RE: Appomtment with Dr Odesanya at Britton House on 4 May 2022 at 09.45 am
Shantanu Panigrahi
CATLIS, Long (LONG CATLIS ROAD SURGERY), Panigrahi Rashmi, Sheffield Road, Phso Enquiries
Tue, 3 May at 15:06
Dear Mr Panigrahi
I can confirm that your appointment is booked for:
Date: 4th May 2022
Time: 09.45am
With: Medway Community Mental Health Team
Location: Britton House
Should you have any queries regarding this appointment please contact Britton House on 0300 303 3189
Kind regards
Jo Carter
PALS & Complaints Officer
PALS and Complaints Team
Kent and Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust
Eastern & Coastal Area Office
Littlebourne Road
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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 01 May 2022 12:46
Cc: CATLIS, Long (LONG CATLIS ROAD SURGERY) <>; Panigrahi Rashmi <>; Sheffield Road <>; Phso Enquiries <>
Subject: Appomtment with Dr Odesanya at Britton House on 4 May 2022 at 09.45 an
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For forwarding to Dr Odesanya at Britton House
Please confirm my appointment with Dr Odesanya in accordance with the following developments:
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
RE: EXTERNAL - Medway County Court Claim number is J00ME5722
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Enquiries Kent
Fri, 29 Apr at 07:03
Dear Abi
1. He said his name was PC Evans. Please assess the following update:
At 06.45 pm Mobile Phone rang and I answered it. It was a PC Evans from Kent Police. I was polite apologising for the abrupt manner in which I had met them when they came saying that I got confused with the lady being in non-police uniform and that I had written to Kent Police apolgising. He said that is find. He then said that in 4 hours time the Single Point of Access people will telephone me on this number. I checked: is that the mental health people. He confirmed. I said that will be good I look forward to it. The conversation ended.
19.22 pm (UK Time) 28 April 2022
Landline rang at 08.45 pm. Rashmi took it and called me as it was the National Health Service. I spoke to her. She asked me a lot of questions and said the Police had made the referral because of an email I sent to BP saying that I was going to burn their place down. I denied sending the email and spoke of the trolls. That I was not well since I got discharged from the Community Mental Health Team last year. I was only getting 6 hours of sleep a night. She asked me who I thought the trolls were. I said I thought it was the Prime Minister who organised them or it could be the Queen. She asked if I thought that someone was trying to get me. I said I had persecution complex for as long as I can remember. She asked if I had hallucinations. I said No but I dream a lot and have difficulty coping with belief in God as if God was making me do things and living with my feet on the ground so it is difficult to live materially and spiritually at the same time for me. She asked if I take medications. I said Yes risperidone 4 mg per day, sertraline 150 mg per day and Depakote 1000 mg per day. Do you actually take them, she asked. I said Yes, my wife makes sure of that, but she does not need to as I am now addicted to them. Do they help, she asked I said yes but maybe the risperidone should be increased to 6 mg per day, I have been taking them for so long. I said I talk and write a lot. She asked if I wanted to harm myself. I said No. I smoke cigarettes about 10 a day and drink a bit.She asked if I took harder drugs. I said I do not take cannabis or heroin. I said maybe I would like to be in a mental hospital to recover from all this. I asked the GP Surgery to refer me to Benenden Health and they would not so if you can get me back on Britton House Community Health Team it will be good for me. She asked what kind of house do you live in? I said it is a lovely house. My wife is a very good housekeeper and home maker.
I asked her to speak to my wife as she wanted to speak to you. So Rashmi took over the telephone and said that the trolls have made our lives very difficult and it is a very sad case. I am sorry I am in tears. So after about 5 minutes they fixed an appointment for us to go to Britton House on 4 May 2022 at 09.45 to see someone.
2. I would thank you for allocating a Crime Refernce Number now at long last: we simply have to get to the bottom of this matter that has been lingering on since 15 September 2021 with PC Nicholls first involved and the DC Field taking over and now PC Evans
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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On Thursday, 28 April 2022, 23:12:43 BST, Enquiries Kent <> wrote:
Good evening,
Do you have a Kent Police reference number so that I can put you in touch with the officer in charge of your investigation? I am unable to search our systems by court claim numbers.
Abi 61843
Enquiries, Force Control Room
Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 9BZ
Telephone: 01622 690690 (Switchboard)
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 28 April 2022 17:04
To: Enquiries Kent <>
Cc: Enquiries Medway County <>
Subject: EXTERNAL - Medway County Court Claim number is J00ME572
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Kent Police
Dear Sirs
At around 2.35 pm today there was a knock on the door as I was in the toilet so I shouted 'hold on' and soon after opened the door. There was a Policeman dressed in Police Uniform and a woman not dressed in Police uniform. The Policeman asked id he could come in, it was about an email that I sent to BP. I said to him that that matter is in the Court, Medway County Court. He insisted if he could speak to me about it. I told them that I did not want to speak to you and started closing the door on them. They seemingly accepted this and went away as I closed the door.
I thought to myself, hell I have already told Kent Police that I am a law abiding citizen and keen on helping the Police with their enquiries, but feared that this matter is subjudice so should not be discussed among the Parties before 5.00 (UK-Time) that the International Criminal Court was set for its final response.
It is now that time and so I am assuming that it is now ok for me to help Kent Police. For this I need Kent Police to forward me a copy of the email that BP received from me, a screenshot like the one you sent this morning would be sufficient.
Thank you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel 07967789619
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