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Sick Note Extension

Sick Note Extension

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>




date: Feb 14, 2022, 6:47 PM

subject: Sick Note Extension


Dear Dr Shah

The following correspondence took place today:

The 7 Days sick note submitted from the Surgery clearly says that another letter from the Surgery is not required for me to start working again if the employer is amenable to making some adjustments like paying for me to get a proper Safety Shoes from Amazon - the last one was unsuitable - and placing me on lighter duties to take account of my mental and physical health. I will go into the Store tomorrow at 2.00 pm with all the bits of my uniform if there is no agreement on this matter before then.

I am fed up with submitting eConsultation messages time after time as nothing concrete happens to my satisfaction at the end of these processes. So, I will not be submitting any more such eConsult messages to you as you suggest in the following Textphone message that you sent me this afternoon. It is for BP to pay me my overdue sick pay or terminate my employment.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Pangrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Update: The GP Surgery responded with the following Textphone message:

Dear Mr Panigrahi, please submit an eConsultation tomorrow between 8.00 – 13.00 regarding your knee problem, so that it can be reviewed tomorrow by your GP. Kind Regards.

And then telephoned BP Lenham, and spoke to Chris and asked ‘Is it OK for tomorrow?’ He said ‘No, because you have produced a sick note to say that you are unfit for work, you need to get a doctor’s note saying that you are now fit for work before you come to work’. I said .OK I will speak to the doctor tomorrow’. Call ended.



Doctors manage patients

in Medical Science

In my estimation having been in the hands of Doctors and Psychiatrists for 20 years continuously doctors know nothing of value. They do a job managing people as patients and treat them with medications that they know nothing about routinely to push the paperwork. The National Health System is a monolith institution but is interlinked with industry by way of having to provide sick notes in the United Kingdom so that those who have incurable disorders are then able to request sick notes which by law compels the employer to pay the patient sick pay. This of course the government tries to avoid. So the doctor being an agency of the government has to judge carefully which patient should be issued with sick notes, especially if the patient has to go off sick long term.

So, the doctor is put to the test with what little knowledge he or she has. Referring the patient to a specialist for expert opinion is avoided at all costs for it is confirmation that the person is too ill to work.

So, it is a game of cat and mouse that I stumbled into. How can the State avoid having to cough up sick pay directly as SSP or SSP1 and when does the employer have to foot the bill?

I was discharged by the Consultant Psychiatrist for any mental health problems back to my GP so I rejected previous diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and associated suggestion or recommendation that I should continue to be prescribed with antipsychotic, antidepressant, and mood-stabilising medications that I was on for a year and half. The discharge took place in September 2021. Yet the General Practitioner Doctor prescribed 7 medications that I protested against and from 31 December 2021 I took up employment. The doctor is now saying that I must continue to take these mental health medications which together with a workplace injury that I picked up led me to take sick leave for 7 days on self-certification and following that I asked the Doctor for extended sick note in order to claim further sick pay. He issued the sick note for only 7 days and he would not write on the sick note that it was for both mental and physical illnesses. He would not issue such a comprehensive Medical Certificate to combine both elements of my illness. He refused further to refer me to the Consultant Psychiatrist for mental health or Specialist in Physiotherapy for knee and heel/feet/toe injury.

So, the doctors of the National Health Service play games with people's lives to terrorise people administratively.

Shantanu Panigrahi


21.11 pm (UK-Time) 14 February 2022

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