Posted on February 11, 2014 by shantanup
Over the past month I noted that God has been withdrawing Himself away from me and I too have been withdrawing myself into living a normal life like a normal human being doing my chores and duties. It has been clear to me that God has encouraged this process of separation that made sense to me because I felt that there was nothing much that I could learn from my direct association with Him. It is separation that He wanted first and foremost. This is absolutely clear to me. I did not wish to part company but He made this inevitable by showing me that I had nothing left to gain from Him any longer. My education it seemed to me was complete. This raises the question of how my truth accommodation will not work out in practical terms when I have no direct consultation with God.
I must have ethical values to guide me for the only reason that God wanted it this way. I cannot be a truth accommodationist who just walks about accepting all kinds of injustices and wrong doings and not contributing to society in any way. My declaration in About Me a year ago ( said specifically that I wanted to improve society with the knowledge that I sought as truth. That means that I must remain proactive and rely on the apparent fact that God has finished teaching me all I need to know to live my life in a good way so as to be able to improve society with that truth. This means that I have personally arrived at the ethics that I know God approves, namely doing what is environmentally-sustainable in attaining optimal harmony in human relationships. For this extremes are to be avoided and a balance needs to be struck between personal freedoms and group living. Pluralism should be the outlook in a ‘live and let live’ philosophy.
14.05 pm, 11 February 2014 Update: God allows people who approach Him develop their own ethics and religion. This means that there is no certainty that He wants my ethics as described above to be what everyone practices. They are mine for my use, that I am satisfied with. I therefore do not recommend it to anyone else as a God-approved religion fit for the 21st century. Every one ends up with their own truth accommodation: it will then be a question of judging who has taken greater care to investigate truth as a truth seeker and whose prescription on ethics should therefore carry greater weight in deciding how human affairs should be conducted.