Your Reference: 22/444/CM/PCC
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Tue, 10 May at 20:22
Civil Claim Officers
Thank you for this morning's email as attached: Letter to Claimant - 10.05.2022 concerning my 5 May email as attached toKentPolice(ClaimAmount)5May2022.docx.
I was waiting to see if I would receive a communication either from Medway County Court or the Queens Bench Judges Listing office to see if any Directions will be issued in this matter hut Id not receive a response today. This would explain the delay in replying to your email.
I am keen to do whatever is required of me and my wife is also of that opinion for as you must be aware she had written two letters to Kent Police concerning the circumstances of my interrogation on 15 September 2021 for harassment and the arrest of 24 November 2021 for allegedly Stalking Katrina Sale of the Conservative and Unionist Party. To this was recently added a third malicious communication that I am supposed to have sent BP. I deny any wrongdoing personally and have consistently protested that these emails were sent by trolls disrupting my work for the Conservative and Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom and my part-time employment with Tesco, Sainsburys and BP. The officers in charge of the investigation McNichols, WC Field and PC Evans have seemingly rejected my protestations so that my complaint against the Chief Constable of Kent Police stands unchanged since as the person in charge of the Police Force it was his duty to ensure that these officers acted diligently. In my submissions to the Professional Standards Department, I had submitted that three first two of these officers criminally protected the reputation of the Judiciary in various courts and this needs investigation by the Police. The events of the past three weeks bear this out. As you must be aware judicial authorities and other court officials are not above the law in our Constitution so they should be identified by Kent Police and a report than submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service.
My wife is saying now that all she wishes is for her desktop computer to be returned to her because it had a lot of her photographs saved on it.
If you require any further information on this matter please refer to the Claim Form that I have attached:n1-engKentPolice(update)May2022.pdf..
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
Letter to Claimant - 10.05.2022 .pdf 132.6kB
ToKentPolice(ClaimAmount)5May2022 .docx 14.1kB
n1-eng KentPolice UpdateMay2022 .pdf 200.6kB: