Author: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Publisher: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited
Companies House Number 13489581
ISBN Number: 978-1-915132-41-3
On this evening of 12 November 2021, when the COP26 Summit being held under the auspices of the United Nations in Glasgow is ending, and I have made my concerns known to the State authorities on Climate Change which will somehow or the other feed into future developments because they were submitted to the Courts as my arguments in respect of the Appeal proceedings on Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court in which I am the Claimant and Mr Boris Johnson the present Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the Defendant on behalf of the government of the United Kingdom; I have had my say in Court and leave the 24 years of litigation behind me bar any other concerns that might be expressed to me on this Friday of thereafter.
I have still not had my Urology appointment at Medway Maritime Hospital fixed and my urination problems has not got any worse but is slightly better if anything. The hospitals are under considerable pressure due to the back-log of operations and other ailments postponed due to the 18 months that the country has been under the coronavirus restrictions with priority being given to this medical issue ahead of other physical ailments of the population. The last kick of the Victims of Panigrahi Association in the Claim was the following email impersonating me and expecting me to react to it to divert attention away from the Claim E35YM660 that is under Appeal and will always remain under Appeal to thwart further attacks on me from VOPA pretending to simple trollers who have followed my work and have tried to terrorise me into legal proceedings since 2017. 38 Degrees are not to be trusted either for their untimely email at 16.40 pm on this Friday for no action was possible from the Court: I simply played a dead-bat to the delivery in cricketing jargon. This is how I am picking up the pieces from the struggle to protect my reputation over the past 24 years in the United Kingdom. No one has bought any of my books in the past few weeks and no one has registered any interest in any of my websites as subscriber or member: I am taking this into account that until my work is recognised to have made a contribution to humanity, I have achieved nothing other than having succeeded in withstanding State-organised persecution over these 24 years. The booklet ‘Tidying up loose ends’ was an attempt to get the State to see sense and pull back from its incessant attacks on me but it did not work and I had to work even harder to establish my credibility as an Environmental Specialist, not a mentally deranged or disordered person suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and before that from persistent delusional disorder for the last Care Plan of sorts had discharged me from Secondary Care in the Community but I was still having to take the mental health medications of risperidone, sertraline and depakote (anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, and mood-stabilising agents respectively) till this evening. Until I am free of these medications totally, I have to remain on guard, such is the evil nature of the Police State that I have found myself living in which personal liberty is frowned upon and socialism is encouraged through the Absolute Monarch going by the lack of reply from the Judicial Committee of Privy Council today to add to the lack of response to previous submission of mine.
So, it is clear that the dogfight is not over and a total lack of interaction is necessary on my part. Given that I am free of the National Health Service, who are the Monarch’s agents remaining harassment-perpetrators, for the Court of Central London, and Kent Police are blocked: I have no intention of ever going to East Kent Magistrates Court or any other court unless I am required to defend myself against any charges levelled against me for which I will have my Duty Solicitor and Kent Police who has been assigned officially to represent me to the Court. No action will be taken by me to activate the proceedings as the Claimant in either Court.
Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Thu, 11 Nov at 12:40
Dear Sir
I have yet received no satisfactory response from you, or from East Kent Magistrates Court, the Crown Prosecution Service and its criminal head Max Hill, the lackadaisical Kent Police, or the buccaneer chieftain Tiwana himself who should have been arrested when I first complained in 2017 about his cyber-bullying of me and unwanted solicitations in the past of my daughter.
This inaction or lack of prompt action I very reasonably understand to be endorsement of the alt-Ernative remedial action, as set out in these guidelines which I drafted as part of Vishishta Advaita within Sanatan Dharma and put on http://alturl.com/yuuiu and published by me on my blog https://shantanup.wordpress.com as taken down by the security services MI5, MI6 etc as part of their vicious campaign to force me as an satya-advaitic Vaishnavite to relinquish my passports and flee my adoptive home for Pakistan.
The alt-Ernative Dr Shantanu Panigrahi will then prepare to take in the suspect for a robust questioning. Can you advise what restraints I am legally permitted to utilise? District Judge Malcolm Dodds seemingly approved my interrogation procedures already. But, I wanted to make certain of my ground.
You can if you prefer respond by phone, I give below my alt-Ernative numbers of my secretarial, chauffeur and other staff.
Failure to promptly respond to this email will be taken as permission for the proceedings to go ahead without any further notice.
The schedule of those I wish to interrogate and if found guilty, punish, was published by me long ago at https://groups.google.com/g/uk.rec.motorcycles/c/1aLUIPa4J_4 but now it is outdated as the total is 1925, not 1750, criminals.
Shortly my other identity, I have a medical diagnosis of acute paranoid schizophrenia, will deny I wrote this email.
But from that listing I also intend to take into custody the evil Katie Marshall-Bailey of TLT Solicitors who criminally sabotaged my November 9 job application for the post of GM and Clothing Assistant at ARGOS in Sainsburys. It is possible that as part of the plea bargain with my former driver Tiwana he can obtain a remission of sentence by transportation to me of this lawyer from Greater Manchester, also the Chancellor of the University of Greenwich, selected members of the Government Legal Department and Landmark Chambers, the criminals who persecuted me at Tesco Aylesford, and other behnchod jaanbhosadiwale suars who conspired to destroy me, but instead who I have crushed like the insect vermine of the Police State that they are.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07854984538, 07720094986, 07967789619, 07517147427, 01634379604
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
To: clapp <enquiries@antonyclappsolicitors.co.uk>, eastkentmc <eastkentmc@justice.gov.uk>
Date: November 10, 2021 6:11:39 pm +0000
Trading Names:
Recognised body law practice
SRA Regulated
Head office Address:
Holly Bank Chambers,
Oasts Business Village,
Red Hill,
ME18 5NN,
Dear Sir
I have been harassed by over 1500 criminal emails that have been brought to Kent Police's Notice as a Hate Crime due to my race and religion as I am a Hindu Indian but a United Kingdom citizen with a United Kingdom passport. The latest of such emails was sent to me by Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana of Nares Road, Parkwood, Rainham as attached:ToFritzWuelerGurpalSinghTiwanaKentPoliceNov2021.
I would like you to take instructions from me to issue proceedings at Medway County Court immediately against the leader of these emailers, which I understand is Mr Tiwana acting under the protection of the State Security Services agent Mr Fritz Weuler and Kent Police. 25 such emails were read out to me by Kent Police when it asked me to explain where they originated nearly 6 weeks ago, but no action was taken by the Police.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Re: Banning MPs working for private companies
Natasha Ives - 38 degrees
16:40 (49 minutes ago)
Did you hear the one about the MP who worked for a plastics producer on the side? Shantanu, you know the system’s broken when an MP can try to water down en
from: shanpanigrahi3000 <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com
date: 12 Nov 2021, 17:23
subject: FW: Re: Banning MPs working for private companies
mailed-by: gmail.com
Sent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------
From: Natasha Ives - 38 degrees <action@38degrees.org.uk>
Date: 12/11/2021 16:40 (GMT+00:00)
To: shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Banning MPs working for private companies
38 Degrees Logo
Shantanu, you know the system’s broken when an MP can try to water down environmental laws to benefit a plastics producer - that he works for. [1]
Amid a wave of news stories about MPs lobbying Parliament on behalf of big businesses, one has shown the true cost this can have for our planet. Rugby MP Mark Pawsey - who moonlights as a paid chairman of a packaging lobbying group - has repeatedly spoken out against environmental laws in Parliament. [2]
The worst thing is, he’s not breaking any rules! MPs are free to cash in as consultants for corporates - even if those companies are threatening our oceans, our wildlife, our planet. But we won’t fix this by pointing fingers at individual MPs. We have to fix the system that lets them profit from advising private companies.
Shantanu, over 50,000 of us have already signed the letter backing a ban on MPs consulting for private companies. Can you help get it to 100,000 - so it’s absolutely clear that we, the public, want this to stop? It’ll just take 30 seconds, but each name makes the campaign stronger!
Thanks for being involved,
Matt, Natasha, Siobhan and the 38 Degrees team
[1] City AM: Tory MP moonlighting as packaging lobby chair tried to soften environmental laws on plastic
[2] Rugby Observer: Rugby MP with £30,000-a-year second job accused of 'putting outside interests first’ in favour of plastic producers
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In case you missed it, here's the earlier email on this issue:
Dear Shantanu,
Did you know that MPs are allowed to work for private companies as consultants? Some do this in addition to their actual job - representing their constituents. [1] That means that time spent representing big businesses who pay them on top of their salary, could be spent lobbying on behalf of you, Shantanu - or voters up and down the country. And the worst thing? It’s entirely within the current rules.
If the government’s attempt last week to take control over who scrutinises MPs behaviour has shown us anything, it’s that the rules over who has influence in our democracy need to be strengthened. [2] And in the wake of the scandal, the committee that oversees MP behaviour is considering banning MPs from being paid to consult private companies. [3]
The problem? Some government ministers think the general public don’t really care about the sleaze scandal. [4] They’re hoping the scandal - and any rule changes as a result - can be swept under the rug and forgotten about.
That’s where we come in, Shantanu. We can prove them wrong. If hundreds of thousands of us sign an open letter today, it could help show that we, the public, want the rules changed - and give the powerful committee considering the ban, the public support it needs.
So, will you sign the open letter backing a ban on MPs working as consultants for private companies? It’ll just take 30 seconds but each name makes the campaign stronger!
Moments like this don’t come around very often, Shantanu. This exact same ban was even proposed a few years ago and didn’t go anywhere. [5] But with the government’s failed attempt to control the MP conduct process dominating headlines, it’s the perfect time to act.
There are hundreds of hardworking and conscientious MPs across all political parties, working hard for their constituents. In fact, many of them are calling for tougher rules to help restore trust in politics. [6]
But the reality is being an MP is not a part time job, and being paid by big companies shouldn’t distract MPs from working for us, their constituents. Right now the 30 or so MPs being paid by private companies are doing so entirely within the rules - so the rules need to change. [7]
Will you sign the open letter backing the ban on MPs working as consultants for private companies?
Thanks for being involved,
Matt, Jonathan, Ellie, Tom and the 38 Degrees team
[1] The Guardian: MPs could be barred from consultancy roles in sleaze clampdown
[2] Independent: Boris Johnson told to apologise over Owen Paterson sleaze scandal in parliament
[3] Same as Note [1]
[4] The Times: George Eustice dismisses Tory sleaze row as mere storm in a teacup
[5] Same as Note [1]
[6] iNews: Labour would make lobbying rules for MPs stricter to ‘clean up’ Westminster sleaze, Keir Starmer says
[7] Same as Note [1]
38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.
38 Degrees has no big donors or corporate sponsors. Everything we achieve together is only possible because of fivers and tenners from ordinary people like you.
Please will you consider chipping in a fiver, a tenner or whatever you can spare now? Click here to donate securely:
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This email was sent to shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com.
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Banning MPs as consultants - one last thing
from: Matt Richards - 38 Degrees <action@38degrees.org.uk>
to: Shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com
date: 12 Nov 2021, 17:27
subject: Banning MPs as consultants - one last thing
mailed-by: em1336.38degrees.org.uk
Signed by: 38degrees.org.uk
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: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
This is an automatic email to confirm that your open letter signature on a 38 Degrees campaign has been registered. Below are some follow up actions you could take to help further the campaign.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear Shantanu,
Thanks for signing the open letter calling on the Parliamentary Committee on Standards to stick to their guns and propose a ban on MPs acting as consultants for private companies. If you haven’t already, could you please tell us why this issue matters to you? Just click the link to share your views: https://38d.gs/ShareYourViews
Alternatively. Please can you share the campaign with your friends or family now?
If you're on social media you can share the campaign on Facebook or Twitter:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3BWuU24
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3qhGSBf
Or there's an email below you can forward on to let them know about the campaign.
If you haven’t already done so, I wanted to ask if you could consider setting up a regular donation with 38 Degrees, and chipping in just £1 or £2 a week. 38 Degrees has no big donors, no government funding. We're entirely funded by small donations made from members of the public - and those donations are what keep us going.
But with everything going on the world, we need 4000 new people to step up and start a direct debit with 38 Degrees this month, if we're going to make sure we can start 2022 ready to run huge impactful campaigns on the issues we all care about.
So, Shantanu, will you set up a small weekly donation today? You can make a secure donation here: https://38d.gs/thanks_for_donating
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter and be part of our social media communities - every new member helps us grow stronger and achieve more change:
Thanks for being involved,
Matt and the 38 Degrees team
Have you seen this?
Did you know that MPs are allowed to work for private companies as consultants? Some do this in addition to their actual job - representing their constituents. That means that time spent representing big businesses who pay them on top of their salary, could be spent lobbying on behalf of you - or your constituency. And the worst thing? It’s entirely within the current rules.
If the government’s attempt last week to take control over who scrutinises MPs behaviour has shown us anything, it’s that the rules over who has influence in our democracy need to be strengthened. And in the wake of the scandal, the committee that oversees MP behaviour is considering banning MPs from being paid to consult private companies.
The problem? Some government ministers think the general public don’t really care about the sleaze scandal. They’re hoping the scandal - and any rule changes as a result - can be swept under the rug and forgotten about.
That’s where we come in. We can prove them wrong. If hundreds of thousands of us sign an open letter today, it could help show that we, the public, want the rules changed - and give the powerful committee considering the ban, the public support it needs.
18.17 pm (UK-Time) 12 November 2021
Time to say goodbye?
shanpanigrahi3000 <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
22:38 (35 minutes ago)
to Shanpanigrahi3000
Sent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------
From: 20 Cogs Support Team <info@20cogs.co.uk>
Date: 12/11/2021 22:16 (GMT+00:00)
To: shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com
Subject: Time to say goodbye?
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Last Updated: 08.00 am (UK-Time) 13 November 2021