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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

This consultation closes soon

This consultation closes soon3



Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: Matt Richards - 38 Degrees

Cc:, Paul Nichols PC 46015002,,,, PCC Correspondence Kent, Central London DJSKEL,,, Civil Appeals - Registry, QBMastersListing,, BPRetailJobs


Sun, 30 Jan at 10:22

Dear Matt

I have already responded to this matter as attached: To38DegreesccICC,CentLonCtyCrtKentPolicePCNicholsShahSurgeryKMPTPALSSamaritansChrisStoneBccRashmi20Jan2022.docx that you have not replied to. There is an impasse of sorts and I was told by my Manager at BP Lenham not to send it emails, merely discuss the attached issues at my next shift of work or over the telephone: ToDrShah(LCRS)BPRetailVicyLenhamPCNichollsRashmi28Jan2022.docx.

Further, despite the assurances of the new CEO that I signed up to with an £8.66 donation to 38 Degrees you continue to ignore my petitions most notably on the attached: To38Degrees(RobinPriestley)21Jan2022.docx.

The International Criminal Court took no action in this matter under its Claim Reference No Our reference: OTP-CR-76/22

I have also told 38 Degrees quite categorically that there is only one Leader of the country in Mr Boris Johnson and the Courts nationally and internationally are powerless in dealing with him as well the Metropolitan Police according to the Constitution of the United Kingdom: To38Degrees(BYOB)RoyalPrerogative_PresidentJohnson13Jan2022.docx hence the attached Order to me from the Court of Central London: CentralLondonCountyCourt(Order21June 2021 (District Judge Lightman).pdf, a summary Judgement on which no formal written details have been received by me.

This follows the silence of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent as attached: ToPoliceandCrimeCommissionerICCPCNichollsIOPC27Jan2022.docx

I had asked 38 Degrees for help with this Petition for a Campaign but 38 Degrees also ignored the request.

So what is the point of all this chenanigans: to give the system of democracy the facade of civility?

Yours simcerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane





Tel: 07967789619

Hide original message

On Sunday, 30 January 2022, 09:02:27 GMT, Matt Richards - 38 Degrees <> wrote:


38 Degrees Logo

Dear Shantanu,

BIG news: the government has launched a consultation into banning some of the most polluting single use plastic items like cutlery and polystyrene food containers. [1] It’s a fantastic opportunity to stop these items polluting our streets, beaches, and oceans for good - but it closes soon, so we need to act now to have our say.

But nothing is set in stone, and you can bet big plastic producers will be trying to tone down and delay the ban - even though the UK government is already in danger of falling behind our European neighbours on this issue. [2] So we need to prove that the public really supports it - and the consultation will be closing soon.

People like you and me don’t usually get involved in government consultations Shantanu - and you can bet the people running this one won’t be expecting it this time either! But that’s exactly why it’ll be so impactful when tens of thousands of us do take part! They won’t see it coming - and they’ll have no choice but to listen.

So Shantanu, can you complete a short survey about banning the most polluting items of single use plastic? We'll then send the results in to the Government's consultation team.


Don’t worry if you don’t know loads about single use plastic - most people don’t! What’s important is whether you think these items, like plastic cutlery and polystyrene food containers, should be banned or not.

And to make it as easy as possible, the 38 Degrees staff team have linked up with our friends at plastic pollution campaigning organisation City to Sea and together we’ve gone through the consultation line by line - pulling out the important questions and turning them into a simple survey. Now all you need to do is complete it!

38 Degrees supporters have a brilliant track record of feeding into consultations like this. Just a few months ago, tens of thousands of us shared our views about the government’s plans to privatise Channel 4 - and the government has been forced to delay the plans! [3]

So, Shantanu, can you share your views about banning Single Use Plastic items by completing this short survey? Your answers will be sent in to the government team running the consultation:


Thanks for being involved,

Matt, Megan and the 38 Degrees team


[1] Single-use plastic: banning the supply of commonly littered single-use plastic items

[2] Euronews: EU bans 10 most common single-use plastic items found on beaches

[3] The Times: Channel 4 sale plans put back as opposition mounts

City A.M.: Channel 4 privatisation plans delayed amid growing backlash

38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.

38 Degrees has no big donors - we’re funded by ordinary people who care, like you. Regular donations mean that we can plan future campaigns, pay our workers a decent wage, and keep fighting for what we all believe in.

If you don't already do so, will you consider setting up a regular donation of a fiver, tenner or whatever you can spare? Click here to donate securely:


Unsubscribe: If you no longer wish to be part of our movement and receive our emails you can unsubscribe here.

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Limited by guarantee

Registered Company No. 6642193 in England and Wales

Registered office: First Floor, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE


(a) To38DegreesccICC,CenLonCtyCrt,KentPolice,PCNichols,ShahSurgery,KMPTPALS,Samaritans,ChrisStoneBccRashmi20Jan2022.docx 20.5kB

(b) ToDrShah(LCRS)BPRetailVickyLenhamPCNichollsRashmi28Jan2022.docx 14.9kB

(c) To38Degrees(RobinPriestly) 16.6kB

(d) CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21 June 2021 (District Judge Lightman).pdf 783.5kB

(e) To38Degrees(BYOBRoyalPrerogative_PresidentJohnson)13Jan2022.docx 17.8kB

(f)ToDKDuggalccVisaCentreShitikanthSinghA28Jan2022.docx 19.9kB

(g)ToPolice&CrimeCommissionerccICCPCNicholsIOPC27Jan2022.docx 17.2kB


Re: Banning single use plastics3




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Matt Richards - 38 Degrees


Enquiries Kent, Central London DJSKEL,


Paul Nichols PC 46015002, Sheffield Road, Chris Stone


Panigrahi Rashmi

Thu, 20 Jan at 16:03

Dear Matt Richards of 38 Degrees

There are much more important things for us in the United Kingdom to be sorting out than worrying about plastics as the recycling industry is the only means of reducing pollution given that the plastics are by products of the processing of natural products from energy sources. I would recommend that you read the following link: The New Year sees New Issues Confronting United Kingdom Democracy | The Conservative Lib (

In my final assessment of the Climate that needs to change in the World and within Nations, I had outlined that ...

In this regard, please see to it that you fully understand the preliminary ruling of the International Criminal Court as attached: EM_Ack_OTP-CR-76_22.pdf. The ICC is obliged to furnish full written reasons why my referral of the 24 years of State-organised persecution on me cannot be opened as an investigation by the Court and I suggest that you wait for this Report before you harass me further with your pointless, intimidatory and bullying emails on behalf of the State to pervert the course of Justice and obstruct justice.

In this regard I had specified to the Central London County Court that this Claim E35YM660 is not going to disappear somewhere until I secure millions of pounds in damages and compensation as I am victimised daily by the reluctance of the University of Greenwich to pay me my £55,000 severance payment under the noses of the Court Judges. Further Kent Police has still not replied to the complaint that my wife and I had filed around 25 November 2021 concerning my arrest and detention in a Police Cell and the confiscation of our desktop computer, my USB Memory Stick and my old Mobile Phone without a search or arrest warrant nor has it clarified after two months what action it is taking to progress the prosecution against me for harassing and stalking Katrina Sale of the Conservative and Unionist Party despite the attached defence that I submitted: DEFENCE STATEMENT ON HARASSMENT Kent Police ruined my much-desired posting at Challengetrg that I was looking forward to for Chris Stone has still not contacted me about a part-time job of 14 hours per week that I need right now to make ends meet. The BP Job at Lenham is not enough. I have a job at Tesco Distribution Centre at Snodland too, the ICC will no doubt take it into account.

Finally, I am disgusted with the State of the United Kingdom for continuing to force me to take anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, and mood stabilizing medications of risperidone, sertraline and depakote without psychiatric supervision following my discharge on two occasions from the Community Mental Health Team (Britton House, Gillingham, Kent): this is clearly against the law. I was denied a review of medication by Dr Omar when he telephoned me from Medway Maritime Hospital on 11 January 2022, and further he promised me over the phone that he would send me a diagnostic report that has not come, so that I will never again attend the Medway Maritime hospital for any kind of examination that Mr TRBhat has fixed a follow-up appointment for on Wednesday 4 May 2022,at 14:10 hours at this hospital.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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On Thursday, 20 January 2022, 14:52:20 GMT, Matt Richards - 38 Degrees <> wrote:

38 Degrees Logo

Dear Shantanu,

BIG news: the government has launched a consultation into banning some of the most polluting single use plastic items like cutlery and polystyrene food containers. [1] It’s a fantastic opportunity to stop these items polluting our streets, beaches, and oceans - for good.

But nothing is set in stone, and you can bet big plastic producers will be trying to tone down and delay the ban - even though the UK government is already in danger of falling behind our European neighbours on this issue. [2] So we need to prove that the public really supports it - and the consultation will be closing soon.

People like you and me don’t usually get involved in government consultations Shantanu - and you can bet the people running this one won’t be expecting it this time either! But that’s exactly why it’ll be so impactful when tens of thousands of us do take part! They won’t see it coming - and they’ll have no choice but to listen.

So Shantanu, can you complete a short survey about banning the most polluting items of single use plastic? We'll then send the results in to the Government's consultation team.


Don’t worry if you don’t know loads about single use plastic - most people don’t! What’s important is whether you think these items, like plastic cutlery and polystyrene food containers, should be banned or not.

And to make it as easy as possible, the 38 Degrees staff team have linked up with our friends at plastic pollution campaigning organisation City to Sea and together we’ve gone through the consultation line by line - pulling out the important questions and turning them into a simple survey. Now all you need to do is complete it!

38 Degrees supporters have a brilliant track record of feeding into consultations like this. Just a few months ago, tens of thousands of us shared our views about the government’s plans to privatise Channel 4 - and the government has been forced to delay the plans! [3]

So, Shantanu, can you share your views about banning Single Use Plastic items by completing this short survey? Your answers will be sent in to the government team running the consultation:


Thanks for being involved,

Matt, Megan and the 38 Degrees team


[1] Single-use plastic: banning the supply of commonly littered single-use plastic items

[2] Euronews: EU bans 10 most common single-use plastic items found on beaches

[3] The Times: Channel 4 sale plans put back as opposition mounts

City A.M.: Channel 4 privatisation plans delayed amid growing backlash

38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.

38 Degrees has no big donors - we’re funded by ordinary people who care, like you. Regular donations mean that we can plan future campaigns, pay our workers a decent wage, and keep fighting for what we all believe in.

If you don't already do so, will you consider setting up a regular donation of a fiver, tenner or whatever you can spare? Click here to donate securely:


Unsubscribe: If you no longer wish to be part of our movement and receive our emails you can unsubscribe here.

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Limited by guarantee

Registered Company No. 6642193 in England and Wales

Registered office: First Floor, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE

Download all attachments as a zip file

EM_Ack_OTP-CR-76_22.pdf 189.2kB



Central London DJSKEL <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Thu, 20 Jan at 16:03

Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.

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38 Degrees - This inbox is not monitored




Primary - Action@ <>


Thu, 20 Jan at 16:03

Thanks for getting in touch with 38 Degrees! This inbox is not monitored – if you need to get in touch with the 38 Degrees staff team, you can: Fill in this form and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can:

Call us on 0207 8460 093

Or: If you're writing to unsubscribe from our mailing list, you can do this here:

If your query is about a donation you can email us on

Are you contacting us with a press/media request? Please follow the steps here:

If you're writing with a query relating to your data and/or the GDPR, please email us on

Wondering why this inbox isn’t monitored?

In order to spend the majority of donations on campaigns, we keep a lean staff team. In the past, we've been able to read every email in response to our campaigns, but as 38 Degrees' membership has grown, so has the number of people contacting us! The office team now receives thousands of emails every week.

So to make sure we're still able to assist those who need it quickly, we're asking that you use the above ways of contacting us – again, emails sent to this inbox will not be read. Apologies for any inconvenience – but if there’s anything we can help with we hope to hear from you soon!

4968619:320150 Hide original message



eConsult Review of 28 January 2022




Shantanu Panigrahi <>



Cc: BPRetailJobs,, Panigrahi Rashmi, Paul Nichols PC 46015002

Fri, 28 Jan at 18:17


Dr Shah

Long Catlis Road Surgery

Long Catlis Road




For the attention of Dr Viano Uwuseba

Dear Dr Uwuseba

1. Thank you for your text at 17.23 pm today concerning my eConsult Form as attached: CONSULTATION ON MENTAL HEALTH 29 January 2022.docx

2. You wrote: ‘Dear Mr Panigrahi, I have reviewed your econsult and the last letter from the mental health team which suggest that you continue your medications. Kind regards. Dr Viano Uwuseba, Long Catlis Road Surgery'.

3. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of the last letter sent to you by the Community Mental Health Team at Britton House, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0SL, so would be grateful if you would explain to me why I am being given Zaluron by Boots the Chemists that was not there in the previous Care Plan from that team. If you could therefore send me a copy of this letter from the latest Consultant Psychiatrist who prescribed these medications of which I am not taking Zaluron for obvious reasons but I am taking the rest as advised (4 mg risperidone daily, 150 mg sertraline daily and 1000 mg depakote daily) and hence it was not written into the eConsult application for an up-to-date Medication Review that I requested the Surgery for today, I would be grateful. If the prescription for Zaluron (Quetapine?) has been sent to Boots the Chemists since June of this year by some other authority including perhaps Dr Shah herself, kindly make this clear to me in your email so that I can start taking Zaluron in addition to the other medications that you suggest from now onwards for my mental condition today if it differs from what it was in June of 2021 when I last had a meeting at Britton House.

4. As your decision on whether I am compulsorily enforced these mental health medications by the State or just recommended for the well-being of the society, and since this will impact upon my work performance for my company (BP Lenham Petrol Station) n terms of the drowsiness, urination and defaecation problems that I feel I suffer from due to the medications during my long shifts of work for which mental concentration and mindfulness is needed please note in your deliberations that my next shifts of work for which I would require a sick note for sick pay are as follows:

Tue 1 Feb 1400-2200

Fr1 4 Feb 600-1400

Sun 6 Feb 1400-2200

Wed 9 Feb 1400-2200

Thu 10 Feb 1400-2200

Sat 12 Feb 1000-1800

Tue 15 Feb 1400-2200.

5. Please send me the letter and the sicknote on Monday 31 January 2022 by email at the latest so that I can inform BP of your decision as I have categorically stated to my company at the job application stage that not only am I the sanest person in the world today but the sanest who has ever lived on the face of the Earth so that all previous mental health impositions on me were issued by ignorant Consultant Psychiatrists as the attached document clarifies clearly; I do not have any inherited or stress-related mental problems either nowadays since I sorted out my enemies who persecuted me for 24 years in the United Kingdom to make my life a living nightmare.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619





Re: Tommy Robinson

21 Jan at 21:00

PrintRaw message

Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: Robin Priestley - 38 Degrees <>

1 file36.5kB




Dear Robin

There are so many racists that I have encountered at all levels of the society of the United Kingdom, particularly in the Law Enforcement and Judicial Processes that I have gone on record with a complaint to the BBC of 'Frome institutional racism and corruption to Constitutional Racism and Corruption that saw me being deprived of millions of pounds that I demanded from the UK Treasury as damages and compensation in the manner with with the UK State conspires with its international allies such as India, as the attached correspondence will make clear. CORRESPONDENCE WITH SHITIKANTH SINGH A ON fACEBOOK FOR NARENDRA

The United Kingdom is a Hostile country for immigrants as I have found to my cost such that 24 years of struggle for justice has ended up with no decision from the International Criminal Court on my Application for a Judgment which is still pending.

Notwithstanding I would like to cooperate with 38 Degrees in offering my moral support to the Syrian refugee and so would like to offer some financial support to him to take his case forward so that he is adequately compensated.

Please ask him to contact me with his Bank Account details or if you would accept payment on his behalf let me know so that I can arrange this through PAYPAL this evening.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619


On Friday, 21 January 2022, 16:43:46 GMT, Robin Priestley - 38 Degrees <> wrote:

38 Degrees Logo

Tommy Robinson is a violent thug who has made a career out of making people’s lives a misery with his campaigns of hate. But now we have a chance to help the anti-racist group HOPE not hate make him pay. If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of, click here. If you want more detail, read on.

Shantanu, last year Tommy Robinson lost a libel case after he accused a young Syrian refugee of being a bully. [1] He was ordered to pay the lad, Jamal, £100,000 in damages, as well as any legal costs.

But here’s the thing: months before the case came to trial, Robinson declared bankruptcy. Now, he could get away with not paying the damages, and other debts - likely around £2million. [2]

Jamal hasn’t seen a penny of what he is owed. And Tommy Robinson still hasn't faced justice for what he did.

But together we can help change that. An independent expert has been given the go ahead to investigate Robinson’s assets. His lies could be exposed - and he could be forced to pay up. [3] Anti-racism group HOPE not hate are working hard to make this happen. The costs are significant - but there are thousands of us reading this today who could chip in to help fund the investigation.

Shantanu – supporting other groups who can make a difference is a vital part of our movement. So if you can afford to do so, use the button below to chip in and help make Tommy Robinson pay. You'll be taken to HOPE not hate's fundraising page, where you can donate directly to them.


Tommy Robinson’s antics, from founding the racist English Defence League to his own history of criminality, have had a huge impact. The stress and pain caused by far right thugs to people across the country, especially in the Muslim community, has done real harm.

As members of the 38 Degrees community, we believe that racism and hatred have no place in our society, or the Britain we want to see. Individually, tackling powerful forces like the rise of the far right can feel like a huge battle, but that’s the beauty of 38 Degrees, when we come together we can have a huge impact.

If HOPE not hate can expose his lies, they could get justice for Jamal and everyone that Tommy Robinson owes money to. And more than that - they could also end Robinson’s ability to inflict hate and pain in the future.

So, if you can, please consider chipping in to help fund the investigation into Tommy Robinson today. Use the button below to make a donation directly to HOPE not hate through their website:


Thanks for reading, and for being part of this one,

Robin, Megan, David and the 38 Degrees team


[1] Sky News: EDL founder Tommy Robinson loses libel case brought by Syrian schoolboy

Independent: Syrian refugee 'attack': 16-year-old boy given police caution over incident at Huddersfield school

[2] BBC News: Tommy Robinson pursued by creditors for an estimated £2m

[3] Independent: Tommy Robinson facing investigation by insolvency expert over estimated £2million he owes creditors

38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.

38 Degrees has no big donors - we’re funded by ordinary people who care, like you. Regular donations mean that we can plan future campaigns, pay our workers a decent wage, and keep fighting for what we all believe in.

If you don't already do so, will you consider setting up a regular donation of a fiver, tenner or whatever you can spare? Click here to donate securely:


Unsubscribe: If you no longer wish to be part of our movement and receive our emails you can unsubscribe here.

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Limited by guarantee

Registered Company No. 6642193 in England and Wales

Registered office: First Floor, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE


38 Degrees - This inbox is not monitored2




Primary - Action@

Thanks for getting in touch with 38 Degrees! This inbox is not monitored – if you need to get in touch with the 38 Degrees staff team, you can: Fill in this form and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can: Call us on 0207 8460 093 Or: If you're writing to unsubscribe from our mailing list, you can do this here: If your query is about a donation you can email us on Are you con

Fri, 21 Jan at 21:00

Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Fri, 21 Jan at 21:04

Dear Sir

This is important if not urgent: kindly provide me with your Bank Account details to arrange payment to the Syrian refugee whose rights we must fight in Court for.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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Subject: 38 Degrees - This inbox is not monitored

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If you're writing with a query relating to your data and/or the GDPR, please email us on

Wondering why this inbox isn’t monitored?

In order to spend the majority of donations on campaigns, we keep a lean staff team. In the past, we've been able to read every email in response to our campaigns, but as 38 Degrees' membership has grown, so has the number of people contacting us! The office team now receives thousands of emails every week.

So to make sure we're still able to assist those who need it quickly, we're asking that you use the above ways of contacting us – again, emails sent to this inbox will not be read. Apologies for any inconvenience – but if there’s anything we can help with we hope to hear from you soon!


General Form of Judgment or Order

In the County Court at Central London

Claim Number E35YM660

Date 21 June 2021

(The County Court Sealed)



Before District Judge Lightman sitting at the County Court at Central London, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL.


1. It is recorded that:

(a). The Court has sought to join the Claimant in the BT Meet Me hearing listed for today at 11.40 am. The Court telephoned at least thrice the Claimant on the telephone number given by him in his application dated 19 June 2021 as 07967789619 but the telephone was not picked up.

(b) The application dated 19 June 2021 of the Claimant to adjourn be refused.

(c) Today’s hearing is merely to assess costs. The District Judge today has no other jurisdiction.

2. The Claim Form having been struck out, judgment for the Defendant.

3. Claimant shall pay the Defendant’s costs assessed in total as £4,170 payable by 4 pm on 5 July 2021.

Dated 21 June 2021


The Court office at the County Court at Central London, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL.When corresponding with the court please address forms or letters to the Court Manager and quote the Claim Number. Tel 0300 123 5577. Check if you can issue your claim online. It will save you time and money. Go to to find out more.

N1 General Form of Judgment or Order

Produced by S. Mirza

CJR 005C


No.10 BYOB2




Ben Powell - 38 Degrees

Dear Shantanu, It’s official: the Prime Minister attended a ‘Bring Your Own Booze’ party while we all made huge sacrifices to follow the rules. [1] But while he apologised for the fact that a party took place, reports suggest that he then told his own MPs that he doesn’t deserve any blame. [2] Isn’t it time that he finally accepted responsibility for his actions? Everyone is rightfully furious - it’s dominating the news, the police are investigating, and the pressure the PM is under is the talk

Thu, 13 Jan at 13:18

Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Thu, 13 Jan at 14:01

Dear 38 Degrees

There is no reason to blame Boris Johnson when as the Prime Minister he has to balance what the Chris Whitty and Jonathon Van Tang present to the government as the scientific evidence and what the Prime Minister wit an 80 seat majority had to do to run the country. I am against all Covid restrictions and would not submit myself to regular lateral flow test monitoring for example. We care too much about our health and about keep people alive pointlessly when there is overpopulation in the United Kingdom so that the dead wood need to be sacrificed to the nuances of Nature.

As far as Boris Johnson is concerned, the Supreme Court in conjunction 9with the International Criminal Court have this morning proven that Boris Is above the law within the United Kingdom and Internationally and so are his national and international allies as respondents in Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court. Further fro my email to Rehman Chisthi MP for Gillingham and Rainham who I asked to raise this matter at the Prime Minister's Question Time there are no Parliamentary procedures to impeach Boris Johnson either. He makes the Rules as he goes along and changes them in accordance with daily considerations. He is entitled to do this in the Constitution when he has the some would say Royal Prerogative power of what I suggested in my 38 Degrees petition of the UK being an absolute Monarchy, but others dispute that and say the Prime Minister is the defacto President if his Party.thinks he is a proven vote winner and that the UK is a nation of morons in a Police State who have short memories.

So everything can be swept under the carpet. That is why all the vested interests want Boris out by getting him to resign as Prime Minister toforce the Conservatives into retreat

As far as I am concerned I think the country will be more secure and people more prosperous with Boris Johnson in charge than the Socialists, Liberal-immorals and Scotish Nationalsts in coalition

Do you get my drift?

Shantanu Panigrahi

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Hide original message

On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 at 13:18, Ben Powell - 38 Degrees

<> wrote:

38 Degrees Logo

Dear Shantanu,

It’s official: the Prime Minister attended a ‘Bring Your Own Booze’ party while we all made huge sacrifices to follow the rules. [1] But while he apologised for the fact that a party took place, reports suggest that he then told his own MPs that he doesn’t deserve any blame. [2] Isn’t it time that he finally accepted responsibility for his actions?

Everyone is rightfully furious - it’s dominating the news, the police are investigating, and the pressure the PM is under is the talk of Westminster. His own Conservative MPs believe ‘his only saviour is if the public has given up caring’ - but together we are showing that this issue is not going to go away. [3]

Already thousands of us wrote to our MPs to ask what they're doing to hold Boris Johnson to account. Our personal stories are having a massive impact, MPs have told 38 Degrees they’re sharing them with party colleagues. This moment could be a tipping point, but only if enough of us are willing to write in and be heard.

So, Shantanu, will you join over 5,000 of us who have already written to our MPs? It is a simple process and only takes a few minutes.


2020 was a terrible year for so many. We all played our part to stop Covid spreading, forbidden from seeing friends and family. Some of us couldn't say goodbye to loved ones before they passed away. There are so many heartbreaking stories, and the PM’s behaviour is an insult to all those who have suffered over the last couple of years.

With stories of lockdown gathering after lockdown gathering in recent weeks, Boris Johnson has broken the trust of the public so many times that we have almost come to expect it. [4] But we deserve so much better from our Prime Minister. Let’s share our stories with our MPs and let them know this time, he must be held personally accountable.


Thanks for being involved,

Ben, Veronica, Robin, Megan and the 38 Degrees team


[1] BBC News: Boris Johnson faces calls to quit after lockdown party apology

[2] Financial Times: Boris Johnson seeks to buy time with mea culpa over Number 10 party

[3] The Guardian: Email shows Boris Johnson aide invited No 10 staff to lockdown ‘BYOB’ party

[4] The Guardian: No 10 party: more Downing Street gatherings now under the spotlight

38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.

38 Degrees has no big donors - we’re funded by ordinary people who care, like you. Regular donations mean that we can plan future campaigns, pay our workers a decent wage, and keep fighting for what we all believe in.

Will you consider setting up a regular donation of a fiver, tenner or whatever you can spare? Click here to donate securely:


Unsubscribe: If you no longer wish to be part of our movement and receive our emails you can unsubscribe here.

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Limited by guarantee

Registered Company No. 6642193 in England and Wales

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Last Updated: 14.12 pm (UK-Time) 13 January 2022






Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Cc: E. Visa Co Support

Fri, 28 Jan at 19:46


R.K. Duggal

Dear Dr Duggal

1. I have got my United Kingdom Passport now dated 8 December 2021 issue so that I need to obtain my Visa immediately to travel to India on a permanent basis and after 5 years of settlement in India on the British passport, I will then apply for Indian citizenship again. Unfortunately, the agent that I appointed seemingly acted on a double-agent basis on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the decision was taken that my old Indian birth right nationality and citizenship of India will not be granted to me by the Supreme Court of India. The reason for the immediacy of urgency is that I am expecting the Police or the Mental Health authorities to visit me at any moment to take me away in connection with the attached summons NorthKentReleasewithoutbail.pdf and ToDrShah(LCRS) that should be read with the attached document CONSULTATION ON MENTAL HEALTH.pdf. As I intimated to you earlier I am a Vishista-advaitist who has been persecuted for his beliefs as given on the document Gandhiji's Legacy below.

2. Please therefore make an appointment for me on Monday 31st January 2022 to come to the visa centre and apply for a fresh 5 year visa to India.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel 07967789619

Gandhiji's legacy

Updated: 6 hours ago

Gandhiji's legacy




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Hindudharmaforums Webmaster


Thu, 27 Jan at 17:58


Hindu Dharma Forums


Dear Sirs

There is a lot of misinformation about Mohan Das Karam Chandra Gandhi's legacy: Please clarify this for us.

Much depends on your judgement.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shzntanu Panigrahi




Yeh padhiye

Padhke boliye

Gandhi koi sant nahi tha

Aapne lagta hai dhangse kabhi bhi Gandhiji ko padha nahi

Gandhiji ko aapne ek side se padha hai



Shitikanth Singh A

Aur kabhi khud ke baat karne ke tarike ko dekha kariye

Aap ajeeb harkatein karte hai bahut

Aap mujhse door rahiye ab se

Seen by Shitikanth Singh A at 14:09


You sent

Thik hai

Maaf kijiye




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Thu, 27 Jan at 16:11


Aapne puri baath no samajhkar jaldibaji me ye kya likh diya hai Messenger me Facebook ki;

Mere kahne ka matlab tha ki jis aadmi ne Gandhiji jo prayas me doobe the, jis se ki unhone brahmachariya shuru ki, aur bhi bahut kuch kiya insaaf ke liye, Harijan ke samasya ke liye, jo unki kaam ka badnam karte hain, mai us par wichaar karta hoon.

Kaha gaya hai ki ahimsa param dharm hai, dharmo hinsa thai vacha, dharmo evo hato hanti, dharma rakshati rakshita.

Aaj mere drishti mein Gandhije ne bahut prayas kiya to tha, autobiography bhi likhi 'the story of my experiments with truth', lekin unko satya pura maloom na ho paya tha. Wei mahatma nahin ban paye the, wei Chrisitanity religion ke ek saint bane the, isi liye unko mar diya Nathuram Godse ne. Mujhe nahin malum thik se ki Nathuram Godse Shiv Sena ki tarah ek Hindutva the ya nahin the lekln maar dalna ek saint ko paap tha, kyunki maarna paap hai.

Jis dharma ko mai paramarthika dharm kahta hoon usme ahimsa awashya param dharma hai aur dharm ke raksha ke liye 'himsa' karna sarvouttam jaroor hai. Par is 'himsa' ka pura arth maloom hona chahiye aap ko aor hamare Hindu bhaiyon aur bahanon ko Hindustan mein. Dharmayuda satya-advaita ke roop se hi karna chahiye, yaani truith-accommodation dwara. Gandhiji truth accomodationist nahin the. Non-cooperation Angraj atyachaaron ke khlilaaf ek prakar ka 'himsa' tha. Dharmaudha mein ek aadmi doosre ke sharir ko bhi nahin choo sakta hai, marne ke baat chhod dijiye apne ghusse uttarne mein. Saare atyachar ko sah lena chahiye. Is ka matlab yeh nahin ki aadmi jis ko Bhagwan ne mukh diya hai jabaan ke liye, hathon se likhne ki takat di hai, usko prayog na kare atyachar ke reaction mein; jee bhar ke aapne ghusson ko atyacharon ke birubh par mar dena chahiye, aur es prakar maare ke sirf satya upar rahe, koi aur mission na ho, who hi darmayudha ka sabse uttam tarika kahlata hai. Yeh baath meine 24 saal is western rakshason ke mulk me rahkar atyachariyon ka samna karte hue seekha hai, Bahut gaali di unko, lakin aaj gaali bhi nahin deta hoon, Pure dhyan se cooperate karta hoon atyacharon ke logon se. Par Dharmo rakshati Rakshita sach hai; etermal law hai. Mere 28 kitabon ka ko jawaab nahin hai atyacharon ka. International Criminal Court ki bhi gaandh phat gayi mere sidhe sadhe baatein padhkar. Isi se mein aaj bhi jinda hoon isi hi mulk me. Mera klsi ne kuch nahin bigard paya hai. Bahut koshis ke atyachari United Kingdom State ne mere upar, mental hospital me do bar daal diya lekin bahut kam samay ke liye. Mera release ho gaya mere cooperation dwara. Phir dharmayudha fine-tune kya maine. Ab bhi Police, mere piche padi hui hai. Mujhko 24 November 2021 ko arrest kiya jhoothi baathon me shamil karke, Lekin apne dimaag ke istamaal se hi kaam karke un par dharmayudha kiya aise ki gaand mar di unki maine; International Criminal Court madarchodon ko bhi tatti mein daal diya maine. Ab sab chup hain apne cubby holes mein. Yeh dharmayudha ke karm mere tactics the, chaturata thi, strategy tha khud ko bachane ke liye apne pariwar ko saath mein rakhkar, aur kuch nahin tha, taki mein phir se dharmayudha karoon. Mera Indian Government se koi shikayat nahin hai.

Mujhko Bhagwan ne saara dharmayudha kis prakar karna chahiye wo sikhaye hai. Isi dharm ka paalan karke mein 65 saal ka aaj ho gaya hoon. Aap criminal nahin hain. Yeh tactics thi mere waste satya dhoodne ki: yeh dekne ke liye ki International Criminal Court saale madarchod hain. Unke madarchodoi ka praman mujhko chahiye tha is wishwas mein ki issi se jagat ko meri khabar mile aur saari duniya jaan jaaye ki yeh sab gaandu madarchod hai jinhone mera persecution-atyachari kiya tha 24 saal tak. Isi se sansaar ki bhaliye hogi, is soch mein bhi maine dharmayudha kiya.

Mujhko kaise maloom hua ki Bhagwan Sri Krishna ne mujhe yeh marg sikhaya hai, aap puch sakte hain. Mujhe yeh mahsoos hua kyonki mai har samay mai apni kismat dhoodta hua aaya hoon gyan ke khoj me. Bhagwan ko dhoondta raha hoon karm dwara. Isi ko sanatan dharma kahte hain. Mei wakiyi me Gandhiji se badhkar mahatma purnavatar ban gaya. Maine Vishista advaita sthapit ki duniya ke bhaliye ke liye. Bhagavad Gita ka sholka hai ‘Yada Yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata, abhuyuthanam tadhramsaya tadatmanam sryjmahyam, paritranay sadhana vinashaya chadrustkatan, dharma sanstapnarthaya sambhawami Yuge Yuge'. Toh Me hoon jinko Hinduon kehte hain 'Kalki avatar' ; dharmauyudha ke liye paida hua hoon.

Maaf kar dijiye mujhe, Mai yeh pahale nahi samjha paya.

Shantanu Panigrahi

Shitikant Slingh A wrote:

Aapko baat nahi karni toh mat kariye

Yeh kya tarika hai aapka

You sent

�� (Sent with dramatic sound)

Acha bahut badhiya

Matlab yeh mera kam hai

Aap bimar ho aap baat kijiye

Kya mein aapko bolunga

Toh aap mere liye email dekhenge



Har baar mere se hi kyu bolte rehte hai ki mein email karta rahun



Shitikanth Singh A

Suar kaise bol rahe hai




Uncle aap pagal ho kya



Yeh kya email kiye ho aap



Mujhe criminal bata rahe ho

Dimag Sahi hai ki nahi



Baat mat kijiye Aaj ke baad

Aap sach mein ajeeb hai



Kya kya jhoot likh rahe ho



Uncle khud hi bolte ho

Ki bimar ho

Aur ab palti maar rahe ho



Shitikanth Singh A

Gande admi aap ho

Mein nahi


Last Updated: 18.47 pm (UK-Time) 27 January 2022

Download all attachments as a zip file

ToDrShah(LCRS)BPRetailVickyLenhamPCNichollsRashmi28Jan2022.docx 14.9kB

NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB



Correspondence from Police and Crime Commissioner's Office - Reference OPCC/MS/COM/660/22 - ZT2

PCC Correspondence Kent


Paul Nichols PC 46015002

Thu, 27 Jan at 19:58

Dear Zoe

I am afraid you have got completely the wrong end of the stick in this matter. I thought at first one has to hit the rod while the iron is hot so contacted the Metropolitan Police as shown here:

Blogged, tweeted, facebooked and Posted in Linkedin then sent the following message in the Metropolitan Police’s Facebook Account before reproducing it in my own Time-Line:

Shantanu Panigrahi

2m ·

Shared with Your friend

Message sent to Metropolitan Police:

Shantanu Panigrahi

Dear Sir, I was referred to the Metropolitan Police by the Police and crime Commissioner in charge of Kent Police as the appropriate anti-terrorism Pollce Services to consult but could not find an email address to send it to: It concerns States-organnised persecution that I have been victimised with as narrated most recently here:

Gandhiji's legacy

Gandhiji's legacy Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <> To: Hindudharmaforums Webmaster ...

You should have been aware that I was issued with summons of sorts by Kent Police on 24 November 2021 and without an arrest warrant or a search warrant arrested from my place of work at trgchallenge at the Tesco Distributrion Centre in Snodland with the attached notification NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutbail.pdf in the most undignified manner that also led to the loss of a job that I worked hard for during the application process. Further PCNichols took away our desktop home computer my Mobile Phone and the USB Memory Stick while I was incarcerated in the Police Station without a Duty Solicitor to assist me with the criminal proceedings that are pending still despite half a dozen complaints by my wife and myself under the supervision of the Independent Office for Police Conduct that Kent Police has not replied to. This matter is of grave importance and not within the remit of the Metropolitan Police judging from the lack of acknowledgement by Dame Cressida Dick of your referral here.

This is just for the record.

Any further correspondence on the matter should be sent to the International Criminal Court citing their Case Reference No: Our reference: OTP-CR-76/22

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi.

Hide original message

On Thursday, 27 January 2022, 17:30:28 GMT, PCC Correspondence Kent <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi,

Thank you for your email to the Commissioner’s Office. I am one of the Commissioner’s Casework Officers and I have the delegated responsibility for responding to his correspondence.

The Commissioner’s office is a non-operational office which is separate to Kent Police, and we do not hold or have access to any police systems or information, therefore I am not in a position to assist with your query relating to operational matters. Any matters relating to Greenwich University would fall under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Service and not Kent Police. Kent Police is therefore not the correct organisation to approach regarding this matter. I would advise that you seek independent legal advice or contact your local citizens advice to raise your concerns.

Yours sincerely,

Zoe Turner

Casework Officer

Office of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner,

Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 9BZ

Office telephone: 01622 777512



Twitter: @PCCKent

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If you require this email or any attached documents in an alternative

or more accessible format, please contact us to let us know.

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 21 January 2022 15:01

To: PCC Correspondence Kent <>

Subject: EXTERNAL - Fw: [The Climate Change Phenomenon] chaplainbaptist is now following your blog

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Contact the Police and Crime Commissioner

Office of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Kent Police Headquarters

Sutton Road



ME15 9BZ

Telephone: 01622 677 055

Press contact: 01622 604 343


Twitter: @PCCKent

Dear Sir

This company that hosted the Climate Change Phenomenon website and its predecessors and is part of an intermational conspirary organised by agents of the government of the United States of America to remove from the public domain my blogs on the criminality of the governmentd of the United Kingdom and the United States of America to with the coveriup perpetrated by Kent Police and the Indedpendent Office for Police Conduct reduce me to a state of destitution in the United Kingdom by suppressing my political and employment actions against vari0ous institutions starting with the University of Greenwich which stole my £55,000 severance payments from a summary redundancy that it perpetrated in 1998 with the Judiciaol authorities of the United Kingdom that accused me of having abuised tjhe process of Court for which I applied for asylum in India, but the Indian government rejected the approach.

This application to the Police and Crime Commissioner is administered to put the record straight that I am demanding £5 million from the UK Treasury for these 24 years of victimisation, persecution and harassment on me.

Do you as our Medway Police and Crime Commissioner have jurisdiction to consider this application for damages and compensation?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kemt ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

----- Forwarded message -----

From: The Climate Change Phenomenon <>

To: "" <>

Sent: Friday, 21 January 2022, 14:40:34 GMT

Subject: [The Climate Change Phenomenon] chaplainbaptist is now following your blog

chaplainbaptist is now following The Climate Change Phenomenon

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chaplainbaptist just started following you at They will receive an email every time you publish a post. Congratulations.

You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their blog as much as they liked yours!

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Thanks for flying with Image removed by

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This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to or Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to or


NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB


Last Updated: 20.07 pm (UK-Time) 27 January 2022


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QBMastersListing <>

To: Shantanu Panigrahi

Sun, 30 Jan at 10:23

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Masters Appointment Form.docx 41.6kB

Masters Hearing Directions template copy.docx 35.3kB


Automatic reply: This consultation closes soon




Central London DJSKEL <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Sun, 30 Jan at 10:23


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