving from "phands," on speaking with my supervisor regarding the issues raised I am afraid that with the information provided to us that this does not equate to a criminal offence and we are unable to pursue the matter any further.
I have quickly looked at the terms and conditions on the secular cafe website and the disclaimer that you agree to when you register on the forum is below:
Forum Rules
Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.
You, not Secular Café, are responsible for what you post. You agree not to post or transmit any defamatory, abusive, threatening or illegal material, or any other material with the intent to purposely mislead, harm or infringe on the ability of others to enjoy Secular Café. You agree to respect the rules of the board as formulated by the adminstrators. You may challenge and criticise posts robustly but personal attacks on members are discouraged. In other words, don't be a jerk. You may not use posts, signatures or private messages (PMs) to:
· Promote hatred of any ethnic group, gender or sexual orientation;
· Harass members;
· Incite members to perform illegal acts;
· Deliberately make disruptive or offensive posts;
· Spam the board.
PMs are private communications and may not normally be reproduced without the consent of the writer. However, an exception may be made if a member wishes to report a PM that breaches board rules or if a competent legal agency requires disclosure. Decisions about membership of the board are at the sole discretion of the administrators. Although the administrators and moderators of Secular Café will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Secular Café, its affiliates and their officers, volunteers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and/or suppliers will be held responsible for the content of any message nor for any activity (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by members of the forum. Use of secularcafe.org acknowledges your awareness of and assent to this User's Agreement.
As it states above these are the views and opinions of other users, I appreciate that a moderator probably shouldn't use the language that they have been but it is their opinion and you have signed up and agreed to accept the above conditions in order to use their website.
Although I appreciate that the messages you have received are not particularly pleasant in content, it would not form part of the Harassment Act, for this to have occurred then a course of conduct needs to have been pursued and the person sending the messages has to know that the actions they are making amount to harassment.
Reading through the threads that you gave me it is apparent that you have been replying to the messages which would negate a course of conduct and the sender of the message would probably state that they were not aware or believe they were causing harassment as you were replying to the messages. I also cannot see what messages you have posted yourself to see what you have said previously.
In relation to allegations of stalking there is no way to prove that you are being stalked by anyone, as you said earlier that the other users have been on the new web sites before you even joint them and again they are giving their opinion and their messages are not rude or offensive.
We are unable to find the name and address as there are no offences for us to investigate. I would just advise that any further blogs/forums that you use you block/ignore any comments that you find inappropriate or report it to the sites administrators.
I hope that this helps, if you have any further questions then don't hesitate to contact me. I will post back the paperwork that you gave me earlier should you require it for your records.
Sorry I can't be of more help at this stage,
Kind regards,
Kara Mall
PC 13071
Medway Neighbourhood-Team 3