Posted on August 15, 2013 by shantanup
God is not to be worshipped: God is to be revered. The reason for this is that God stays aloof from us humans unless we really search for Him and try and bring Him into our lives. He is not keen on us humans spending hours on end reciting, chanting and worshipping through rituals. Those who do so do not get any additional benefits from these activities. There is no need to pray, for God can read one’s thoughts and know what a person truly desires and hopes for in life. In fact God knows better what is good for the individual and what he deserves than the individual himself or herself knows. What they benefit from God comes as a result of their disposition to do their duties and righteous actions (dharma) whilst focused on their truth search of whether a God truly exists and if he did whether he would approve of one’s actions. This requires the right attitude and frame of mind for only then divine truth will come into the mind which is protective as a blessing from God.
There is also only one God who appears to us through the Trimurti as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The rest of the hundreds or thousands of Gods either do not exist at all or are mythological stories built around these aspects of Sri Krishna as the one and only Supreme God. A lot of humans like mythological stories and so these have been written over the years through divine inspiration. If a person does not know this and treats devas and devis as God then God does not take it badly so long as the person is engaged in dharma, which is all that matters. The heart of the person is all that God is concerned with when considering whether a person is fit for divine blessings.